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Garandos - Character Sheet


Name: Garandos

Race: Uthgardt (Illuskan) Human

Age: 27

Class: Barbarian

Alignment: CG

Deity: Uthgar, Tree Ghost Totem

Place of Origin: High Forest

Appearance: Burly, big and broad, Garandos stands taller than average and as proudly as his heritage demands him to be. He keeps himself clean shaven, save for the inevitable stubbles, and his hair's tied into a ponytail. He walks both with long steps and with good coordination despite what his bulkiness suggests, and his voice - when he wants it so - carries far, being rich and deep.

Hair: black

Eyes: blue

Skin: travel-tan, scars, green and brown tattoos over upper body (arms, shoulder, chest has tribal motiffs and animals; the back displays a strong oak tree)

Armor/Clothing: Scalemail, furs and travel-attire. He has a thick golden ring and equally standing-out pendant, along with his beads-and-fetishes necklace and tribal stone amulet, and usually likes to wear whatever garish, bright-coloured jewellery and trinkets he can get his hands on when not going into battle.

Weapon: a well-crafted greataxe, and for ranged his sturdy, sharp throwing axes

Personality: Inspiring or intimidating in his open, honest and often passionate behaviour, Garandos is more approachable than some may first think. He is self-assured and has a natural air of appeal about him: he knows his place in the world and knows what he wants. He seemingly has a set of values – some of which don’t quite agree with ‘civilized society’ perhaps – and makes a point of holding himself to it. Among other things, he does his best to honour his tribe and not taint its name or disregard its traditions; as an Uthgardt, he’d never fell a living tree, and as a Tree Ghost tribesman he’s sworn to do Good, even if that is oft the harder thing to do.

History: Garandos hails from the North, the High Forest, where the Tree Ghost tribe of the Uthgardt make their home. He has lived there for the biggest portion of his life, as second son out of three; the first son, Ulfar, died to an orcish raid. What set him to leaving the tribe was a vision that the Tree Ghost shaman received: the Father Tree has become sick in its roots by something unknown, something evil, something unliving, and Garandos – among other tribesmen – was chosen to wander the world in search of a cure. Each tribesman was sent out to a different direction, and the search continues while Garandos seeks to let his name and cause be known (among druids and rangers only) as far and wide as possible. He and his brethren have ten years before the ominous Day of Last Leaves comes.


Languages: Illuskan, Common






Temporary Character:


Hrogrim Highshield - Character Sheet

Name: Hrogrim, Son of Hragthen, of Clan Highshield

Race: Shield Dwarf

Age: 57

Class: Cleric

Alignment: LG

Deity: Clangeddin Silverbeard

Place of Origin: Fenn Rynn Clanhold, Graypeak Mountains (Sword Coast)

Appearance: With sideburns and a long braided goatee, this dwarf shows more of his face than some of his heavily-bearded kindred. He is on the verge of being fat, but has a considerable muscle mass as well. His left eyelid is swollen and a bit red with inflammation but this seems to disturb him only minimally.

Hair: blonde

Eyes: grey

Skin: pale

Armor/Clothing: Masterwork halfplate of dwarven craft in pale gold, silver and brown colours, , amulet of natural armour +1, a fur-lined cloak

Weapon: battleaxe +1 (“Heartroar”) with a roaring lion figure on the pommel

Personality: Hardened and reserved, Hrogrim is nevertheless respectful and, as dwarves often are, patient and insightful. He may be singular in his endeavours and may judge others' actions in black and white tones, he does not voice this; rather he seeks to learn and study each person like an uncut gem, seeking both flaws as well as the underlying precious value that makes that gem so strong.

History: Hrogrim comes from the Graypeak Mountains in which the Fenn Rynn clanhold had been not so long (50 years) ago rediscovered. The clanhold has since then been rebuilding and expanding. By family tradition, he as second son has taken up the military service and has joined the church of Clangeddin Silverbeard, the Father of Battle. To learn more how to best serve his clanhold, Hrogrim left his home and travels the world, first and foremost seeking other clanholds to exchange wisdom, tactical insights, wartechnology and more.


Languages: Dwarven, Common, Goblin

Edited by BrassDragoness
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Can't wait to meet the group!


Within a few days I'll be gone for a week, though (2nd-9th August), so it's best that I don't keep anyone waiting or hanging and just post something of the sort which you just saw.


Game on everybody,



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Last post from me until after the 9th of August. :) Nighty please feel free to continue or to leave it at the rhetorical question until I can get back: or play out the encounter yourself to the full, obviously! I would never want to chain anyone down, especially since I am going to be absent for such a period - and I can imagine everyone is already itching to meet up in Mulhorand.


Have a good week everyone!

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See you then, Brass! :smile:


Tenebris and Kalin have been left behind in Rethmar at Grue's request.


Also, we've been doing some writing on the side to help bridge the gaps between towns. Here are some links to a few of the pieces we have completed thus far (with links):


1) Southward Bound - Sybille and Rhaine casually chatting on the way to Kormul.

2) Fireside Confessions - Arland and Rhaine finally starting a friendship in Kormul.

3) Masks and Reminiscence - Arland and Rhaine talking at camp outside Rethmar.


So, if you're interested in some more reading, hope you enjoy! :smile:

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Hey there everyone! I added a new character sheet for a temporary character: I'd like to play this one (Hrogrim) until Garandos himself can join the group. I've been excited to join the roleplay for a few weeks now, and since Garandos is engaged with Nighty's lovely newcomers, I was hoping I could play this fellow in the meantime!



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