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Baldur, that's so beautiful :smile:


...and I can totally imagine Aedan like a Victorian metalhead, Naktis XD


my browser is going wild, couldn't open spoilers for a few hours >__>

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Thought I'd clarify something, as some people were asking about it. Yes, Saerileth is still going to turn Blackguard, but I am leaving a backdoor open for if I cannot maintain the Evil thing, It's my challenge.. So, I figured I would post updated sheets that detail what I have evolved my Characters to be, also detailing what they WILL be (Saerileth Only)


Name: Caladus Silvercloak


Race: Drow


Age: 300


Class: Arch Druid/ Spoilers :D


Alignment: Neutral Good


Deity: Rillifane Rallathil


Place of Origin: House DeVir, Underdark


Appearance: Average elven height with black skin, long silver hair, crimson eyes that glow when his emotions are heightened or if he is using his Infravision, and a small scar on his right cheek, a remnant from House Devir's harsh treatment


Armor/Clothing: He wears darkened leather armor, as well as either his old worn black cloak with many pockets, or his new Dark Green cloak with silver symbols that grants him the ability to call animals for aid once a day, and makes animals not attack him, and also contains MORE pockets :D He wears a belt with a symbol of House DeVir hanging from it, and has a large, ornate blue stone hanging from his wrist that assists him using his Sight abilities. He wears comfortable leather boots, and leather gloves.


Weapon: He wields two mithril scimitars stamped with the Mithrilaxe Clan Crest, a gift from his friend Nawen Mithrilaxe


Personality: Caladus is a kind and caring man. He worries about the well being of his friends, and those he holds dear. He also has a vicious temper, known to do such things as punch people for flirting with his lover Shaori, or Punching a man through a wall for a similar deed.


History: Caladus was born into House Devir, reformed after Viconia's adventures with Gorion's Ward several hundred years ago. The reforming didn't last, however as soon after his 100th birthday he was forced to flee as the House once again fell. He was treated well for a male due to his Seeing abilities, and never really lost the "Drow male must serve Female" conditioning that was programmed into all Male Drow. He served Rillifane since he was 60, when his House had captured an Elf from the Surface. He had asked to be left alone with the elf, and asked to be taught about Rillifane. Due to his psychic abilities, he also served as House DeVir's Illithid Negotiator, and was responsible for keeping peace between his House, and the psions. He met with Byron for the first time around 250, and travelled with him off and on until his friend's death. Caladus joined with Rhaine's group and took a liking to the strong, female leader Rhaine Alcinea as she had treated him as an equal and as a friend, as did Nawen Mithrilaxe, to whom he gave an amulet that was one of the few possessions he'd had from his old House DeVir. He is currently in a relationship with Shaori Winterwing, an Avariel with a rather large family. He had already met her father, cousin and one of her sisters. He holds great respect for the party, and hopes to travel with them for a long time.


Name: Saerileth Sillarus


Race: Eladrin/Human (half of each0


Age: 16


Class: Blackguard


Alignment:Chaotic Evil


Deity: Cyric/Bhaal


Place of Origin: The slopes of Mount Celestia, in the Plane of Ellisium


Appearance: Saerileth has fair skin, Black hair that reaches to her knees which she usually ties in a pony tail and holds back with a red symbol of Cyric. She cannot use a helmet, and her hair is kept out of the way by looping over her shoulders before going down her front. She has blue eyes, and is short, slender and petite of build.


Armor/Clothing: Saerileth wears steel plate mail, she has a white silk gown for sleeping, as well as several pieces of jewelry


Weapon: Soul Reaver, +4 Greatsword that poisons who it hits, and drains health from them, the health drain increasing for each consecutive hit.


Personality: Saerileth is hard of heart, and uncaring unless it involves something that will benefit her, pretty much doing what she wants, when she wants to. She wants to kill someone? Dead, even if they are begging for mercy. She wants to bed someone? She will have him (or her). She wants a pretty object? She'll take it.


History: Saerileth was born in Ellisium, to a Human father and an Eladrin mother. She was raised in her fathers house, and joined the temple at 12 to become a Paladin of Tyr. She gets sent at 15 to join the group with Rhaine Alcinea to assist in the destruction of the Cult of the Dragon, a group of Necromancers who are threatening the land. She has a mild crush on Caladus, and becomes a Blackguard shortly after she loses her Chosen status. She receives her weapon from a Follower of Cyric, who says his lord commanded him to give her the blade.

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The Witcher has some amazing tavern music! http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/l/la.gif






Other games of course also has some pretty cool tavern soundtracks but the ones from The Witcher are my personal favorite. :laugh:

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So, meet Saerileth's father, and two brothers. Only cooincidentally is her older brother named Caladus. I forgot that fact when I named my Drow, and when I was researching (playing the mod) to find the names of her family members (need to make up one for her father) I went "Crap! her brother has the same name" So I will refer to the drow as Cal, and her brother as Caladus. So there is no confusinn...
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I'm kind of thinking I should quit >.> Like there are some days where I can't get online or I simply don't feel like watching the RP like a hawk, and it actually went like from page 61 to page 65 over the time I haven't been here. I have it set to show 30 posts per page, and my last post was about halfway through the page, so that's roughly about a hundred and five posts that I would have to read to catch up, which is utterly and completely ridiculous... I don't think I'm needed much anymore.


Edit: I'm going to try to just skip ahead and try to keep up... Here's hoping it works out.

Edited by tokyobleach
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I have some new which may or may not be bad, depending on how you view it: I can no longer post. My reasons could be posted here, but I don't really want to right now. Sorry if this ruins your time, and try to keep it going strong :thumbsup:
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