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Tales of Faerun


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I think so too. I'm going to tell everything what happened so we could move things forward. Sorry for delaying. :ohdear:


Aedan obviously won't go cause everyone hates him nor is he interested. Illius won't go either because he doesn't know Rhaine all that well and respects her privacy and Nawen... I'd like her to go. You won't get rid of her that easily. :laugh:

Edited by Naktis
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Caladus will assist Xallistine in the preparation, as Mythic asked of me. I do not know if someone should stay awake and keep watch over the sleeping forms, so I volunteer to have Caladus do that. Shaori and Tyra do not know Rhaine that well, so they won't join in, and Saerileth will, when she isn't drunk. :D
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OK, that's a fair amount of people.


Now, how do you guys want me to handle the dream sequences? Should I post a bit and then wait for the participants' reactions (rinse and repeat), or flash through all of them in a monster post? :P

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Hehe, looks like it's going to be a monster post, then. :P


One last question: Should I write it like Rhaine is walking you through her dreams (like you can see a physical version of her) or like you are experiencing it from her eyes (so you feel what she feels)?

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I don't mind. :D


Also, I'm sorry if I may lag behind a bit. Supposedly, I'm "watching" both this discussion and and the RP itself, but my immediate notifications have stopped working. :confused:

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