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Nice sheets :biggrin:


Okay, just so everyone knows, and not just those i have been talking it over with, Ravenna is having a morality overhaul. I have found that having this love inside her, an inkling of a heart does not fit anymore... so, she is going to be dropping from the dark, and evil podium she is on now, to something far bellow. It won't give her any more or less power or anything, but it is a weakness she can't afford, so therefore out with the heart, in with some lump of coal.


Oh, and i shall be re-hauling her past as well, it isn't long, or accurate enough yet, i have a few details in there that need to be sorted out.



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Okay peoples, here is the updated sheet, gave her a bit of a re-haul.



Name: Ravenna Everdawn


Race: Human


Age: 600


Class: Witch


Alignment: Neutral Evil


Deity: None


Place of origin: Thay


Appearance: Ravenna has green eyes, and a beautiful face. She has blonde hair and perfect skin, when in a youthful form. If her she has not "Fed" in some time, she appears as a grey haired, and weathered old woman, but gets to this state gradually, the longer she forgoes feeding, the more she ages.


Armour/clothing: Ravenna wears an assortment of robes, dresses and gowns, depending on the situation. Her preffered colours are blacks, greys, and dark greens.


Weapon: Dark magic and an enchanted dagger, named Lord's bane.


Personality: Cold, calculating and ruthless, with a sadistic sense of humour, and lack of humanity. She is prone to violent and destructive outbursts at random, she is highly vain. She can also contain her anger, and speak in menacing, quiet tone, that rile her foes into a sense of fear, as she often delivers all too real threats of death. When dealing with other nobles, she is well spoken, and well mannered, often smiling, and appearing happy. She is murderous, deceptive, cruel and sadistic, no care for any life she extinguishes, and certainly no remorse for the thousands she had already snuffed out.


History: Born in thay to a powerful sorceress, she grew up naturally talented in magic. But it was apparent her one true power was beauty... and she used it whenever she could. Her mother was a prominent red wizard in Thay, born before Szass Tam. Ravenna grew up in theymount, being tutored by her necromancer mother in the dark arts, learning powerful spells to bend undead to her will, and equally as disturbing spells to harm her foes. As her mothers life began to fade, she gifted her daughter with her greatest secret, her greatest power: The ability to live forever, and retain her youth. However this power came at a heavy price, Ravenna had to consume the youth of beautiful young women to sustain herself, otherwise she would weather and die once she passed the natural lifespan of a human.


She travelled the world for a while, searching for more power, for dark secrets, she befriended lords, and other nobles, used them, and disposed of them once she had finished, along the way hundreds upon hundreds of young women lost there lives to the power hungry witch, there youth devoured.


After a few hundred years of amassing wealth, and a name as a beautiful prize for a lord worthy enough to have her, she retreated from the eye of the rest of the world, back to Thay. Upon arriving, things were very different. A new necromancer, the mortal Szass Tam, had risen to power, and sought immortality in undeath. Ravenna knew that her dark powers were still lacking, there were gaps left unfilled, new powers that her mother was not able to teach her. So she became a friend of sorts to the mortal Tam, and aided him in his quest for undeath.


A favor Szass Tam returned upon becoming a lich, he taught Ravenna what she did not yet know of necromancy, and she accepted his offer to continue on as his chief agent.


She once again left Thay, and returned to the civilized world.


She grew tired of being a "Prize" for the lords of the land, there constant admiration began to annoy her, so she decided to marry. The Lord Everdawn is whom she set her gaze upon... he was married, his wife about to give birth to two sons... She entered his court, and offered her friendship, and companionship to the Lord Everdawn, as his wife was fit to give birth.


Soon, Lord Everdawn's wife gave birth to her two sons... little did anyone know that Ravenna had cursed the Lady, causing her to die after her children were born. Lord Everdawn distraught, Ravenna enchanted him with her beauty, her comfort, and he was taken away from his grief in the company of Ravenna.


They married days after, and Ravenna mothered the children as her own. Becoming known throughout the lands as the beautiful, kind and graceful wife of lord Everdawn. Of course all a cleverly laid plan by the evil witch, Marrying the lord everdawn simply to have a front for herself, a disguise in the world away from Thay.


Many years later, she returned back to Thay once more, and accepted the task of infiltrating the cult of the dragon, reporting there actions, and then luring them into an alliance with Szass Tam, to further his power.


Secretly she has her own goals of power, her own plots of bloodshed, and she will carry them out when the time is right.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Just a little update from me: since I've got a really lousy connection here, I'll just leave Sef in the forest until the ball, so you need not wait for me. We're going to another town tomorrow, so everything should be fine then. Also, mythic shall handle Sef if I'm not online for a while. See ya :thumbsup:
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