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OMFG! That is so pretty! Sophisticated as hell, Rhaine rocks that look! :happy:


As for me... i can't draw to save my life :laugh:


Oh, almost forgot to say, i am changing Ravenna's clothing.... she is going to be wearing a gold dress, and a gold mask now... felt it right for her to wear something light this once, and i'll let Rhaine do the black look :happy:

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OMFG! That is so pretty! Sophisticated as hell, Rhaine rocks that look! :happy:


As for me... i can't draw to save my life :laugh:


Oh, almost forgot to say, i am changing Ravenna's clothing.... she is going to be wearing a gold dress, and a gold mask now... felt it right for her to wear something light this once, and i'll let Rhaine do the black look :happy:


Thank you, mythic! :wub:


And yay for gold! :woot:

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Most welcome, i speak only the truth :thumbsup:


Okay, here is Ravenna's look:





























Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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And now I kill everybody with a monster post.


Auri, that looks awesome! :D


Welcome GrueMaster, we have not met :3


Mythic - pure awesome. No more words are needed.

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Hello all! I finally managed to wrestle my currently bad internet to let me into the discussion thread. If you are up to date, you will know that Caladus just became Chosen of Rillifane, and Saerileth not long before it Lost her chosen status. Her change from Paladin to Blackguard will take place over the next day or two RP time. She already has a bit of the I don't care attitude going. However, I decided to drop the Cal finds out from Rillifane that Sha lost her baby. No reason to bring that up. Let the past be in the past. Now, Caladus is the Chosen of Rillifane. As an Arch Druid, he had Nature Affinity, (ability to communicate with animals) He also had a control over nature, able to manipulate plants to a degree, and grow things. He could Shapeshift into a Black Bear, Brown Bear, Wyvern, Wolf, Fire Salamander and Ogre once daily each. As Chosen, he Gains Unlimited use of those forms, also twice daily he can change to Dragon form, which will vary depending on the dragon abilities needed at the time. Could be a Red Dragon when Fire is needed etc. His stats are enhanced, meaning his strength, endurance, speed, charisma etc are all boosted, and his control over nature is strengthened, giving him easier control over plants and growing them etc. So he could say, create a vine to dangle a bandit upside-down. That sort of thing.
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Oh Lord... :facepalm:


I'm sorry, but i have kept this contained long enough, and this latest advancement of Caladus's already immense power is ridiculous.


Is he not Overly powerful enough that he has to have all of these new improvements brought in? Caladus can do anything he puts his mind to, mix potions, heal major wounds, fight expertly with a sword, cast spells, etc, etc. The list goes on.


But from what used to be a good character, he has been plunged into the role of an OP Gary-sue. This immense power he already possesses is infuriating enough, but adding unlimited time to his transformations, mastery of nature, turning into a freaking dragon, and now upping his stats is just completely ridiculous. :ohdear:


Look, i am not one to openly speak out about problems, but i feel this has gone a little too far.

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OK, let's see if we can't strike some sort of compromise here... :ohdear:


I thought that maybe since Saerileth lost her Chosen status, it would be all right for Caladus to take that privilege. Unfortunately, Chosen powers come with a lot of enhancements, and these, added to Caladus's previous abilities, seem to push him over the top. In addition, the powers of the Chosen depend on the deity, and that means nature related druid powers in the case of Rillifane Rallithil. Also, there aren't that many sources regarding Chosen abilities (especially those in 3.5 edition, in which this RP is based), which means making things up if you want your char to become a Chosen. This makes it difficult to create something both seemingly enhanced by the divine and also within the realm of reason. :wallbash:


Let's see if we can't balance some things out. :unsure:


1) The endless bag of gold, though nice, adds considerably to the character's overpowerdness (is that a word? :blink: ). Having the magical ability to buy anything that strikes your fancy in an RP is a little like being able to add money to your character in a game via the console. It feels a bit like cheating. :P So, maybe it is best if that goes away?


2) Druids can change into animals...this is Realms fact. I can see where a spark of divinity would push this to unlimited uses, but perhaps for the sake of the RP, we should keep that at normal levels. Dragon form is an ability (at least in the Neverwinter Games, I don't know about others) that is granted by high wisdom scores and experience. How about reducing that dragon form to one use per twenty-four hours, and the use of that power negates the ability to transform into anything else for the day?


3) Healing. Yes, I know druids can heal with the same divine power as a cleric/paladin/favored soul. However, this group has many of those type characters already. Brewing potions certainly seems more druidic in nature, so perhaps limit Caladus's healing talent to just that?


4) Caladus is a drow. Drow are hated by surfacers. This needs to show. Yes, Caladus is different...so was Drizzt Do'Urden - and he was still hated, especially by strangers.


5) Coming up with a magical solution for every situation kills the fun. Every problem doesn't always have an expedient solution. Part of the fun and involvement in an RP is coming up with a solution through dialogue between characters - teamwork.


6) Perhaps turning Caladus into Tarzan isn't the best idea. :P That's an added "oomph" that I don't think is really necessary.


Bottom line, Caladus Silvercloak needs to start looking more like a mortal and less like a magical anomaly, even if he does have an elevated status as Chosen. Does that make sense?

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OK, let's see if we can't strike some sort of compromise here... :ohdear:


I thought that maybe since Saerileth lost her Chosen status, it would be all right for Caladus to take that privilege. Unfortunately, Chosen powers come with a lot of enhancements, and these, added to Caladus's previous abilities, seem to push him over the top. In addition, the powers of the Chosen depend on the deity, and that means nature related druid powers in the case of Rillifane Rallithil. Also, there aren't that many sources regarding Chosen abilities (especially those in 3.5 edition, in which this RP is based), which means making things up if you want your char to become a Chosen. This makes it difficult to create something both seemingly enhanced by the divine and also within the realm of reason. :wallbash:


Let's see if we can't balance some things out. :unsure:


1) The endless bag of gold, though nice, adds considerably to the character's overpowerdness (is that a word? :blink: ). Having the magical ability to buy anything that strikes your fancy in an RP is a little like being able to add money to your character in a game via the console. It feels a bit like cheating. :P So, maybe it is best if that goes away?


2) Druids can change into animals...this is Realms fact. I can see where a spark of divinity would push this to unlimited uses, but perhaps for the sake of the RP, we should keep that at normal levels. Dragon form is an ability (at least in the Neverwinter Games, I don't know about others) that is granted by high wisdom scores and experience. How about reducing that dragon form to one use per twenty-four hours, and the use of that power negates the ability to transform into anything else for the day?


3) Healing. Yes, I know druids can heal with the same divine power as a cleric/paladin/favored soul. However, this group has many of those type characters already. Brewing potions certainly seems more druidic in nature, so perhaps limit Caladus's healing talent to just that?


4) Caladus is a drow. Drow are hated by surfacers. This needs to show. Yes, Caladus is different...so was Drizzt Do'Urden - and he was still hated, especially by strangers.


5) Coming up with a magical solution for every situation kills the fun. Every problem doesn't always have an expedient solution. Part of the fun and involvement in an RP is coming up with a solution through dialogue between characters - teamwork.


6) Perhaps turning Caladus into Tarzan isn't the best idea. :P That's an added "oomph" that I don't think is really necessary.


Bottom line, Caladus Silvercloak needs to start looking more like a mortal and less like a magical anomaly, even if he does have an elevated status as Chosen. Does that make sense?


Right, rewriting his abilities. gotcha. Now, He can heal, but now I must diminish this for the sake of people not giving me deathglares. SO, He now has a diminished ability, Still able to heal, but nothing serious, light to medium healing, with the ability to neutralize poison.


Second, The transformations. I agree to the Dragon Form limit to Once per day, and that use of it knocks all his other abilities off the radar. However, I compromise that his normal transformations be made Twice per day as an enhancement to his normal capabilities.


Third, the Drow Hatred. I wanted him to be similar to Drizzt, tolerated due to his deeds. He is 300 years old, and has spent 200 of those years on the surface. I do not think it unlikely that in all those years, he hasn't earned respect. However, I may not have him being attacked at all turns, but he still will be... shunned. I don't want people's racism towards Drow to impede his ability to get into places. Considering people like Bashaba worshipers would burn him alive.


Fourth, The gold. Sure, Someone can steal it from him or whatever. No problem. Let me know ahead of time, that or he could give it to orphanage or something. Whatever.


Fifth, His ability to manipulate plants and whatnot came from a Prestige class. I mean, do you lot care about it particularely? so far he has grown a flower and a tree. I was planning on having him grow a vine quick-like to tie up a bandit in future, but whatever (i know you lot didn't bring it up, but still)


Sixth, Second chosen ability. Auri suggested an Eagle Vision type thing, An ability to see from an Eagle's point of view, and a sharper normal vision. (eagle vision is like high up, see far, spot ambush) I could accept that, if she could. Alternate suggestion would be to have him able to change into an Eagle during the day, or an Owl at night. Since those forms really can't do anything, there should be no problem with him being able to use them multiple times, right? Still, open to ideas.


Seventh, Mythic. Look, if you had a problem, why did you not simply raise it before? Then I we could have avoided this... thisness and I wouldn't have to wonder EXACTLY how much I piss you lot off. I don't need this. However, annoyed and hurt as I may be, I will acknowledge when I need to change stuff. IS everyone happy now?

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