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Tales of Faerun


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Last post before I leave here forever. I just got back from a session with my anger management counselor and therapist. She and i have not met in a couple months, as she wanted me to try the techniques and things we talked about myself. Seems that failed dismally, didn't it. I wanted to leave here on at least a neutral note. I can see this won't end positively, but I must at least say my piece. I am truly sorry for all the negativity I have caused this group in recent days. I in no way excuse my actions, but hope that at least some of you will offer understanding and forgiveness for what I did, and allow us to move past it. I obviously know I can no longer be in this RP, and so on that note it was an honor to be a part of it as long as I was. I enjoyed it immensly, even though there were arguments between myself and other members. On that note, I will offer a suggestion to Mythicdawnmaster from my therapist, Perhaps if you are to offer someone criticism, you should try Positive criticism, also known as Constructive Criticism, For example, instead of saying something like "I'm sorry I've kept this pent up long enough..." perhaps you should try saying something like "I didn't want to bring this up, but I have an issue with *insert problem*. I believe it can be fixed by doing this. *insert solution.* As I just did, Constructive Criticism goes over a lot better than just tearing down what someone did. So people know, I have scheduled regular appointments with my therapist to get this problem of not thinking before saying, or in this case typing what is on my mind, under control before I do something really really bad that gets me banned. Once again, Sorry for all the inconvenience I brought with my unique, quirky and otherwise kinda crazy characters, and hope that some of you can forgive me.


May the Spirits watch over you all.



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Uh...the bit where you said about constructive criticism....well, telling the truth saying "sorry for keeping it in for so long" is better than lying.


Oh, and Im gonna rejoin :dance:


Welcome back aboard, AnotherAverageName :3

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Average, it has been so long since you were last active in this RP, I need you to repost a character sheet with whatever character you want to use.


To everyone: there is going to be a new rule regarding the number of characters a member may have. I'll post this as soon as Naktis and I work it out.

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All right, I think we've stalled as long as we can, here. Although we still can't really move past the ball until tokyo posts, we can at least advance our own plots a little bit. Let's get this RP moving again. :D
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All right, I think we've stalled as long as we can, here. Although we still can't really move past the ball until tokyo posts, we can at least advance our own plots a little bit. Let's get this RP moving again. :D

Yay! :dance:


Edit: Posted in the RP thread. :biggrin:

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The man behind the mask. ;)


(At least, how he wants you to see him...this time. :P)





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