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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen scouted the area for a while. She did not find any animals to hunt only clean and rather cool water, mushrooms and some fruits.


She was about to head back to the camp with what little she managed to find when she suddenly heard a very strange sound. For a moment the drow just stood there and listened. When everything went quiet she went to investigate and found a dead boar, arrows still sticking from the animal's lifeless body.


Nawen pulled out a skinning knife from her boot then glanced at the boar for a moment before removing the arrows. She could always sell the hide and bring the meat to the camp for dinner.


It took her a while to finish with the meat but once she was done with it, Nawen returned back to the camp. "Sorry for taking this long but I just couldn't find any big enough anim..." She stopped talking when she saw another dwarf in their camp. "Who are you?" She inquired.

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"That is what I would like to know as well," Rhaine answered, eying the dwarf suspiciously. She did not have fond memories of Duergar.
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"Ach! Dinnae Shoot! Ma name's Byron Thunderbeard. Ah happened upon a couple wee bandits nae far from here. They tried to get me, but Voltair and me took most of em down. Ah was wonderin if I could share yon camp for a wee bit?" Byron unslings Voltair, his trusty warhammer from his back and tosses it on the ground. "If anyone is injured, ah knows how to brew potions and the like. Speakin of the bandits, ah was trackin a few of them that got away when I stumbled upon your camp. Perhaps yeh should be more concerned about them than little me?" Edited by BaldurAnthology
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Norgold grinned, he walked over to the tree and set his shield down and sat on it, The shield was more comfortable then the cold, wet ground. As he almost fell asleep, he heard the footsteps of someone, and opened one eye to see who it was. Apparently, another dwarf entered the camp. For some weird reason, Norgold really didn't care, and leaned back against the tree, and fell asleep.
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Ianthe sang and swayed gracefully as she walked through the forest, the moonlight making her silvery skin seem even brighter. As she walked onward, she began to twirl and dance as she weaved through the trees. "Ah, Hazel, what a lovely night! It's so tranquil and quiet!"


Hazel shook her head with a kind smile, her reddening foliage blowing in the slight breeze, "Aye, but not for long if you keep up that siren song of yours, sapling."


Ianthe clapped her hands over her lips and giggled, "Oops."


Stopping and glancing down at the ground, Hazel put a hand over her own mouth, "Oh my..."


The remains of what was once the body of a boar lay on the ground, obviously cleaned with a hunter's precision. It was a relatively fresh kill, as the blood on the ground hadn't dried yet.


Ianthe's lips curled up in disgust, "How... ugly." She closed her eyes and skirted the corpse, gagging as she did so. Mutilation, whether from hunting or not, was definitely something too ugly for her eyes to linger on for long.


"You do not understand what this means," Hazel mumbled, rubbing a hand on Ianthe's back to comfort her, "It means we are not alone in this forest."


Ianthe gulped and her hands went to her sword belt instinctively as she continued walking. She could only hope they weren't foes. She abhorred killing almost as much as she hated ugly things.


After a few minutes of walking, the two forest dwellers found themselves close to what looked like an occupied camp. Hazel pressed herself behind a tree, and as Ianthe tried to do the same, she tripped over what she thought to be a sleeping dwarf, and tumbled out into the open, falling face-first into the dirt.

Edited by tokyobleach
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Nawen listened to what the dwarf, Byron Thunderbeard said. It was a bit hard to understand what was he saying at times but she understood the important parts like his name and what was he doing here. "Bandits you say..." Nawen trailed off. That would explain the dead boar with arrows sticking from his body.


She heard a slight movement near their camp. The drow thought that it might be just some animal walking by or it might those bandits that the Duergar mentioned. Her hand was slowly reaching for the blade when suddenly a woman tripped over Norgold and stumbled into their camp. "Friend of yours?" She asked Byron, hand resting on the hilt of the short sword.

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Rhaine looked back and forth between her companions and the newcomers, processing what had just transpired within the last few minutes. Nawen had returned with a skinned boar, a Duergar had just asked for hospitality, Norgold had fallen asleep, and someone had tripped over the dwarf and landed face down in the dirt.


Just like the good old days....


Rhaine sighed, "You are welcome at our fire, Byron, so long as you mean no trouble. Tell us more about those bandits you mentioned."


She then strode over to the fallen woman, grasping her by the shoulders to pull her up, "And I'm assuming you wish for our company as well?"

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"Aye. That ah will. Ye see, ah been travellin awhile now. Ah stopped to rest one night, and woke to find people stealin ma things! One of them had takin Voltair, but they didnae know that the Sverfneblin had put a wee spell on it that made it return ta it's owner when thrown or stolen. Said it's name, it came to mah hand, killed 3 bandits, at least 3 got away. As for if ah means ye harm, If ah wanted yeh dead, we wouldnae be havin this wee talk." Byron moves closer to the fire for light, and unhooks one of the innumerable small pouches hanging from his pack. He pulls a jar out of the pouch delicately. "Yeh see this?" He holds up the jar, revealing a gel like substance." Jus a wee bit of this gel could kill all of ye. Ye helpfully left me a fire, so ah tosses a wee bit of this onto yonder fire, and BOOM! Nae more wee little you." He turns and curses in dwarfish, shouts "VOLTAIR!" And throws his warhammer into the trees just past the new arrivals. There was a crunch, and a bandit fell face first into the light."Defend yerselves! Drow, dwarf, and mongrel, sorry force o' habit, Half Elf, ye all sees in the dark like ah do. Voltair." His hammer returns to him. Edited by BaldurAnthology
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"Friends of yours?" Hazel heard someone say, their voice both amused and annoyed.


A woman, a half-elf, it seemed, offered to help Ianthe up from the ground, "And I'm assuming you wish for our company as well?"


Hazel sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingertips as she stepped out from behind the tree. She took in a deep breath and reached for the flow of magic within her, just in case she should need it. "Pardon me, but that young one is mine... My responsibility, I mean... At least, it feels like that as of late." She allowed herself a slight, nervous smile in their direction.


Ianthe stood with the half-elf's help and smiled charmingly, "That depends on where you are going, My Lady." She brushed off her white shirt and looked at the dryad, "Such a shame, isn't it, Hazel? It'll probably never be white again." She looked around the camp and crossed her arms, her light hair blowing gently in the breeze. She turned back to the half-elf, "Your clothes are so pretty..." She shook herself slightly and giggled, "I suppose I should tell you what we're up to out here."




A hammer whizzed past Hazel's face, followed by the wet crunch of its impact into someone behind her. What had they wandered into?

Edited by tokyobleach
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Rhaine glanced in the direction the Duergar had thrown his hammer. It shattered a bandit's face with a sickening crunch, but no less than ten more followed close behind.


"To arms!" the Doomguide shouted, drawing Touch of Death.


The half-elf drew upon her inner strength, focusing her magic into a silent spell. The force of it welling up inside of her propelled her off of her feet, her raven wings spread wide. A spiraling tendril of power rushed from her body straight up into the air...


...and when it came crashing back down, it struck the dirt with a force that made the earth quake. The ground trembled, cracks opening in the earth as her power tore the land asunder beneath the bandits' feet. Every one of them lost their balance and fell prone.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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