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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine moved back to the nymph when she heard her speak. The poor thing was pitiful to behold, her hands and arms charred beyond belief. She went down on her knees next to her, moving Ianthe's blouse to where she could see the infravision charm. It had indeed fused with the skin, blackening and blistering her chest in a four-inch radius around it. The charm itself was melted.


Rhaine removed her pack from her shoulders and dug around in her Bag of Holding until she produced a healing kit. Opening it, she pulled out a salve similar to what Byron had used on Ianthe's face and hands. Removing her gauntlets as well, she took some of the white salve onto her fingers and began massaging it on and around the charm. She then unclasped it from the back of the nymph's neck. Taking her by the chin so that she could see her clearly, Rhaine warned, "This is going to hurt. But I have to get this charm off of you before I can heal you."


Then, as gently as she could, she worked her fingers under the shallowest part of the fusion and began pulling off the charm; it took a gigantic chunk of flesh with it, coming loose with a sickening sound of tearing meat. Rhaine tossed it aside and then placed her hands on Ianthe's shoulders, "Now, this should feel refreshing. It may cause a bit of discomfort at first, but it will provide you some relief."


Converting one of her most powerful offensive spells into a healing cantrip, she then closed her eyes and channeled the energy into the nymph. The flesh had burned all the way to the bone in her fingers, and to this she had to pay extra attention, slowly repairing the muscles and nerve tissue by mentally knitting them back together. After several moments of healing, Rhaine finally halted the flow of energy to see her handiwork.


The skin was still blackened in spots on Ianthe's hands, but the blistering had receded from her forearms and face. The chunk of flesh that had been taken from her chest had healed closed with fresh pink skin, but was surrounded by a charred ring. Her hair had even begun to grow back a little, every follicle sporting a silvery blond strand roughly two inches long. The Doomguide was satisfied - only time could heal the rest.


Replacing her gauntlets and pack, the priestess gingerly scooped her arms under the slender nymph and slowly lifted her from the floor of the temple with a grunt. It was difficult - her back muscles protested mightily, and she nearly overbalanced, but she managed to carry Ianthe out of the shadows of the Underdark and back into the light of the surface world. There, she laid Ianthe down on the soft grass beside Hazel and Shaori.


"I've done all I can for her," Rhaine said wearily, "May Tymora smile on her and speed her recovery."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nawen watched as Rhaine healed Ianthe. She felt bad for not helping but there's nothing she could do to help her. She knew how to treat injuries but the injuries that the dryad had was beyond her healing skills. She followed Xallistine silently and smiled slightly at his words. It was so good to see the soft green grass again. "Beautiful isn't it?" She asked as she glanced at the Illithid.


Illius for a moment stood in the temple and looked around. Maybe there's something important here that they didn't notice but it seems not. He left the temple as well from time to time looking back at the chamber.

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Rhaine removed her charm and blinked a few times, letting her eyes adjust to the bright sunlight. As she looked around, she realized that they were no longer on the Sword Coast; their journey through the Underdark had taken them farther than she had expected. Moving to the edge of a cliff face, she took in their surroundings.


The temple had opened on the eastern side of the Sword Mountains. Below the crags lay the dense woods of the Kryptgarden. To the east-northeast, the Evermoors rolled far into the distance until they bordered the Lost Peaks and the High Forest.

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Shaori woke feeling extremely energetic. She usually hated waking up, so the energy surprised her. She saw Hazel sitting beside her, and figured she had something to do with it. "Thank you," Shaori says to the Dryad.


Caladus woke up when Shaori did. He still felt comfortable, but got to his feet to check on Ianthe. She had been hurt quite badly. He walked over to her. "Are you all right?" He asked, concerned.

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Hazel looked at Xallistine, her lush green foliage blowing in the breeze as she sat up, "It's beautiful, isn't it?" She then smiled at the elf girl in response to her thanks.


Ianthe closed her eyes, grateful for the amount of repair both Xallistine and Rhaine had done to her skin. Her hair was now only an inch or two long, but she didn't mind. She was a bit grateful for its shortness, as she could appreciate the breeze even more. "Thank you for helping me. Next time I won't be so careless, if I can help it. I feel pretty good, considering. Thank you for your concern, Caladus."

Edited by tokyobleach
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"Not at all," Rhaine smiled. She, too, spread her wings to their fullest extent, letting the rays of the sun warm them. Their black color absorbed the light quickly, and she shed the chilled feeling she had whilst in the Underdark.


Far in the distance, she could see a Gold Dragon circling amongst the clouds, his metallic scales glinting like a the flashes of a beacon.

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With a joyful shout, Shaori spread her wings, each as long as her own body, and jumped into the air. She swooped around, giggling and laughing, She swooped down and grabbed Rhaine, swooping around for a moment or two, Shaori felt bad that Rhaine couldn't fly, and wanted to let her know what it felt like. She swooped back down, and set her down, and landed, "I feel much better now,"


Caladus watched the girl's antics, and laughed for the first time in ages.

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