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Tales of Faerun


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"I'm not sure, the only thing that could possibly be memorable is that I'm a Samurai, and even that isn't a really impressive feat." Olivia said, continuing walking through the forest, picking up firewood.
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The Doomguide nodded, "They surely will. I'm certain they'll pay for any supplies we could possibly need in the future. Perhaps it is compensation from the gods for all of our trouble, eh?" She added with a wink. Putting the gems back into the chest, she closed it and set it aside, "I'll wait until we're all gathered together to discuss what to do with them. For now, I need to tend to my armor."


The priestess then took a jar of polish and a rag from her pack and began caring for each piece of her armor. It had been a while since its last maintenance, and the mithral was getting scratched and dull. As she worked, she noticed that the sky was turning pink. It would be twilight soon.

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"Ah, well. Perhaps Byron can tell me. He will arrive at camp when it's sunset. Come, I believe that's enough wood." Caladus starts taking the paths towards the camp.


Shaori feels happy that she made Rhaine happy. She walks to the edge of the pond, and hitching up her robes, wades in a few feet. She says, "I learned how to do this from my father." She stands very still, then her hand darts into the water and comes out with a fish. She tosses it on the ground near the pond. She then prepares to catch another.

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Nawen glanced at the gems when the box was still open. Those were some really expensive items. Useful as crafting materials too. The drow eyed the treeline curiously, waiting for Caladus to return so she could go hunting.
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"Thank you" Nawen said and smiled slightly. "but I already know how to catch fish." She was a ranger after all and even if she prefers hunting, she still knew how to catch fishes with or without a fishing rod.
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Ianthe stepped behind a tree and began to undress, staring at the water ahead with hollow eyes, missing the feel of the flowing waters on her skin. She put her cloak back on and held it tightly closed, then stepped into the water. It felt cool and refreshing, and she quickly went into deeper water, so that she wouldn't have to worry about someone seeing her exposed flesh. Something about the mortal races gave them an aversion to seeing others without clothing, and she respected that. She dove beneath the surface, far from where the others could see, reveling in feeling as if she were part of the waves and currents. She admired the way her cloak gracefully and slowly moved behind her, and closed her eyes. What remained of her burns slowly tried to heal with the water, new skin barely beginning to appear here and there between her fingers and on her palms, and her hair began to grow a bit. She wouldn't complain about the speed, though. It was still exponentially faster than any mortal race would heal.


Hazel stared at the way the gems in the box Rhaine had found glittered in the pink glow of the setting sun. She was glad that they would have such a calm ending to their adventures in the Underdark. It gave her comfort to be near the trees and to be with her friends.


After a few minutes in the deep water, Ianthe crawled on her belly in the water so that she was still submerged in the shallow end, her cloak covering her. She lifted her head out of the water at Shaori's ankles and made a poor imitation of a roar, grinning.

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Olivia hesitated. She wasn't to sure about the group, or what there attentions were for strangers, but it was better walking with a group then by yourself. "Alright, lead the way." Olivia said, as she followed Caladus.
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