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Forget about the Republicans and Democrats.


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I doubt that, absent some cataclysmic event, we will ever have a one world order. I mean government.

Even after we've stated colonizing other worlds. I can totally see a future where there are a few/several nations that have survived and colonized other worlds and Earth becomes a diplomatic planet, kinda like one giant UN.

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So far, the US has been unilaterally the self-appointed 'world government'...... at least, we appear to be working on it. (and failing miserably I might add....) Trouble is, the american PEOPLE (not the government) don't WANT to be the world police. Quite simply, we can't afford it.


And the left and progressives have to form and reeducate the human race untill we are ready to take that glorious step to world government. Thats whats inplented in these typical leftwing statements.


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So far, the US has been unilaterally the self-appointed 'world government'...... at least, we appear to be working on it. (and failing miserably I might add....) Trouble is, the american PEOPLE (not the government) don't WANT to be the world police. Quite simply, we can't afford it.


And the left and progressives have to form and reeducate the human race untill we are ready to take that glorious step to world government. Thats whats inplented in these typical leftwing statements.


The UN is pretty much worthless as any sort of enforcement agency. They are way too politically correct, have no teeth, and no credibility. What are they gonna do? Slap you with some sanctions? We see how well that works on Iran, N. Korea, et. al.

The UN is one of the most powerfull organs out there and maybee you should get informed about who founded the UN and delivered North Korea with technology for their nuclear programm, same as who financed the ayatollahs and where they lived before the revolution.


The UN is one of the most toothless, and least credible organizations out there. They might very well in fact HAVE the power, they just don't care to use it. Sanctions? Oh Please. We see how well that worked with Cuba. And Iran? They are now in cahoots with Pakistan, our supposed ally, in building an oil pipeline. Yeah, the UN is just Oh so effective......


The republicans are the ones concentrating all the power in the ruling elite......

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The republicans are the ones concentrating all the power in the ruling elite......

Oh yes, the Republican elite in their last meeting with the Illuminati and the Freemasons discussed the progress that we were making...it was hard to hear though with all that chanting going on in the background :whistling:

Edited by Aurielius
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The republicans are the ones concentrating all the power in the ruling elite......

Oh yes, the Republican elite in their last meeting with the Illuminati and the Freemasons discussed the progress that we were making...it was hard to hear though with all that chanting going on in the background :whistling:


Oh Lord there he goes again dropping names and revealing trade secrets , you've already lost your dry cleaners , does there need to be a little porch shaking ala the dancing seals . HAARP HAARP .

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The republicans are the ones concentrating all the power in the ruling elite......

Oh yes, the Republican elite in their last meeting with the Illuminati and the Freemasons discussed the progress that we were making...it was hard to hear though with all that chanting going on in the background :whistling:


Oh Lord there he goes again dropping names and revealing trade secrets , you've already lost your dry cleaners , does there need to be a little porch shaking ala the dancing seals . HAARP HAARP .

Must remember to contact the Inuit Chapter to deal with those noisy seals.... :P

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I for one have little faith in the "democracy" as some call it and the "parties" attached to it, but I have even have less faith for a world government, history has shown that the moment you start stepping on people they'll fight back and eventually win.


"Absolute power corrupts absolutely" is the only thing I can think of when anyone talks about a world-wide government.

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Will Rogers the great American satirist , humorist and social commentator once made a statement to the effect ( can't remember the exact words ) that when the public starts getting their news from the comedians that's when you know the political system has become irrelevant and your nation is in trouble.






Now I know that there will be those on the right who will see something like that and go well that's just the liberal media bias trying to turn me into some kinda good little tree hugging , placard carrying socialist or some other like nonsense that gives them comfort so they can continue to operate within their own paradigm.


But when it comes to this paradigm it may be one thing to pass off the dismissal of the likes of a Keith Olberman , Cenk Uygur , Bill Maher and others but what about Lou Dobbs or Judge Napolitano who had very popular shows but who's message wasn't squaring with the establishment , I thought America had something called freedom of the press . How many times have you flicked through the news and seen the exact same story running at the exact same time even using the exact same lines and delivery and its repeated over and over and over again for an entire news cycle , sometimes for 24 hours straight . That's not news , that's indoctrination , that's the methodology of propaganda.


So when it comes to this whole Republican - Democrat thing , all you conservatives are well aware of how the Democrats have made claims that the Bush wins in the 2000 and 2004 elections were the result of electoral fraud , well conservatives can choose to believe that it didn't happen ( Hacking Democracy on Youtube you might want to watch) but in this 2012 Republican primary season there have been numerous allegations of electoral fraud and some so blatant they are making even the news . Odd things like in the S Carolina primary where Newt Gingrich is having so few people attend his rallies that the last one before Primary day he had to cancel because not enough people were going to show , yet someone like Ron Paul is having between 5000 - 10000 people show up at his rallies and its Newt Gingrich that wins in a landslide , and the Attorney General of S Carolina goes the Department of Justice with evidence that almost a thousand dead people voted in the primary and that's before an investigation is even launched , OMG what the hell is going on here.


Here's another example of blatant electoral fraud.





Imagine the land of the free where votes don't count ,that's some kinda democracy ya got there . These sorts of things are not just happening in Maine or S Carolina , reports of it have come from Arizona , Illinois , Washington State , Iowa , Ohio and on and on and maybe in the 2000 and 2004 Presidential Election when Democrats were claiming these sorts of things were happening to them you could just pass it off as just a bunch of sore losers but now its happening to you in your own primaries and caucuses , not like you can blame the Democrats as sore losers this time.


Seems to me the Republicans are taking lessons from this guy


I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how. Stalin Memoirs of Stalin's Former Secretary (You really should watch Hacking Democracy to see how its done)


Now you Liberals/ Democrats are not getting off Scotfree here


So this Obama is your guy gonna bring you all this change and during his election one of his mantra's was that you can't expect to have any change if the same guys (Republican's) that lead you into the mess are the one's still in charge yet when he came into power what did he do , he hired them, the likes of Timothy Geitner and Larry Summers and so on and the few people he did bring in who were trying to fix things like Elizabeth Warrens, well they all ended leaving because they couldn't get anything done. So now you basically have Bush 2.0 , only difference is someone else is sitting in the big chair . And what about all those promises like pulling out of all those wars and instead your seeing a redeployment for a possible war with Iran ( just in case kinda thing) exactly where have all those peaceniks of the Democratic Party gone , they seem to have gotten lost in the corridors power in Washington . Oh and wasn't there something about shutting down Guatanamo Bay and instead he does the opposite and expands the power of the place through the NDAA and speaking of the NDAA one of its most avid supporters Sen Lindsey Graham in many of his tirades makes statements such as if an American is arrested on just the suspicion of supporting a terrorist group directly or indirectly ( maybe a charity or something) and that person asks for a lawyer. Quote " if they ask for a lawyer you tell them to shut up , they don't get a lawyer , their an enemy combatant " Unquote . Or when asked if Americans should fear their government makes a tirade about how he wants them to fear the government , how they should fear the government , how else are you gonna keep them in line . I thought there was some famous founding father or some such that said something to the effect that in a Republic its incumbent that a government fear its people in order to protect their liberty and an armed populace is the only way to make it sure , that's why the 2nd Amendment exists . Yet Obama signs this bill into law and he is supposed to be a Constitutional Scholar , are you serious. And your satisfied that he (Obama) promises not to use the power to indefinitely detain Americans without due process of law . What difference does that make doesn't mean the next or next after that is gonna keep the same promise.


Just so many things where Obama made promises then did the opposite , but that's not the real gist of the story , the real gist is that you ( Americans) had a guy named Bush who set something in motion and the guy who replaced him and is supposed to be opposite of Bush , just picked up the pieces from the previous regime and advanced them farther down the line , without missing a beat . In fact he's a far more effective Bush than Bush was and that's the crux of the matter its all the same and it no longer matters who you vote for or even if your vote will be counted . Candidates are groomed for you and your given a choice of vanilla a or vanilla b.


I'm with HY on this it just doesn't matter who you vote for , its all the same . America is nothing more than introverted democracy ( look it up) a dead husk of a nation with shape and form but little or no substance left .

Edited by Harbringe
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