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This should actually be entitled Nintii's Story Corner ...


After receiving a message from Maharg67 to do something like this, I have finally begun ... Thanks Graham for all your help and suggestions :thumbsup:

Hopefully within the next few weeks i will edit and repost all my stories here and in a different "Topic" I will host my poetry - lol, if you can call it that ... the stuff is all over and better it's all together ... so instead of worrying about it all, I'm just going to go ahead and dive in and see how it turns out.


(Where my old stuff has been I will delete it there and leave a link to this page.)


Ok, have deleted the old Part One and linked it here ...


p.s I will edit Part One sometime soon ... it really seems a bit rough around the edges ... way too much XYZ .... lol.



Part One was done .......... 24th Sept. 2011


Part Two was done .......... 24th April 2012


Part Three done on the. ... 25th April 2012 ... I did this today because I felt that Part Two was a bit short.




I do not claim to be a writer at all, this was done purely for my enjoyment ... and if you like it too well then so much the better ...


This is part of a story I began writing about a year and a half ago and then left it to vegetate ... it's about a female survivor by the name of Minkii who lives in a world wracked and ruined by both a nuclear and chemical virus war ... humanity has managed to hold onto life and only just ... she lives in a large unamed city which was once a super metropolis ... here she forages for anything to sell in order to survive ... her enemies are raiders, slavers, gross mutations of all sorts and of course the inevitable elite group known only as the Network.

Minkii is funny, sexy, violent and has heart all at the same time ... she believes that she can do anything and never shys away from a challenge.

Her world is either covered in snow or extreme scorching heat, and the survivors who live here do so in scattered yet well armed communities many of which are hidden from each other.


This story opens with Minkii in a state of captivity having been captured by 3 cannibal survivors while enroute to another community. Her captors are Beast the son, his mother and sister ... these last two are away and Minkii has attempted an escape but failed, and her captor Beast is currently enforcing some punishment on her for trying to run away ...


And here we go ...............




Beast tightly gripped Minkii’s neck from behind and lifted her a few feet off the ground and slammed her against the wall.

She tried kicking back and so he punched her in the kidneys with his free hand.

Yaaaarrrhhh shiiiit, she cried out in agony, her entire left side exploding into fiery pain.

%^&@, it felt like a freight train had smashed into her, she was sure she heard a few bones break.

“Hahaha *snorted* Beast behind her, “Girly girl want to hurt Beast, but Beast smash you ... hahaha, yes, yes, yes Beast break puny girly girl hahahaha .

OMG, she was in some serious pain, she felt like she was going to die.

“Beast now say – shoosh ... quiet still, girly girl must be quiet still”.

She thought of swearing at him but then decided against it.

Any more of this she reckoned and he’d most probably break her neck, snap her spine or smash her into a pulp.

Damn he could take on ten men, no twenty men or more with his bare hands and rip them to pieces, she thought.

He was a brute that stood close to seven feet tall and was built like a tank, it didn’t even look like he had a neck, everything thing about him was solid, even his muscles must have had muscles of that she was sure.

His legs were as thick as tree trunks and long, but his arms were proportionately much shorter and stunted and when he walked he walked with a bit of a limp.

His huge fat covered sweaty bald head was a perfect round zero with tiny little ears, small beady black eyes and incredibly fat lips that turned up at the sides to give him a permanent almost hysterical looking smile.

His gene pool had definitely been mutated and affected by the radiation.

And when he spoke, spittle flew everywhere and he sounded like a big slow baby that had never progressed mentally beyond the age of 10.


Mmmmmm he cooed in her ear, Beast like you.

Then she felt his free hand on her ass, it was huge, she could feel the strength in it as he kneeded her flesh.

Bastard, she half shouted, go to hell”, and kicked backwards again, she hoped to catch him in the crotch but instead she caught him on thigh, the sharp edge of her steel rimmed boot tore at his flesh, spilling blood.

“Yaaaaargh”, he roared in pain and smashed her head into the brick wall again and again.


She felt her cheek split open and blood begin to stream down her already bruised and swollen face.

Her head was spinning, and for a moment there she almost lost consciousness.

“Got to stay awake”, she mumbled to herself, come on Minkii, she told herself pull yourself together.

“Quiet still”, he roared, girly girl be quiet still or Beast break you and smash you dead”.


Shiiiiit, she was in pain, she just hung there like a piece of meat off a hook contemplating her next move.

“Yesh ok, she managed to sputter through her smashed lips,, yesh ... , me shtill”.

But instead of letting her down, he just stood there pressing her body against the wall.

“Ok, ok”, she muttered again, “me good, just put me down alright”?

Somewhere she had read that in ancient times it would take a couple of minutes for pain to register in a dinosaurs brain after it was hurt, maybe she wondered, Beast as he called himself had the same kind of genes in him as well.

“Put me down”, she mumbled again.

He just ignored her.

Her bruised and bloodied lips were squashed into the soot blackened bricks and every time she breathed in she could feel the dust particles lift off the wall and fill her nostrils and throat and lungs.

Involuntarily she began coughing and hacking but that made it worse because his grip got tighter as she fought for air.

Frantically she tried to find a grip in between the bricks and push herself up to breathe, but he held her firmly in place.

Her body began to go limp and she started blacking out, and damnit if that wasn’t bad enough, she needed to pee.

Just then, he dropped her on the ground, she fell into a heap and hoarsely took in a deep breath and coughed and spat out dirt and blood.

Hahahaha he laughed and slapped his sides “Girly girl think she can hurt Beast, but Beast like a rock, Beast like iron rock, yeheheheheh beast break lotsa people and eat them to ... uhuh, Beast and mama and sis girl we eats up all the bad ones, he giggled and snorted.

Yeah and I guess they’re all bad ones she said to herself.

Minkii lay there watching him, batting his eyelids a million times a minute and swaying his head from side to side as he spoke ... damn I knew they were cannibals, she told herself ...


It was only a matter of time before his crazy mother and ugly sister retuned.

The sudden image of her derriere roasted to a golden brown and served on platter popped into her head ... no frikkin way am I going to be the menu, she thought, I’m going to make it out of here, and I’m going to do it in one piece.

Her mind began racing, searching for a way out of this mess ... then she remembered ... reaching down to the throbbing pain in her side she gently pressed around until she felt it ... the palm grenade ... damn this why it hurt so much, he had punched the hidden steel into her side.

Suddenly she had a plan ...

Uh Beast, she mumbled between broken lips ... he turned pulling himself out of his reverie ... huh what you say, he grunted, what you want, me say shut up, no talky talk.

Ignoring his ire she leaned forward and said, What if Girly girl makes Beast a happy Beast hmmmm, a pretty Beast, a laughing Beast, a smiling good Beasty Beast, she widened her eyes and stared straight into his.

His face flushed and he looked away unable to stare back... C’mon Beast she said in a whispering moan, I know you want me, you were being a naughty boy earlier on grabbing my body.

So let girly girl make you happy ... happy ... happy ... mmmmm, how about it ?

He giggled, his eyelids flashed open and closed at the speed as he turned red and shuffled around on the floor nervously ... mama says girly girl is bad, mama says only sis is the good one ...

Mama won’t know Beasty, I won’t tell her will you ?

He leaned forward and attempted to look into her eyes, no, he said, i wont tell ... again she widened her eyes and this time she drew him in as she rose to meet him.

His eyes widened and she leaned forward, you do want me don’t you ?

His big head started bobbing up and down “jajajaja”, a huge grin began forming on his face, “How you gonna do Beast happy lappy , he whispered back ?

Well Beasty big boy she cooed and winked, come closer and let me show you.

This had better work she thought, she gritted her teeth stood up and kissed him softly on his fat saliva dripping sausage-like lips.

She felt like gagging but tensed her stomach and suppressed the rising sick.

Furtively she felt around for a pocket and found one and slipped the harbinger of death and destruction into it.

Beast was in heaven, loving every moment of Minkii’s attention small hands as they ran up and down hisstomach, barrel chest and shoulders.


He began to snicker and stutter and out of his mouth came a huge slobbering eel-like tongue that lashed both his and lips and cheeks with thick dripping saliva.

Ok, so playtime was over, it was time to get out of here, she told herself.


Suddenly she stepped back and he watched her reaching into her pants, his eyes began to roll with delight, “yummy” he whooped like a child not knowing what was going on but loving it anyhow.

She pulled out a little thumb-nail size grey and red steel box and lifted it’s tiny cover.

Huh ? he looked puzzled.

Detonator, she said smiling and pressed the button ... He looked down as he heard a click noise go off In his pants.

“Huh” ?

Minkii didn’t wait, she turned and half-ran half-hobbled out of the blackened windowless room and into the long filthy corridor.

15 – 14 – 13 ... she mentally counted ... like a bolt of lightning he was on his feet, Come back here, he almost shouted, come back now.

12 – 11 – 10 ... she ignored him and kept going ... Hey he began screaming, heyyyy.

Stay there just a bit longer she mumbled to herself, just a bit longer ...

9 – 8 – 7 ... he got to the doorway ...

Now angry he began bellowing out his frustration and started threatening violence ...

6 – 5 – 4 He saw her in the distance and started running after her ...

His frustration had now turned to rage, and he began screaming, Me gonna kill girly girl, me gonna crush yuor bones and me kill you four times.

3 – 2 – 1 ... me gonna eat you ...

%$@# , she swore, the C4 palm bomb should have gone off by now, if ever I get out of here I’m gonna kill Harry, yeah, I’m gonna kill him four times too, sonofa....

Beast was fast catching up to her as she more hobbled than ran down the slippery dark passageway.

Haaaaarrrrr, he roared Beast kill, Beast smash, Beast make dead.

0 ... And then Ka-blamo, the tiny matchbox sized bomb detonated and blew Beast, what little brains he had and the walls on either side of him out into the street below. to smithereens.

Minkii was thrown to the ground by the blast but she was to happy to care about the new cuts and bruises as long as her tormenter was blown away.


His huge body fell like a rock and smashed into the ground below with a huge thud.

Just then Minkii saw his mother and sister come running from across the road.

Theirs eyes locked and his sister silently ran into the building while the mother checked her dead son’s body for vital signs.

It’s twenty something floors up she thought, I’ve got some time, I’ve got to get moving.



24th APRIL 2012


This is Part 2 of my character Minkii ...


A small recap ... Minkii is a Shojo race female of around about 19 years old who is quite an adventurer ... on one of her forays out into Ghost City she was somehow captured by a mother, brother and sister - who though it's unsaid so far are in fact cannibals and practice inbreeding. Anyhow, she manages to escape and kills one of her captors ... this is just a rounding off of that particular incident but NOT the story which will continue in part 3 and maybe part 4 ... lastly, I'm no writer but do this purely for my personal enjoyment and perhaps you might think it has some value as a story and if that's even remotely the case so then that's a huge bonus to me.


So without any further ado ....





The massive explosion had blown most of him and a huge section of the wall out into the street below, well except for a piece of his arm and a few other bits of flesh which Minkii didn’t even want to guess at.

These and a few litres of his blood decorated the broken and twisted passageway, “in nice little bite size chunks for the rats”, thought Minkii to herself “ah well at least the SOB served some useful purpose”.

She shook her head hoping that it would somehow dislodge the ringing in her ears from the blast.

And damn, her side still hurt where he had punched her, “Bastard “, she yelled and kicked at the piece of arm launching it down the passageway.

That hurt even more but at least she drew some satisfaction from seeing it fly and hearing the dull sick wet thunk as it bounced along the floor and hit the wall.

Minkii half hobbled half walked to the big hole in the wall and peered out to the street below.

She saw the huge blob of what was left of him lying all twisted, broken and blackened from the blast,

his entrails were scattered like ribbons all around him.

Whatever blood was left in his body had either coated the grass and shrubs that had grown through cracked street or had drizzled through the broken asphalt.

Minkii remembered seeing a picture of a cake once, her mother told her that it was a strawberry cake ... this looked almost the same from where she stood.

“Hell yeah, the freak was dead”, she said to herself as she began to regain her balance, the ringing noise from the blast was now slowly beginning to fade.


She turned to walk away when suddenly she saw the Mother and Sister come running around the corner.

Mother spotted the human wreckage that was her son lying in the street and screamed in anguish and rage.

Running up to him she fell to her knees and began calling to him in some raw gutteral sounding voice and shook his body.

Daughter also began wailing at the site of her dead brother but her survival instinct kicked in and she quietened down and began glancing nervously up and down the street.

Kneeling beside Mother she said something, but Mother would have none of it and pushed her away, and kept crying out her loss.

Daughter said something again but she shouted all the louder.

Though Minkii was some 15 floors up she could hear Mother talking almost pleading to her dead son.

Daughter was by this time quite frustrated with Mother and ran to the corner and scanned up and down that road as well.

Then it happened, somewhere out in the empty and broken city something had heard Mother’s cries.

It was a dog pack and it began howling, Minkii could hear the pack sounding off in response to Mothers cries.

Mother now heard it too and realised through her pain and anguish that she had attracted some unwanted attention.

Mother quickly stood up and called to Daughter who came running, they both grabbed his remaining arm and began tugging him across the street toward the building’s foyer.

But as Minkii watched them she suddenly noticed movement though small, appear in the distance, it was the dog pack.

Daughter noticed it too and screamed at Mother to let go and head for safety but Mother refused and feverishly grunted and moaned and put all her effort into pulling her broken son’s body off the street but both her strength and luck had run out.

The twenty plus dog pack was now a block away and near to spotting them ... the alpha male, a huge brute of a killing machine suddenly caught the scent of blood and gnashed his teeth in raw frenzy and bloodlust rage.

Streaking out ahead his pack the adrenalin pumping through muscular body he launched himself


Then he spotted them and rushed in for the kill.

Daughter grabbed Mother by her collar and dragged her into the building’s foyer but before she disappeared from sight she looked up and stared Minkii straight in the eyes.

Death ... was the mutual silent message they both sent to each other in that brief moment before Daughter slammed the huge steel door shut behind her.

Minkii watched as the big male barrelled his body into the door howling his rage and disappointment at the escaping prey.

The rest of the pack caught up and began pulling off pieces of flesh before running away to eat in protective privacy, but one of them forgot his place and leapt onto the body and stood feeding, it was to be his last meal.

Alpha turned and saw the usurper of his position at the prey and leapt upon him, viciously slamming his jaws shut around the underlings neck, tearing through flesh and snapping through bone.

Then he bit and chewed through one of the human’s legs and dragged it away to sit and feed in isolation.

The rest of the pack gave way to their brute of a leader and dove into the rest of the cadaver, ripping and rending as they went.

Minkii knew that the mother and daughter would be looking for her and began implementing her way of escape.

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When Minkii first entered this building just over four days ago, it was as a drugged captive both bound, gagged and over the shoulder of Beast – the now exploded brother or should I say the now very eaten family member to the mother and daughter who were on her trail.

As he had carried her into the building though her mind was all hazy and drugged she could still remember two things, one was the sticky wet stink that coated his slimy body – which still made her want to gag when she thought about it - and the second was the many passageways that had been walled up with either brick or rubble.

This meant that it wouldn’t take them very long to find her.

They would systematically search every section of the building until they reached this floor and then she’d be cornered ... she had no problem with a fight, but had been starved for the past few days, well ok, except for the small piece of meat they’d thrown at her one morning, and that was barely two mouth fulls and half a cup of dirty water and that was it.

Besides that she’d been beaten, bloodied and bruised ... in short, her strength was very low and to make matters worse, *ahem* suzie had come to town ... she was pi**ed.

She looked and felt like hell.


Looking up she noticed that the blast had ripped open a part of the ceiling and a section of an old airduct.

Old electrical wires and cables had been torn apart and hung low enough for her to grab onto if she made a jump for them.

“That’s it, that’s my way out”, she told herself, and then readying herself she leapt and grabbed onto one of the lower hanging cables and tried lifting herself from the floor.

Her arms just couldn’t seem to pull her up she couldn’t do it, “No, hell no”, she hissed as her strength gave out and she crashed to the floor.

She heard a faint sound coming from somewhere in the building ... “Damn, it’s them”.

“Get up Minkii, get off your ass, and get the hell up, yes that’s it, you can do it, c’mon girl, do it ... Dooo itttt” and she jumped again grabbing the cable and this time she held on tightly ... she stuck out a leg against the wall to stop herself from swinging.

“Now climb, climb, climb ... that’s it climb, climb ... one, two, three, four, go, go go”.

She heard a noise coming from the stairwell but refused to look ... “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon ... higher, higher, higher ... the noise was now more distinct, it was the sound of running feet.

“Shiittttttt, climb babe climb” she now spoke loudly to herself ... the running feet were now in her passageway and she heard Mother and Daughter screaming their rage and anger as they saw her body disappearing into the duct.


Waaarrgrgrggrgrghh they screamed and shouted as they leapt to grab whatever they could of her.

Whoooooooo, Minkii screamed in delight, whooooooo made it, made it, yeeehaaaa.

Then she turned around and peered down at Mother and Daughter who were only a mere 5 feet below her ... she grinned at them ... and then suddenly without thinking she gave them the finger.

Somehow they cottoned on to this universal sign as a negative and hooped and hollered even more, screaming and spitting at her.

She just laughed turned and disappeared into the darkness of the duct.


Minkii got to what must have been the end of the passageway, the duct split three ways, one turned down, the other went straight up and the other began a slight upward ascent which she took for going to the next level ... she took this one.

So it went until she reached what must have been roughly the twentieth floor ... here her duct joined a number of other ducts into one main one that went straight to the roof of the building.

In this super duct she saw a steel ladder bolted onto one side and began climbing it until she saw a faint light.

It must have been around 4 PM in the afternoon when she climbed out onto the roof that day.

Ahhhh fresh air, well, kind of fresh anyhow considering the state of the world in it’s post nuclear and chemical warfare atmosphere.

It was going to rain later that afternoon she thought.

Should looked out over the vast super metropolis of a city that once thrived and hummed with the sound of 64 million people it was said ... now, it was an empty shell ... the roof she stood on was dwarfed by the multitude of super skyscrapers that filled her vision.

Wow, it never ceased to amaze her as she gazed at them, she noticed several landmarks that one used when traversing the city ... over to the left was the white monstrosity they called the “Super K” or “Super King” ... it rose well over 1500 meters or 4900 feet into the sky ... it’s base took up 9 city blocks, three this way and three the other way.

People used it as a clock to tell the time by either sun or moon.

A bit further on to the right she saw the “Wave”, because it looked like a huge ocean wave, so they said, though she had never been to the sea.

That was looking for trouble because you’d have to go through Gudnant or guvmint land or something like that ... which was filled with mutations, so that was a big no no.

Anyhow, the “Wave” was fairly spectacular in it’s shape ... those were some of the last buildings to be constructed just before the war took place ... it had something to do with the new “glass looking super steel” they had discovered, which had allowed them to design structures of many new shapes and sizes and not fall over or break.

To the north was the “River Building”, so called because the structures “legs” were planted on both sides of the river and covered a 500 or so meters (1640 feet) stretch of the river, the underside of the building was see-through “glass-steel” where it was said people had homes and you could see them walking around in their homes above you ... well this structure looked a bit like a snake head ... well that was what people used to call it but seeing as there were none of those around anymore, well not in Ghost City, people started calling it “River Building”, oh yeah and it was tall, very, very tall almost as tall as “Super K”.

Minkii had never gone there, it was too far away and you’d have to go through dangerous territory to get there too.

Then there was Orange, Spear, Bottle head, Blue Button (with it’s two holes in it), Trident, and Lovely Girl, these were some of the most outstanding structures that stood head and shoulders above the rest of the thousands of the other buildings that rose above the skyline.


Well, Minkii had begun to peel her clothes and armor off and inspect the damage she had received, her left side was black and blue her exposed arms had received tons of scratches and of course her

cheek had been bust open along with her lips which were pretty swollen including her left eye.

She gazed into a small puddle of water and also saw Beasts fingerprints around her neck and quietly she cursed him again.

Oh and her knees were scraped and swollen and then yes, the other thing too, she wasn’t upset anymore, “No point in that” she thought.

Food, hmm yes, I saw rat droppings just over by the left side of the duct close to the wall by the pigeon nests ... and the pigeons as everyone knew were not a part of the menu, they were poisonous, though rats were ok to eat, they somehow had overcome the chemicals and radiation.


She carefully fished into the side of her bra and pulled out the wire from the cup, a long time ago she had sharpened the top side of the wire a bit to give it a bit of a cutting edge and drilled a tiny hole on either side of the wire where she now tied what she called “super string” through it.

She had tied the super string to the one hole and made a knot and then threaded the string through the other hole, so when the prey would put it’s head through the “circle” she would pull the string and like a noose it would close the sharpened steel wire around the animals neck ... and the more the creature tried to pull away the more it would pull the sharpened steel into it’s own neck ... perfect.

This was to be her trap ... tearing a piece of her clothing she dabbed it onto her cheek with a bit of pressure until a bit of blood appeared, she let the cloth soak it up a bit and then headed to the hunting grounds.

Quietly she lay just inside the duct dangling her “noose” just above the ground where she place two small stones on either side of it so that it wouldn’t twirl around ... her blood soaked piece of cloth she stuck to the wall so that the creature would have to put it’s head through to get the cloth.

It was a long and exhausting wait but around one and ahalf hours later, she felt some pressure on the noose and pulled it shut.

The rat was huge and fought really hard to get away but Minkii had tied the super string around her hands and held on, the rat did her work for her as it decapitated it’s own head trying to escape.

“Oh yeah food”, she grinned, “damn I’m hungry”, but she waited for the rain which wasn’t very long in coming and skinned and cleaned her meal as the water fell from the sky.

And then taking up muddy handfuls of sand/dirt which had collected on the roof she rubbed it over her body like a soap using it’s small rough particles to loosen the old skin, stink and dirt from her body.

Then she used the same to rub the material of her clothes and washed them too.

“Ahhh it felt so good to be clean” she thought to herself, and stood in the warm rain letting it wash over her until the clouds ran out and moved on.


She now gathered up all the small twigs and leaves that she had put away before the rain fell and spent the next 10 minutes twirling a stick on another until she got a bit of a smoulder going and blowing on it a spark leapt to life and soon she was roasting her delicious fat laden rat.

She drooled as she watched the fat bubble and sizzle, “Come to mommy” she whooped, “it’s time to


Famished, she ate half the animal in one sitting and then climbing back into the small opening of the duct she made her way down to the junction and into her “escape” duct blocked it up on one side behind her and then blocked it up on the other side ahead of her and fell off to sleep on the cold steel, a small rock for a pillow.


In the morning, she awoke to the sounds of a distant banging, what it was she didn’t know but it was close, to be sure it was coming from below her.

She opened the one side of her duct and climbed up toward the roof again.

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Please keep on writing on! Wonderful. You can always request the moderators to change the name of the topic from Nintii's Corner to Nintii's Story Corner! :thumbsup: :dance:
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  • 2 months later...

Alright so I've reread through the story and it certainly needs a lot of polishing up ... again ... so much is wrong.

But I'm not going clean it up or fix it up for now, I will concentrate on writing NEW STUFF for "Minkii the post apocolyptic survivor".

I see a lot more that I can do with her.

And seeing that I have made a personal break with my former bisexual lifestyle so too will she ... I had this whole thing planned ... I'm sure I mentioned it to someone in conversation somewhere that's why I mention it, so a big sorry ... but anyhow, she's going to be "straight" from now on ... that sounds so funny to me right now, but that's the way it is. :biggrin:



My next installment will see Minkii finally clashing with the Cannibal Mother and Daughter and her continuing journey home to

"Irontown" where we will meet her community - and I've chosen some people I know to "star" in this ... also, she will develop a love interest.

But as always she will be fun, cute 'n sexy and a real wild child ...


ETA ... hmmm within a week's time ... thanks to Mythicdawnmaster for personal encouragement and of course Marharg67 ... love you guys :thumbsup:

Both male and female hehehehe in a normal kind of way of course LMAO.


I'm so funny even if I say so myself ... :biggrin: :laugh: :teehee:

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Life is interesting!


So are your stories, Nintii!


I look forward to reading more of your stuff to come!

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