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Premium Servers Not Working


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Does anyone know if the premium servers have gone down??? Was downloading and suddenly couldn't access them, upgraded my membership before I realised that I hadn't run out lol.


Anyone else having this problem???

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This is happening for me as well. I thought it might be localized to just the skyrim site, but I just checked and it seems the ones for F:NV are gone as well. I know I used them last night, so I wonder what going on.


Hope everything is ok! :smile:


Edit: Oh damn, sorry for the necro, didn't realize when I searched this was 2 months old! Sorry! D:

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I have no problem downloading from premium servers.

I tried both a US server and a UK server, and I got pretty high download speeds.


Maybe you should provide more information:

- which of the premium servers are affected? (UK, US).

- are you using manual download or NMM?

(Myself I only use manual download)

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Looking in to this. They're still there, they've just gone "missing" because during the down-time no-one was downloading from them (so the counter went to zero, blah-di-blah-di-blah!). Sorry!
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Thanks Dark0ne, it is amusing at times, but then when its a quiet time and you think things are going to be plain sailing and nothing happens can be frustrating :D


Good to know you're on top of things so to speak :)

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