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Sword Request Competition


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sry have no zip proggie atm... with the next release i might update it until then i can only say one word: winrar...


if you have problems downloading it has nothing to do with the file format except you have some over the top parental filter :P and if thats the case id say dont play a game and its mods which are intended to kill and slaughter :P


if youre problem is of another nature plz tell me




for some reason my last post vanished... so again:


@lainge... yup better... id elongate the blades edge down to the pommel though (only on the frontside of course)

and no it wouldnt have worked irl like you had it before ;) youd have to grip from a 90° angle and thus couldnt cut but only hit with the blunt flat side of the blade or loose alot of force or even break your joints...



they are not similiar to cutlasses lol... katana:2h (usually xcept your musashi) cutlass: 1h;

katana: around 70-90cm blade length cutlass: around 50cm; the guard is completely different whereas a katana has some kind of tsuba (that round thingy) a cutlass usually has some kind of crossguard or guardcage/sphere; katana: 2 kinds of metal - soft back and hard edge, cutlass homogenous


the folding they both have actually in common as it is just used to get a homogenous steel in which the molecules are not scattered like crazy but are forged into a crystaline structure

the only difference is as said above that the japanese blades usually have two steel types in one blade which are merged during the folding


the daedric cutlass... well... mmh... no... i really like the texture but all these spikes are just too much polygon vise (imo at least) aswell as from the looks... see below... dunno ill put it on ice for now and do somin else... ill keep it on heat tho... maybe later :/ sry thats how it is lol


edit: mmh now that i see it again... well ill do it tho :P lol :wallbash:

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sry have no zip proggie atm... with the next release i might update it until then i can only say one word: winrar...


@lainge... yup better... id elongate the blades edge down to the pommel though (only on the frontside of course)

and no it wouldnt have worked irl like you had it before ;) youd have to grip from a 90° angle and thus couldnt cut but only hit with the blunt flat side of the blade or loose alot of force or even break your joints...

Why would you not get winrar in the first place. (Unless it's not your computer or something?)


Do you have any other swords you've made but havn't uploaded? Because what I've seen is amazing.



This what you meant?

I know what you mean about the grip, but I know I've seen someone wield a weapon with a similar grip... It'll come to me...


Edit: Actually how about the keyblades?

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Neah the pommel isn't exactly a MAX problem, it's just sloppy handywork :P. Used quickslice to get a few new faces, didn't bother too much to aim the slice right, didn't bother too much moving the vertexes into propper places either. So that's what hapens :P.
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Guest KillMeTwice
who the bloody *selfcensorshiprules* needs textures anyway? :P


Woah! Looks good even without textures :P but you didnt saw that onespike hole thing on the front of the blade... but that looks still cool :D I think im goin to make one sword more... but now i think im goin to sleep :mage:

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download first :)


Bloodwave KillMeTwice's Cutlass


well was kinda hard to decipher the whole design lol... someparts were kinda blurry... the hilt for example i couldnt read at all... but nevertheless im quite fine with the result... theres a lil texture distortion at the bottom of the guardcage but you shouldnt notice it aslong as you dont look for it and im kida unsure what causes it :)



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