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Sudden, dire FPS?


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I've been playing for years and no problem. Took a break for quite awhile and now the FPS is dire. It's especially noticeable in cities. I thought this was because of expansions. But it's like that even in small, unmodded cities like Hla Oad. Could someone take a peak and tell me if something jumps out as the likely cause? I've mashed the heck out of it, but nothing seems to fix this. :(

Active Mods
001 Morrowind.esm
002 Tribunal.esm
003 Bloodmoon.esm
004 Texture Fix - Bloodmoon 1.1.esm
005 abotWaterLife.esm
006 Morrowind Patch v1.6.6_beta.esm
007 Poorly Placed Object Fix 1.2.esm
008 Texture Fix 2.0.esm
009 TR_Data.esm
010 TR_Mainland.esm
011 MCA.esm
012 Wyrmhaven.esm
013 Sris_Alchemy_BM.esp
014 The Living Cities of Vvardenfall v1.1.esp
015 LCV Schedule Markers.esp
016 Barabus' fireplaces 2.esp
017 cloakanddagger.esp
018 Nymeria's Monthly Respawn.esp
019 Advanced Herbalism - Planter Add-On.esp
020 EcoAdjDaedricDrops.esp
021 BE_HousesForSale.esp
022 Nymeria's Faster Walk.esp
023 MTT IV Master.esp
024 lgnpc_MaarGan.esp
025 Adventurers Tent.esp
026 EcoAdjMerchantSkills.esp
027 Persuasion Response Expansion.esp
028 lgnpc_Ald'ruhn.esp
029 compslave.esp
030 SirLuthor-Tools.esp
031 lgnpc_khuul.esp
032 LGNPC - Pelagiad.esp
033 Unique Banners and Signs.esp
034 Potted Plants - Trib & BM.esp
035 lgnpc_HlaOad.esp
036 Advanced Herbalism - TR & BM.esp
037 Advanced Herbalism_patch.esp
038 LGNPC - Tel Mora.esp
039 Better Bodies.esp
040 Windows Glow.esp
041 LGNPC_NoLore_v0_83.esp
042 EcoAdj(Sri+Ingredients).esp
043 AshlanderTent.esp
044 Sri Alchemy BM List Patch.esp
045 Lgnpc_SN.esp
046 Windows Glow - Tribunal Eng.esp
047 Syc_AtHomeAlchemy.esp
048 Windows Glow - Bloodmoon Eng.esp
049 Windows Glow - Raven Rock Eng.esp
050 abotWaterLifeTRaddon.esp
051 Farmer Mod SSlaves Patch.esp
052 WA_Signy_Signposts(!).ESP
053 Fligg's Slave Mod.esp
054 Bloated Caves.esp
055 Keyring.esp
056 mwfriarnfay's shipwreck v1[2].1.esp
057 ExcellentMagicSounds.esp
058 almalexia armor.esp
059 mel_teleportPlugin_1_3.esp
060 Psy_UniqueDremora_T.esp
061 Better Skulls.ESP
062 Particle Arrow Replacer.esp
063 The Request Mod.esp
064 Psy_VGR_Armour.esp
065 MA_snowprincetomb_v3.esp
066 LGNPC_TelUvirith_v1_20.esp
067 LGNPC_PaxRedoran_v1_20.esp
068 New Gnaar Mok.ESP
069 abotWindowsGlow.esp
070 Statue Replacer - Normal.esp
071 bones.esp
072 Balmora Expansion v1.4.esp
073 Erengard Mines.esp
074 Key Replacer Trib & BM.esp
075 JEB_muffin_fix.esp
076 EcoAdjCrime.esp
077 EcoAdjMisc.esp
078 BE 1.4 -Golden Arrow fix-.esp
079 Shieldfx.esp
080 Vivec Outdoor Mall_v2.esp
081 Book Jackets - Morrowind.esp
082 Ald-Ruhn game of three cups.esp
083 Book Jackets - Tribunal.esp
084 The Doors - Balmora, Suran 1.2.esp
085 Book Jackets - Bloodmoon.esp
086 MTT_IV_Master.esp
087 Chalk30-Base.esp
088 Chalk30-Glow.esp
089 XE Sky Variations.esp
090 NewBlood_MwTbBm1.1.esp
091 Neo's Unique Creatures.esp
092 Jac_lightning_strike.esp
093 jac_morte.esp
094 correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp
095 Clean Chargen_Revamped_v2_3.esp
096 Golden Gold.esp
097 Animated Morrowind.esp
098 Find Shelter.esp
099 New Voices.esp
100 Sleepers, Awake!.esp
101 guarskin_drum_replacer.esp
102 Clerical Robes.esp
103 TR_Alpha.ESP
104 LeftGloves_Addon_v2.esp
105 Adv. Herbalism Trama Complete.ESP
106 UniqueFinery.esp
107 Unique Jewelry and Accessories.esp
108 ASH 2.0.esp
109 True_Lights_And_Darkness_1.0-NoDaylight.esp
110 Clean MCFC_1.0.esp
111 imperial chain fix.esp
112 MCA - TR Addon.esp
113 Farmer Mod v4.3.esp
114 UF_HortRobeF001.esp
115 Vurt's Grazelands Unique Trees.esp
116 Vurt's BC Tree Replacer II.esp
117 New Bodies - Mature.esp
118 Female Armor - Complete.esp
119 Better Weapons and Armors.esp
120 OTR_Coast_Variety.esp
121 STA_guides_replacer.esp
122 The Doors - Ald-Ruhn 1.4.esp
123 Redaynia Village.esp
124 Vivec Expansion 2.0.esp
125 FireCliff.ESP
126 shack mod.ESP
127 Scrib jerky.ESP
128 Farmhouse.ESP
129 Decorator+ (Balanced).esp
130 Better_Sounds.esp
131 NPC LCV Schedules 03.esp
132 NPC LCV Locks.esp
133 AtmosphericSoundEffects-3.0-Tribunal.esp
134 Fastfeet.ESP
135 NOM 2.13.esp
136 Mashed Lists.esp
137 Sensible skills.ESP
138 The Meadow Fae.esp
139 Armor of God.ESP
140 Complete Morrowind - Tribunal & Bloodmoon.esp
141 Complete Morrowind TB & BM - Replacer.esp
142 Universal Companion Share.esp
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Nothing jumps out at me in your load order, but there are quite a few I don't recognize.


Is this the same playthrough that you HAD a good FPS game but now its bog'n down?

If it were me, I'd check my Morrowind.ini and my MGExe Settings. Check: no X for Per Pixel Lighting. Whats your Cell distance? What shaders are you using? =These are the things I would check.


You can also check out the FPS optimizer but statistically speaking I'm sure you have a good enough PC to run Morrowind.


Check your Graphic Settings in ur Driver Software... Nvidia / Amd w/e it is. Make sure AA aint' on max or anything like that.

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Wow awesome response. Too awesome really, it went right over my head :(

I'm not really that sure how to do any of that. I will look into the optimizer. Yeah my system is pretty darn good. I run Ark without problems. So I think it's not too bad. I'll run and try to figure out my nVidia settings. But how do I do the MGExe Settings? I feel kinda dumb xD

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Aaaaand I don't see any way to access that information on the nVidia card either. It's not in Device Manager that I can see. Sorry to be so female, but could you help me change my tire?



So I tried running the optimizer and the weirdest thing happened. The landscape was melting as I walked towards it. There were hills and grass melting into the ground and trees popping up, that should have been there. That was very weird. It wasn't doing that before!


There is another strange thing I've noticed before using this program. Seyda Neen seems to have some really weird glitches going on. There are "Bedroom door"s popping up in doorways and tapestries, against walls and so on. I've seen a bunch of NPCs laying on the ground like they were dead. I went to loot them, and opened their inventory. I took their stuff and the guards attacked me. It was only then I noticed they seemed to be breathing.

I tell you, Seyda Neen is cursed!

Edited by Darklustre
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For MGE XE run

Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\MGEgui.exe


For Nvidia settings, right click on desktop > Nvidia control panel > Manage 3d settings


- Check both the Global Settings and Program Settings for Morrowind


On your load list it doesn't look like you're running the latest version of mlox, I'd suggest running it and applying its load order suggestions. It highlights some other things, e.g.

023 MTT IV Master.esp

086 MTT_IV_Master.esp


Which are basically the same mod.

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Thank you!


Ok I put the anti-aliasing in MGE down to 2x. The nVidia settings were application controlled, except FXAA and that was set to off, transparency-off, gamma correction- on.


Thanks. I forgot all about Mlox. It already found a few discrepancies. I'll look into updating it!

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What MGE Shaders do you have Active? MGE > Graphics TAB > Shader Setup > Active Shaders

What is your Max Cell Distance in MGE for Distant Land? MGE > Distant Land TAB > Cell Distance


Have you tried Mapping keyboard keys (I use 7,8,9) to Turning Distant land and Shaders off in-game?


IE: MGEXEgui.exe > In-Game TAB > Input Tools=Top Right > Macro Editor.

Click on Numpad 9 (or w/e keys u want) and assign it a Function and make it toggle Shaders. Do the same for Distant Land. Load up the game and go to where the FPS hit is and toggle shaders / distant land. Shaders first.


You haven't listed your specs unless they're in your profile, but I'm sure they're up to snuff.

Edited by AYLeiDRuiN
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Ok I'll give that a try. But I'm noticing that, so far it's only in towns along the coast. Vivec and Balmora are the worst. They are also heavily expanded, but worked fine before. I was having weirdness in Seyda Neen. Ald-ruhn seemed much better. Even during the ash storm. I am thinking it could be TR. I probably have an old version. I'm also getting a lot of warnings. My saves are CTDing a lot too. And every time I Mash them, I'm coming up with error messages. And once corrupted, they CTD every time.



i7-3630QM 2.40 Ghz x2
8 gig
GTX 660M
Mash error message:
BAD REF>>NO MASTER 118 406278 ex_molagmar_lev+2
BAD REF>>NO MASTER 138 183932 leles birian00000002
BAD REF>>NO MASTER 123 41610 BE_groupe00000000
BAD REF>>NO MASTER 123 32921 furn_bannerd_goods_balmorapawn
Piernette's Farmhouse
BAD REF>>NO MASTER 138 183932 leles birian00000001
Orphaned content records:
leles birian00000001
leles birian00000002
scrib diseased00000009

Unable to locate Enchanting 'hair shirt'.
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Unable to find referenced object "in_velothismall_ndoor_01_alusar" in script lgnpc_fq_AlusaronScript.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving29.dds" count 39.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving15.dds" count 44.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving01.dds" count 42.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving28.dds" count 40.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving14.dds" count 45.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving27.dds" count 40.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving13.dds" count 44.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\@_bottle_02_nm.dds" count 3.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving26.dds" count 43.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving12.dds" count 42.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving25.dds" count 42.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving11.dds" count 44.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving09.dds" count 41.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving24.dds" count 39.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving10.dds" count 42.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving08.dds" count 43.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving23.dds" count 41.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving07.dds" count 45.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\Tx_A_Silver_cuir_duke01.dds" count 3.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving22.dds" count 43.
Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving06.dds" count 44.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\@_ceramic_swirl_large_nm.dds" count 3.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving21.dds" count 44.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving19.dds" count 44.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving05.dds" count 44.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving20.dds" count 42.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\reflection.dds" count 6.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving18.dds" count 41.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving04.dds" count 44.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\Q_Refl_Writing_Dark.dds" count 3.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving17.dds" count 43.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving03.dds" count 46.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving16.dds" count 41.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\db_blood_moving02.dds" count 45.
Texture "Textures\menu_thick_border_bottom_right_corner.dds" count 2.
Edited by Darklustre
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