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The Mariner as a Companion


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I was playing through Far Harbor for the 10th time and realized I have often thought The Mariner would make an interesting companion. Has anyone tried to do this or does anyone have any insight on the drawbacks of doing it. I know she's a quest giver so the only way it may be possible is once you finish her quests she could have one more quest that would open up the option for her to become a companion but only after you have completed her scripted quests.


Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. I've been working on a Companion mod in FO4 and kind of have an idea what it takes and got as far as her quest dialogue and creating an affinity script but things got busy for me. I'm more experienced with Skyrim Companion creation.




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  • 4 months later...

I don't know if it's the glasses, the hard-working attitude, or just the fishy-smellin' overalls she wears... but YES I agree 100%

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