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[LE] where i must input this => IsKeyPressed

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sorry for my bad english,

i like to test this script :

// begin

Bool bIsHotkeyPressed ; = False
Int Property iHotkey = 184 Auto ; R-Alt by default

Event OnInit()

Event OnUpdate()
If bIsHotkeyPressed != Input.IsKeyPressed(iHotkey) ; Only run code when the status changes
bIsHotkeyPressed = !bIsHotkeyPressed ; Set bool to whatever it isn't
If bIsHotkeyPressed ; == True
Debug.Trace("Hotkey Pressed")
Else ; If bIsHotkeyPressed == False
Debug.Trace("Hotkey Released")

// end


note : i got this from https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=IsKeyPressed_-_Input


but it require SKSE, so, where i must put it in, its require creation kit? what tab i must put in?


i mean it do not have object reference to trigger the events, so i dont understand how to put this script without object to put the script

Edited by virginharvester
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Genrally you'd put this stuff in a script in a quest with the start game enabled checkbox checked. Also it's better to use https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=RegisterForKey_-_Form + https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=OnKeyDown_-_Form instead of checking constantly if the key is pressed.

And yeah you of course need ck to bind scripts to objects.

Edited by FrankFamily
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Yes you need a new quest to add the script to, doesn't need a name, category or anything just start game enabled flag and ID ofc.

About skse, afaik you will need to download if you haven't already the script sources for skse in order to compile the script so the CK knows those skse functions you are calling exist and that's it.

Edited by FrankFamily
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thanks again for reply, i have test it but encounter some problem


this is script :


Scriptname HotkeyScript

Function RegisterForKey(Int KeyCode) Native

Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode)
Debug.Trace("A registered key has been pressed")
If KeyCode == 42
Debug.Trace("R-Shift is registered and has been pressed")

(the script compile succeed without error)

this is quest data tab

ID : HotkeyScript

quest name : Hotkey Quest

priority : 100

type : non

start game enable check, run once check,


save it, run the game, when i press r-shift, the script not respond,

any wrong with my doing?

note : i have latest SKSE instaled (oldrim)

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Well, you are not calling registerforkey, there you are defining a function instead. You need to call it just like registerforsingleupdate within onupdate in your original script, passing 42 as the parameter keycode, i.e:


Event Oninit()




In the wiki check the examples not just the syntax section

Edited by FrankFamily
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thanks again for reply,

but still not work,

i have modified with other script,

but still not work.


Scriptname HotkeyScript

Function Init()
Debug.MessageBox("The mod has been installed")

Event OnPlayerLoadGame()
Debug.Trace("player loaded a save, do some fancy stuff")

Function RegisterForKey(Int KeyCode) Native

Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode)
Debug.Trace("A registered key has been pressed")
If KeyCode == 42
Debug.Trace("R-Shift is registered and has been pressed")
Debug.Trace("The keycode '"+keyCode+"' has been pressed.")

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Try building off of the following. A most basic variation of what you're trying to do.



Scriptname HotkeyScript Extends Quest

Event OnInit()

Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode)
  If KeyCode == 42
    Debug.Notification("Hey, you pressed the key with a DXScanCode value of "+KeyCode)



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