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How many mods is too much?


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I have close to 100 running at the same time. I hardly get CTD's, use boss whenever it up. Not to say I dont have my fair share of problems and its a complete pain figuring out which one is causing a CTD or stuck loading screen when I have one. Anyways I was just curios if my number is absurd and what amount I should try to shorten down to.
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79 plugins according to NMM, I had 80+ before I had to reinstall Skyrim this morning.. lol save games wouldn't load, gives me a chance to try out different mods.
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Pretty sure if you're smart about what mods you're using you can go right up to the max, which is 250 something? More with Wrye Bash. Really all depends on the type of mods and how they all work together. I only have about 25-30 running now but I'll keep on adding them, slowly (very slowly).
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79 plugins according to NMM


The numbers are for plug-ins right? Some mods show multiple (some quite a lot) plug-ins and some just show one. So if I'm guessing that's correct, then it varies as far the actual number of mods because some contain numerous plug-ins?

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My actual number is 139. Anyways Im just happy skyrim isn't buggy like new vegas which would CTD all the time, near to the point of unplayability. I feel like whenver I CTD these days its more of a ram problem then the actual mods.
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You know, I was about to make a topic like this but than I see it was already made. lol


I want to keep playing and enjoy this game, but I just hit a limit of a 16mb save and now I can't play my current character. I need to make a whole new one just to play.


I have over 137 mods running right now, 75% of them armor and creation mods, and I get game lockups, saves sometimes don't load, and it's all very frustrating.


I'm starting to get very angry with this game and it's issues. It locks up at the most unprecedented of times and I sware after the 3 times I checked every single one of my mods INDIVIDUALLY this WEEK, I thought it would be enough to fix the game without problems. I think I need a break -_.<br><br>If it is a ram problem, 6 gbs of ram isn't enough?<br>

Edited by evolvedbullet1
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Up until about 4 hours ago, I had 166 mods. I now top out at 171. some are just ESP's and othes are mesh or texture replacers. But all in all I run pretty error free. I have 1 world location that will 100% CTD due to a spawn point. I can avoid it easily with no deterant or break in my game play, I love the mod and can live with 1 known bad spot.
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I have 94 plugins according to Boss at the moment and for the past 3 months I've played, I had like 2-3 ctd's only ... I'm actually very surprised by Skyrim stability compared to Fallout new vegas.


I don't think I am a mod addict 'cause in the past I didn't mod my games that much ( morrowind I had just 4-5 mods I think, oblivion about 20, New Vegas also around 20-30 ) it's just for Skyrim there are so many amazing mods out there, I really want to try them all and once I've tried them usually I just keep them.

Thanks to the modding community!

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I try to keep my number at 100 or below. It may get pushed to 120 if I can't resist a few more. I don't want to get lost in a huge list of mods if problems occur.


So far I've hardly had any issues with mods and crashing. I'm pretty surprised at how stable Skyrim has been for me with around 100 mods running, especially with how buggy the CK is. Fallout: New Vegas was an absolute nightmare with around the same number of mods.

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I have over 100 mods, all installed manually, installing news ones all the time, and I rarely crash. (Maybe once or twice a month of solid playing?) My framerate is a stable 45, without any stutters or glitches. But then, most of my mods are texture mods or minor tweaks (such as faster animals)- which typically don't cause problems for anyone, given sufficient vram.
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