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God Of War Axe (Leviathan)


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@ Surinen: Nothing of all that...i already said several times that i don't have the time and will create the axe and MAYBE (at best!) a throwing animation. This is Skyrim, not God of War...different game, different engine. It will feel nothing like that in Skyrim, a huge team created GOW over years and their own engine suits the weapons they create. There is no checkbox like "... make weapon throwable and return to player" and "... convert blade to ice when hitting" that you just have to tick in Creation Kit. Doing all that would take days and weeks of work, i can't spend so much time on unpaid work - I'm grown up and got to pay my bills. And there are plenty of 'em. I'm doing that for fun - to me, 3D modeling is fun. CK work - not so much.


That's one of the reasons, i quit modding - there are always people that are unhappy with what they get. Once i released a weapon pack,one of the first comments was "No armor?". How many modders are still here, that fullfill requests? I guess the request to modder ratio is something like 100(0):1. My mailbox is already filling up with requets once again, messages like "I KNOW, you're just here for a short visit BUT could you do this and that .... ?" What you get is at least (!) better than nothing, be happy with that or just ignore it. I never asked people for thanking me all the time, since i'm doing it for fun. On the other hand, it would be really nice just to let the modder do his thing.


Sry to get emotional, but it's always the same story. Most of the time you simply don't care, but sometimes just such a tiny comment spoils your mood.

Once the weapon is released I'll make it a free ressource after a few weeks, so everyone can use it for his own mods - maybe you find someone that can fullfill your demands.


@ the other replies, thx.



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... and straight after your response you send me pictures of a GOW Mjolnir via PM? I just said that I'm finishing that axe and that's it. So why? I'm not making a hammer so what shall i do with these "design suggestions that are no demands"?

Edited by ghosu
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And this is why we cant have good things. Cause people cant read or lack reading comprehension. Ghosu is being nice with this. Can't people (assuming its more then him cause herd mentality is a thing) just be glad hes even making this mod? I mean he really has no reason to aside from his own amusement, bordem, and maybe cause he agrees the axe is just that dang awesome.

Piece is said, i shall now lurk the thread.

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@ Ghosu, the thing is you have not said that you finish the axe and that's it, you have only spoke on the effects/throw issue - that you won't do it. But what you have said is that 3d modeling is fun to you. I have thought that maybe you would like Mjolnir's appearance, considering you like Leviathan and they both come from the same game, share design direction. Would I like to see it made? Of course, but as I have said in PM I just wanted to share it with you. Suggestion at best, attempt at influencing at worst. As to what you should do with these suggestions: whatever you want, delete and forget, or print and put on fire. These are but few options.


And as to why PM: because I wanted to avoid spoilers here.


I understand, you see ulterior motives in every message now. Such is a fate of a capable artist; requests and fake sympathies. And I won't claim innocence, but there is a difference between suggestion and request. As I have said, you do you.

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I see. I have asked because there is another great weapon in GoW4 that might pick up your interest, at least this is what I think judging by the mods you have created. And no, it is not the one that Kratos wields at any point of the game. But without completing the game it would be a spoiler to tell.


I hope there will be someone to help you.


About this axe. Will its runes glow? Will it get its blade covered in ice and do frost damage?





two timestamps for activation of the axe 0:32sec and 1:32. And 1:11 for deactivation


From what I know, there are two weapons in the game (without the BOYs bow. BOYBOW =)) ). The second one you're talking is available on nexus



In fact, is the weapon that was availale in all God of War games, from the begining. Blades of Chaos I think they are named. And btw, being the most iconic weapon in God Of War, the fact that is gonna be in the game is a big a** spoiler :smile:


Edited by nitanmarcel
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