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God Of War Axe (Leviathan)


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Bloody hell, it is beautiful, just beautiful. I would marry it and ride my neck on its edge like an emo humping razorblade. Most definitely weapon of the year.


That being said, enchantment looks rather odd, with vapours swirling in two places, even where cold is not supposed to come from. Personally I think Chillrend's effect would look better on it, with cold coming from axe's head.


I haven't played Skyrim in a while so I can't say whether it is has glow or not, maybe it is just enchantment playing tricks on my eyes.

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First i search for a mod that add this weapon in TESV and i found this thread, when i saw a modder which is ghosu said that he will be creating this axe but ONLY the weapon no fancy throw&call back animation or mechanics. That's good for me i've been like a 2-3 months player of skyrim which had led me to modding it so i got hook in moddinh my own skyrim which is now a heavily modded skyrim. After all this time i didn't even bother request a mod because i'm just happy with what i found and with what i download in the nexus. Bottom line the axe looks great and yeah someone said that eventually some other modder will implement the throw&call back mechanic in the game just give the mod time to age. Probably no one will look at this reply just wanna say something
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