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Help on makin fraction


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To make a fraction, you usually would need two numbers, one placed on top of the other with a line in-between the two. :P


To make a faction, go to the character button up top, and looks for faction. Click on it, and then a box should pop up. Click on new, fill out the info, and voila, a new faction.

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I can do abit of dialogue but doing quests is to hard, i have found a guide on how to do it but when u click on reward for example it gives u 50 gold then when u click it again it gives u another 50 gold. How can i stop this! :help:
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Add a journal entry to the response which gives you the reward - eg


Journal "My_quest" 100


in the results field for the response,


and the corresponding journal entry 'So-and-so gave me a reward' under the journals tab.



Then, in the reward topic, make a new response above the others. Set the condition for it to the journal index you have just created ( Journal My_Quest = 100 ). The text could be anything you like - something like 'I have already given you your reward' might be suitable. This line closes the quest.

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