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"No thank you." Victoria said, getting out her phone. She looked through the database, information from every citizen, every company... she looked through recent Arrivals and saw the Id of a private plane. She brought up feeds of the Area and saw Logan "Damn it!" She said, slamming her fist into the table.


Blythe sat down on a waiting bench in the Hospital, and cried. It was a mixture of stress, caring for Logan, and confusion. Once she had finished her eyeliner and mascara had smudged down her snow-white cheeks.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Victoria didn't respond and checked the hospital logs. It looks like Logan had just arrived, Victoria sent a message to her Agents in the hospital, some surgeons, others lower ranking, to take Logan to a secure theater. She then got up from the table and ran out of the room.


She reached the ground floor and ran to the garage, getting into her Maserati, and driving to the hospital.


Once there she got out of the car, a box in hand, and walked through the reception, she was taken by an agent to the Theater Logan was about to be treated in. She reached the surgeon and gave him the box "Make sure you inject him with this..." She said, and then turned back, walking down the Corridor, past Blythe, and back out of the Hospital.


Blythe witnessed Victoria as she walked out past her, Blythe's eyes widened, she could have shot the model then but.... Click. Suddenly Blythe realized... the Illuminati were everywhere, and these Doctors were not Doctors... but agents of the Enlightened, she ran down the corridor as fast as she could, heading for the theater.


The surgeon looked at Logan as he layed him on the table, taking out of the box the syringe Victoria had gave him... it was an Aortic Ravager... "This won't hurt a bit.." He said, leaning down, about to inject Logan..

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Logan, who was still dizzy, felt the needle puncture his skin. He looked over to see the vial, was that the same of a Aortic Ravager vial. His eyes widened, but he was totally helpless. He knew how lethal the Aortic Ravager's were, he needed to think of something, and fast. For unknown reasons, Logan managed to get enough strength to move himself again. He quickly grabbed the needle and ripped it, out, and stabbed the doctor in the eye and injected the Aortic Ravager into his eye. He screamed in pain as the other nurses and doctors tried as hard as they could to keep Logan down, but he was much tougher, and threw them off. He ran through the theater, disoriented and dizzy still, he managed to burst through the doors, where he ran into Blythe.


"Let's go!" Logan yelled, as he helped up Blythe and ran as fast as he could through the halls, and outside of the hospital. "Where is the bike?" Logan asked, but he saw the parking garage and didn't give Blythe time to answer. As Logan ran through the first floor, he found a Saleen S7 sports car. Perfect. He looked at Blythe, and pointed to the front seat, "Drive!" He yelled, as he got into the passenger seat. He had no idea if they were following, but one thing that was on his mind right now was to run.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Anderson gets a call while hiding in the church. "Hello?" he says. "Anderson! they're all dead! Except one or two! I think Blythe and Logan are in Dubai. You may wish to help them!" Anderson was relieved. At least some were alive. "Where are they?" He asked, "In a hospital, it's full of Illuminati and they are sorely in need of bac..." There is a gunshot and the line goes dead. Damn. Seeing his partner out of it, he leaves a note on him telling where he should meet up, and rushes out. He starts legging it to the hospital, fully armed with his knives and his bayonets. After a while, he reaches where they are, and sees things are already going badly. "BLYTHE!!! LOGAN!!! WHERE ARE YOU???" He shouts, running into the building. Two orderlies that were disguised Illuminati try to attack him, but he makes quick work of them.
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Logan noticed the incredibly tall man enter the car. He wasn't going to question Blythe, since it was obvious that she knew who the man was. However, turning attention back to himself, his blood loss symptoms had returned, especially the dizziness and feeling light headed. He reached down to grab his Colt, only to remember that it was still back at the safe house, along with his rifle and their belongings. "We need... to go back to the safe house... Our stuff is still there." Logan said as loud as he could, which wasn't more louder then a whisper.
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"That is a risky suggestion. However, if ye need your gear, ye need your gear." Alexander Anderson states, "In case ye don't remember who I am, I am Father Alexander Anderson. I am the Templar Regenerator, Paladin of Iscariot Division of the Vatican, and I run St George's Orphanage in Italy."
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