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Elder Scrolls VI: The Return


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I know this forum is supposed to be for Skyrim, but I assumed it would be fine to have this thread. I want to know what everyone thinks of this idea for the next Elder Scrolls game.


I call it "The Return". It is based around the return of the Dwemer race, which hundreds of years prior to the Elder Scrolls series.


According to ES lore, the Dwemer simply vanished without a trace, and no one knows where they went or if they will ever return. In the Tribunal expansion for Morrowind, players meet the last know living Dwemer, who is searching for signs of where his people went.


The game will take place 100 years after Skyrim. The Septim Empire and the Aldmeri Dominipon are at war once again, but are forced to join forces when a mysterious army comes out of nowhere and attacks on all sides of Tamriel. The player starts out as a prisoner of war in a camp belonging to either the Empire of the Domionion, depending on what race you choose, but you are being released thanks to a treaty signed between the two nations. If you choose a raise that is loyal to the Empire, you start out in a prison camp in Valenwood. if you choose an race loyal to the Dominion, you start out in the prison camp somewhere in Cyrodiil.


I want to make the character creation aspect of the game a lot more in depth than previous games. I don't want the character to be some random person who drops out of no where. Your character will have a family, and an actual backstory.


The main quest line will be the player working to ready the Tamriel forces to face the Dwemer.

Edited by Daggdag
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Sounds pretty cool mate. Although I think the next game should take place in somewhere that we haven't seen before, maybe like Elsewhere, (or whatever its called), Hammerfell or Blackmarsh (assuming its not just one HUGE ass swamp with a few towns).


I like the idea about expanding the character system. I've always found it funny that in EVERY TES game out of the "big 3", your ALWAYS some random prisoner (what is it with Bethesda and prisoners?), and NEVER have a backstory (but I suppose the lack of a backstory leaves room for the player to imagine their own, if they can be bothered with all that. I just play the game lol). I did find the character creation system in Skyrim pretty cool, and I was pleased to see that THIS time, everybody doesn't look DAMN ugly, like they did in Oblivion. Man, Oblivion had some WEIRD looking people.


Hopefully in TES VI, you'll be able to go even further with appearance customisation (like in Saints Row 3), AND, despite how many people will hate me for saying... The character should have a VOICE! There should be about 10 different voice actors for the player (5 male, 5 female), and you choose your preference. There should still be JUST as much dialogue, but it would be SO much better to hear your character talk, like the NPC's do, instead of using "telepathy" or whatever the hell they've been doing. I know it would raise the cost of production by another few grand, but IMO its worth it. I'm not one of those crazy people who get SO involved in a game that I actually talk to the screen. "Hey Lydia, lets see whats in this cave. Its an honor to have you doing everything I tell you to do. Hey Lydia, stick the kettle on. Earl Grey, no sugar, make it strong". I dont live alone, so people would think I was NUTS.


TES has ALWAYS suffered from a distinct lack of voice actors. If you listen carefully, you can tell that theres probably only about 10 voice actors in the entire game, covering over 100 NPC's. And to top it off, different voice actors share the SAME generic lines, which IMO, is VERY stupid. Most games do that though, so its not just a dig at Bethesda, but everyone lol. For example, you meet an old man smoking a chillum in the mountains who says "Wow, look at the stars, such a beautiful sight to behold", then 100 miles away, you meet a young guy in a prison cell, indoors, who says EXACTLY the same thing, as if the people of the world share a "hive mind" level of conscious.


However TES VI turns out, I'll still play it!


Get on UDK mate, realise your dreams HAHA.

Edited by shuriken88
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Nice idea, but i would also like to see a different setting, im getting bored of these "fantasy" games that mostly circle arround humans and their problems...something more alien like it was with morrowind or shivering isles expansion.


I see enough humans irl, i want some change atleast in games.

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I want the next game to include the total annihilation of the Thalmor. Not that I carry a grudge... :whistling:


I was thinking the same thing, except I can't wait I would like a mod or DLC for Skyrim (crossing fingers, do'in the hokey pokey, and whatever other stupid-stitious things for it).

Edited by fms1
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I have this desperate hope that it would take place on a different continent, It could be 3 maybe 4 larger islands with plenty of small ones forming the continent.


Imagine the exitement it would create among gamers, That alone would be a huge franchise of the ES series.


Im longing to see some devs willing to take some chances,If that were announced tomorrow i would spend the next 3,5 years in my Cryogenic box until release.


What should be the name of the new continent and what should it contain Hmmmm Any ideas anyone ?.

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Thats what made San-Andreas the BEST of the GTA series IMO (not to derail the thread); the fact that you have THREE seperate islands, and each of them are completely different. Different architecture, different landscapes, different people (to some extent), different police, different atmosphere. That game was brimming with diversity and contrasts. Something which IMHO, is SEVERELY lacking in pretty much all other open world games, because these days everything is made "modular", as in everywhere uses the same old buildings, the same old ruins, the same old interiors (Bethesda finally adressed the "identical interiors" problem in Skyrim... "good one lads"). Basically, everything just looks the same.


Its not just Bethesdas RPG's, its practically ALL free-roaming games since San-Andreas. I know the common idea is that "modularitis" is used in games because it improves performance, but at the end of the day, it just makes everything look really boring. You dont feel like exploring anymore because its not like your going to find anywhere that looks any different to the other 20 locations you've found.


I miss the sparse variety of scenery that seemed to die after the San Andreas "era". We need to bring that back ASAP! Imagine a TES game with as much variation in scenery as that, it would be AMAZING, some people could die from cardiac arrest!

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Yeah I don't like being off topic but the GTA San-Andreas thing is a bit of a stretch. I think Skyrim (and other games) have much more diversity that GTA. I mean you have tundra, swamps, hot springs, mountains, plains, caves, ruins, "cities" (I know they're not really cities). San Andreas was one of my favorite games don't get me wrong, but as far as it being some model of variety... I don't know. Not to mention you couldn't go inside the buildings (well most buildings).


EDIT: Just to add something ON Topic, I think the Dwemer should stay in the past. You have a cool Idea I'll give you that, but after all the stuff regarding the Dwemer in the games and such I just think it's unreasonable to bring them back. Just my opinion though and I'm sure many people want to see them again. I also think the idea behind starting as a prisoner with no backstory is part of Beth's design, so as someone else said you can create (imagine) your own.

Edited by thompsonar
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Yeah I don't like being off topic but the GTA San-Andreas thing is a bit of a stretch. I think Skyrim (and other games) have much more diversity that GTA. I mean you have tundra, swamps, hot springs, mountains, plains, caves, ruins, "cities" (I know they're not really cities). San Andreas was one of my favorite games don't get me wrong, but as far as it being some model of variety... I don't know. Not to mention you couldn't go inside the buildings (well most buildings).


EDIT: Just to add something ON Topic, I think the Dwemer should stay in the past. You have a cool Idea I'll give you that, but after all the stuff regarding the Dwemer in the games and such I just think it's unreasonable to bring them back. Just my opinion though and I'm sure many people want to see them again. I also think the idea behind starting as a prisoner with no backstory is part of Beth's design, so as someone else said you can create (imagine) your own.


The only thing that is certain about Dwemer is that they disappeared and no one knows why or where they went. I think it would be perfectly reasonable for them to return just as unexpectedly. It would have to be done right, but I doubt that would be an issue, seeing as beth's storytelling has never been lacking.

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Yeah, I would also like to see somehow the Dwemer return. However it would be nice to see this related to another continent. I think Akavir might be really suitable for such a new Episode in the TES-Series.

But MOST OF ALL I would really love to see a new part beeing setted in Valenwood. But pls give me this not earlier than in 5 years, when PCs (or unfortunatelly the consoles :/) are capable of showing HUUUUUUUUUGE forrests with moving cities.... man.... so awesome....

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