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Elder Scrolls VI: The Return


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Good idea. Well, I can say some of the things that players want most in the 6th installment of the series (and I am 90% sure that it will be).

1) This.

2) Black Marsh. Because Argonians in part of players' opinion are awesome. And in my opinion, it would be interesting. And I'd like to see what this An-Xaleel looks like (if you don't know what An-Xaleel is - read "The Infernal City")

3) Another war against Thalmor in order to regain peace in the Empire.

4) High Rock\Hammerfell\Elsweyr\Valenwood\Morrowind. You have never been there, thats why (The plot of the TES 3 goes on the Vvardenfell isle, NOT the Morrowind itself. Just a reminder).

And... I think thats all.

But still, I am more interested in what Dwemer looks like (besides Yagrum Bagarn from Morrowind and that ghost guy from Tribunal).

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It's interesting that so many people say that they want something really different and new, but then lament about the empire. I really hope, depending on how far in the future the next installment would take place, that the empire is a thing of the past and that there is a new world order.


The Dominion would be around, since they were on the rise when the empire was collapsing, but besides them there could be several other unique nations, cultures and empires. Hammerfall is in some sort of conflict with their neighbours, the Dominion. Skyrim is on the rise and the offensive, going into High Rock. Dunmber a recovering and fighting of their invaders etc. Just think that this would make the setting of Tamriel much more interesting to whatever the main plot of the next installment would be. Just my thoughts.

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I know this forum is supposed to be for Skyrim, but I assumed it would be fine to have this thread. I want to know what everyone thinks of this idea for the next Elder Scrolls game.


I call it "The Return". It is based around the return of the Dwemer race, which hundreds of years prior to the Elder Scrolls series.


According to ES lore, the Dwemer simply vanished without a trace, and no one knows where they went or if they will ever return. In the Tribunal expansion for Morrowind, players meet the last know living Dwemer, who is searching for signs of where his people went.


The game will take place 100 years after Skyrim. The Septim Empire and the Aldmeri Dominipon are at war once again, but are forced to join forces when a mysterious army comes out of nowhere and attacks on all sides of Tamriel. The player starts out as a prisoner of war in a camp belonging to either the Empire of the Domionion, depending on what race you choose, but you are being released thanks to a treaty signed between the two nations. If you choose a raise that is loyal to the Empire, you start out in a prison camp in Valenwood. if you choose an race loyal to the Dominion, you start out in the prison camp somewhere in Cyrodiil.


I want to make the character creation aspect of the game a lot more in depth than previous games. I don't want the character to be some random person who drops out of no where. Your character will have a family, and an actual backstory.


The main quest line will be the player working to ready the Tamriel forces to face the Dwemer.

This would make a decent quest line to be honest. You could discover that when the Dwemer ditched, they had gone off to far off ancient lands forgotten/unknown to the other races. And you could also string in the Psijic Order, going off to find them and learn more? It makes sense. The Psijic Order being the most elite mages, superior to the Imperial Mages Guild, and the College Of Winterhold, running off to seek greater knowledge than any men have yet discovered, to find the Dwemer off in... Le'ts say Atmora? The Psijic Order then starts learning, problems rise, the Order abandons Atmora, the Dwemer, being enraged over something then seek them out near Skyrim? And they all go to war. I like this idea. Although it seems a tad bit dry on the magical fantasy side, it seems good. One change though, don't let it take place in Cyrodill. Put it in somewhere different, that was in the older games, or has not yet been released. I would also think it's better that you don't start off in an Imperial/Dominion prison. Make it a joint prison camp, controlled by both of the factions.

Let's say you were being taken prisoner by the dwarves to work as their slaves(The Dwarves have some kind of... Addiction to enslaving people). Then while you were being taken to the Dwarves Slave Camp, you were all ambushed, and taken to the Joint Prison? I don't know, I'm just throwing ideas out there.

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The Dwemer can't come back. Who do you think is making all those toys that Santa brings every year?


Mystery solved, Do they also make power laptops???? cause this has been on my list for christmas the past 5 years.

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The main quest will not be against the dominion, Its simply not interesting enough.


it will be something world threatening as usual.


That's what I mean. The Dwemer have returned, and the player, either playing a member of the Empire or the Dominion, must work to unite the nations to face this new foe.

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The main quest will not be against the dominion, Its simply not interesting enough.


it will be something world threatening as usual.


That's what I mean. The Dwemer have returned, and the player, either playing a member of the Empire or the Dominion, must work to unite the nations to face this new foe.


Well we all have our thoughts about the sixth installment, but i just dont want another war, It could easily be a sub quest like a faction or something,Or maybe an expansion.


dont get me wrong I think your idea is very exiting but im just not a fan of war themes in rpgs, the ES series is one of the few remaining rpgs thats not totally war related and would hate to seen another call of duty medievil style


we already have plenty of those.

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  • 6 months later...

I always thought a Dwemer themed game would be cool, I liked those heretical scientists.


Whether the game returns to the past and explores upon them, perhaps set in the time of Nerevar Indoril, just before the Dwemer vanish, or based upon a return of the Dwemer, it should definitely be a form of steampunk. But such a move might be considered a deviation from the formula that would anger too many people, perhaps? Maybe it would work better as a spin-off title?

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