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weird lag


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okey since the offical forum was of no help I am asking here


So I just got the game from steam but it is rather laggy compared to a retail copy I had awhile back. I tried lower setting tweaking ffdshow etc but to no avail.


my system specs are

Amd turion duel core rm-70 2 gh(rate at 3.20)

nvidia 8200gm

conexent smart audio 211

3 gb of ram


low end I know but seeing as I JUST played the game week ago before my cd snapped and had no real lagging issues so why is the steam version acting up on me ?



things I have done

laa patch

reduced settings

tweaked ini

restored to default ini

removed sound codecs


and to repeat I have played this game at 1280x 1024 with no real problem so PLEASE dont say it is my software it isnt.

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Just to eliminate any differences between your old setup and this one, do you have a backup copy of your old Oblivion.ini that you could try (after making a backup of your current Oblivion.ini of course)?


The only other thing that comes to mind immediately is install location (only an issue if you are running Vista or Windows 7). If your old disk install was to C:\Games\Oblivion but your Steam install is C:\Program Files\Steam\Oblivion (or whatever the Steam related folders are named ... non-Steam guy here) UAC could be adding some extra processing (even if UAC is disabled it's still there in the background, you've just tied it's hands behind it's back).


On the subject of Steam ... does it allow you to play the game in 'off-line' mode? I'm wondering if Steam is constantly running and chewing up CPU cycles while doing whatever Steam does in the background (something that will be more noticeable on a less powerful machine).

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Check the advanced display properties in Nvidia's driver. If you're using one of the older Forceware versions (e.g. 84.xx, 93.xx etc) with Nvidia's classic control panel and the Coolbits2 registry mod, go into "Additional Direct3D settings" and reduce the "max frames to render ahead" option from its default of 3 to 2 or 1 (try 2 first). This should reduce or eliminate lag problems with your keyboard/mouse. You can alternatively use Rivatuner or another tweaker to do the same thing with newer Forceware drivers. It made a huge difference on my system which dates from roughly the same time as yours.
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