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Enchanting on touch - what 'area' & min / max pts


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Hi All,

Two enchanting questions...


When I put a spell on something like a sword with fire or soul trap, what should be in the 3rd spec - 'area' when I specify 'touch'? I have been putting 1. For example, my Daedric Katana has disintegrating armour 5 - 15 pts, 6 secs, area 1 on touch.


With regard to the min and max points, if I have it go from 1 to somthing much higher, will it begin to always use the higher number like have heard it does with spells over time, or will the number of points always be random within the range I state? What do folks generally do about this Ex. my 'Red Hand of Fire' exquisite ring has Damage Health 4 - 20, 5 sec range 18' and fire damage 1 - 15 for 5 sec at 12'


Thanks for your help. :)

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Area is like it sounds, the radius of effect of whatever enchantment you put on it.


Min-max is (as far as I know) always random. So it's a choice between wildly variable effects, or consistent average effects that can never reach the same potential. It's really a matter of personal choice, they average out to the same in the end.


The only time you definitely want to use 1-X is when you're making a constant effect item you'll rarely (if ever) take off. If you do that, you can keep equipping/unequipping it until you get a fairly high result.

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Thanks, folks for answering.


Peregrine (They are gorgous to watch - if you are a person, but bird from hell to meals on the wing :) ) so if I have area 1 on a weapon, it would be fine for soul trap (from my experience), but maybe for armour disintegration or fire damage it should be higher ot have a greater effect more rapidly?


I heard luck helps everything in a general way, but doesn't have a huge effect.

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