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Skyrim or Skyrim SE?


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First and foremost is your box. Can your PC handle Skyrim SE?


If you're looking at the mod scene, Skyrim SE is quite fertile. While there aren't as many mods as Oldrim, Newrim is active and getting lots of new stuff regularly. Oldrim these days is mostly "<name> the sexy, fully voiced standalone follower!" (requires UNP, UNBP, CBBE, UNCBP, XP32 Skeletons, FNIS and UCNCBBEP) with the odd gem here and there. That being said, Oldrim has it's library and its history of many, MANY quality mods. Newrim doesn't really have that. Yet.

Edited by Tanooki1432
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First and foremost is your box. Can your PC handle Skyrim SE?


If you're looking at the mod scene, Skyrim SE is quite fertile. While there aren't as many mods as Oldrim, Newrim is active and getting lots of new stuff regularly. Oldrim these days is mostly "<name> the sexy, fully voiced standalone follower!" (requires UNP, UNBP, CBBE, UNCBP, XP32 Skeletons, FNIS and UCNCBBEP) with the odd gem here and there. That being said, Oldrim has it's library and its history of many, MANY quality mods. Newrim doesn't really have that. Yet.

Great I have an MSI laptop with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M and I do want to get into modding I just don't know if my laptop can handle it.


Honestly I would go for gameplay mods, quality of life mods, over haul mods, balance mods.


None of this HD mods to make the game look pretty or characters because then I feel like my computer wouldn't really be able to handle that.

Edited by Noxty
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"Original" is the Separate Skyrim and separate DLCs. The real choice is between Legendary or Special Edition.


As I had LE I get a free download of SE but have not used it yet. I probably will, one day.


I hear from friends that SE is very good graphically and the Unofficial Patch exists for it (USSEP). Now that SKSE 64 (or whatever it's called) is working, new mods are becoming more common and old mods more easily converted.


I do hear many complaints about the Creation Kit (the main tool for making mods) however, and the idea of paid mods by the back door through the Creation Club. I have no direct experience myself, though. I recall some complaints about one particular update that included the Creation Club in it when people did not want it.



Personally, I prefer the Legendary Edition as it does not have any of the Creation Club nonsense and has all the best mods. But that might be my personal bias. LE also has the Unofficial Patches and although they will no longer be updated they were pretty complete for the LE version (USLEEP).



So, as Tanooki1432 says, it's down to your rig in the first instance and what sort of mods you want to run.


I also tend to run overhauls, game play enhancers, particularly things for Druid, Ranger and Bard types, and avoid graphical things.


First thing to get is the Unofficial Patch and to make sure any mods you use are designed for the version of Skyrim you are playing.


Then I'd get SkyUI, unless you really like playing as if you are on a console.


Then any of Arthmoor's mods (Run for your Lives, When Vampires Attack, The Paarthurnax Dilemma), which to me are also bug fixes ;) Alternate Start - Live Another Life I might leave until you've played a few games with different characters.


There are also many great mods for camping, cooking, alchemy, crafting, survival, the environment and weather etc.



Good Luck!



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First and foremost is your box. Can your PC handle Skyrim SE?


If you're looking at the mod scene, Skyrim SE is quite fertile. While there aren't as many mods as Oldrim, Newrim is active and getting lots of new stuff regularly. Oldrim these days is mostly "<name> the sexy, fully voiced standalone follower!" (requires UNP, UNBP, CBBE, UNCBP, XP32 Skeletons, FNIS and UCNCBBEP) with the odd gem here and there. That being said, Oldrim has it's library and its history of many, MANY quality mods. Newrim doesn't really have that. Yet.

Great I have an MSI laptop with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M and I do want to get into modding I just don't know if my laptop can handle it.


Honestly I would go for gameplay mods, quality of life mods, over haul mods, balance mods.


None of this HD mods to make the game look pretty or characters because then I feel like my computer wouldn't really be able to handle that.


I have a 950M along with 16GB RAM, and I can run the game on the highest setting, and I'm running about 40 mods. I own Oldrim, all DLCs and Skyrim SE.. and I can run Fallout 4 on high setting. I don't have any overhaul mods, but have played new land mods like Falskaar and Wyrmstooth.


So I think your laptop will work with you on a bigger scale than mine, but I've honestly never tested the limits of my laptop with Skyrim.


Keep in mind though some mods can bring even those future proof'ed PCs to their knees because the mods might overdo it with placed objects at runtime, or just waaaaay too many NPCs in some area(s).

Edited by Rasikko
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