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Nice poems :x:x


Really nice :D


Keep on going Dezi...You're a smart girl :whistling: hehe


Cheers :thumbsup:



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Dezdimona, There are few things that penetrate my unfortunately twisted mind but all the poems here are beautiful and gies me hope for the world. Must totally agree with Coolystguy and his comment. please give us some more of these beauties.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Your words

are a delight

are beautiful

are tender

are sensuous

are rich


Thank you for expressing what you feel so openly


I can no longer truly love


but you, you have hope and you have light


thank you again for your words




(as somebody called me once)



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  • 3 weeks later...

He walks into

the room,

all leather and

shiny chains


His dark eyes


for he knows

he controls my



Slowly does he

caress my skin,

a leather collar

for my neck,

yes! it is

play time once



He taunts and

excites me,

brings me too

a peak,


He knows my

bodily desires,

his skill and

handling leave me



Passions ebb and

passions flow,

we two share

a bond that

many will never



Keeper of my


keeper of my


my unbridled need

for you,

will never keep

us apart!


The Chronicles of Sticks

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Steeling resolve and finding the strength

he bears his soul to the suns full light

having searched the breadth and length

of the universe, to find this plight


Sacred submission, given free

his strong heart humbled at her trust

he looks down to her upon her knees

and prays he's worthy of her love and lust


He scans the room with piercing eyes

daring any to mock her beautiful toll

He wonders "Why can't they realize?"

The strength she has to surrender control


He sees in her eyes the hope and fear

the pain of those who were unworthy

he brushes her cheek, standing near

and vows to protect her, for all eternity


His hands clasp the collar around her neck

he feels the shiver, the pulse in her veins

as he clasps the ends around the back

he vows to protect her from all future pain


The black leather leash, he clasps to it's ring

rising her up he pulls her into his arms

his eyes dare the crowd to do anything

to mar this moment, to raise any alarm


They pass between those who are consumed by bigotry

who cannot understand how a slave can be free

How he chooses to devote his life to her security

and this purest love they refuse to see.


They walk away from the whispered words

to a place he prepared for them to be

away from the anger and the swords

of words of prejudice, of words of hypocrisy


Love so pure, so selfless, so filled with harmony

the world can't accept or understand

so for their lack, they lose the company

of those who refuse to bow before the will of the land.


~A Response by Gabryal to Dezdimona's beautiful poem, Love, Chronicles of Sticks

~Dedicated to Dezdimona, one of the few pure hearts I've met in my three decades of life

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