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I sit here in

the darkness,

behind my closed

bedroom door


Tears like blood

flow freely,

and splash upon

the floor


I am torn between

my lovers,

my heart breaks,

and it rends


Misery,and turmoil

into my life,,

I send


I only want to

love you,

to hold you close

to me


Yet events beyond my

simple grasp,

Have dropped me to

my knees!


I pull my hair,

and beat the


And cry to ease

the grief



You've crushed my


and broken it,

and brought me



The Chronicle of Sticks

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The lash it cut

me cruely,

The lash it stung

and burned


The lash it cut, into

my flesh,

I screamed out

loudly and squirmed!


The lash it cut

my flesh,

The lash it cut

to the bone,


The lash of your

cruel words upon


has left me hurt

and alone.


The lash cut deep

into my heart,

it bled into my



The lash of words


has hurt me more

than you'll ever



The Chronicles of Sticks

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I wonder why things

came about,

You listened to another

and gave me doubt


The answer was yours

at no cost,

it would have saved us

both great loss.


The truth I told

my body real,

No deceit did I



Blinded, were you by

lies and con,

I could have been

your only one!


But not a chance

did I receive,

tossed aside like

much debris


The daughter am I

born bright and true

But took the time

to find out?

No!, not you!


The Chronicles of Sticks

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I wonder why things

came about,

Yoy listened to another

and gave me doubt


The answer was yours

at no cost,

it would have saved us

both great loss.


The truth I told

my body real,

No deceit did I



Blinded, were you by

lies and con,

I could have been

your only one!


But not a chance

did I receive,

tossed aside like

much debris


The daughter am I

born bright and true

But took the time

to find out?

No!, not you!


The Chronicles of Sticks

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Did you write all these? These are beautiful writings. I LOVE IT :) and I'm not really a poetic kind of person.

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The fog of despairity,

has crept into my


Why was I judged?

Why was I caned?

Why were the tender

words between us,

looked upon with disdain?


The shroud of love

has fallen,

it lay here at my


My heart and soul

you did render,

my spirit, did you defeat!


But as the sun arises,

so does my spirit


To soar above the

jealousy, the pain

and the lie!


I am strong,

and again take up

my role,

you cannot kill my spirit,

my heart, nor my soul!


Eons of life,

lived for love,

Yes!, my power



I stand with head

held firmly,

my body hard like


My love,my kisses,

and my heart,

never again, will

you feel!


The Chronicles of Sticks

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Dez may I?



When people fail to see you clearly


It's often not you at fought, but merely


their own defective perspective


In which they see in you a Mirror


Which magnifies their lack much clearer


then any persona of Dezdimona.

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@ Chesto: thankyou my Babae, a tear for me and my humble words is an honor indeed!


@ Myrmaad: Thankyou,I love deep and wholey, and when I fall, I fall hard. Your kind words bring happiness to me. others see often what I cannot, and thru them I learn and grow!

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