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Converting Skyrim .nif to .blend

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I need to convert Skyrim's SCastle.nif (The Solitude castle mesh) as a template for making a castle tileset to .blend format, but I can't do it directly using the .nif converter for Blender. Anyone know how I can get it to that?
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this works, but you lose things like rigging, collision boxes, vertex colors and so on. There is another way (assuming you use Blender 2.49b with the proper nif scripts):


Open the nif in nifskope and change the file header to User Version "11" and User Version 2 "34". (You can view the NiHeader by pressing the "Reset Block Details" button)

Convert the root node to ninode

Remove any BSLightingShaderProperty nodes and BSINVMarkers

Save and import the nif using the fallout3 settings

If blender fails to import the nif, check the console which will show you the culprit, remove it and try again.

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