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Do veins regain their ore?


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According to Wiki even veins in mines are supposed to respawn, but I don't think I've ever been able to re-pick (so to speak) a vein located in a mine. Even when I return to the mine well after 30 game days (or at least I'm pretty sure I've returned to some mines well after 30 days...). Actually, I always kind of assumed mines don't respawn until I just checked the wiki.


Yea I was wondering about veins in mines aswel, too bad it's probably not the case as you state

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The respawn time is supposed to be 10 game days for any mine that can't be cleared (friendly mines that have no foes) and 30 game days for other mines. However, I've also had problems with ore veins not respawning as expected. They will often be respawned visually -- looking as they normally do before you mine them -- but mousing over them does not produce the option to mine them. I know, for example, that it has been far more than 10 game days since I last visited Gloombound, and all the ebony veins are bright and shiny, but I can't get so much as a pebble out of them.
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I have read that a mine will appear to have respawned (ie ore glowing) before it will actually be able to be mined by several days/weeks.


I waited 30 days (OMG thought I would die) so that I could be sure deadly dragons worked, as per the mod authors instructions. After I did that (might have been more like 35 days, I lost count...really sooo painful!) all of the ore veins that I have encountered again have yielded ore.

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There are a few mining bugs that happen with ore.


The first is what sems like a no respawn. The Ore just doesn't seem to want to be available, even when the color returns. What happens here is the cells have not updated. Almost 100% of the time when I leave tha area and return, the ore vein will then produce normally. If not, the collision is not taking place. TCL from console and move around the ore vein until you are able to mine it.


The second big bug is when you start striking the ore and you just keep hitting it with no ore being mined. When this occures, stop the mining process and move slightly left or right and retry. You then will be able to mine the location normally. Occasionally you get a similar glitch where you start mining an already depleted location. With the latter, you will not get more ore, just stop the mining and move on.


If you are still having problems, arm your pick axe (single or dual) and attack the ore. You will mine the location and you don't have to worry about collision location problem. As long as you are close, you will hit it. Just try to not sink the tip of your trusty 'lil pick axe into Lydia. ;)


Rmemeber, the respawn time is typically 30 days. The color can return as soon as 10 days, but the ore may actually not be obtainable for another 20


If you really need ore or feel you were cheated due to a bug, enter in what you believe you need from the console. here is the list;


Corundum Ore : 5ACDB

Ebony Ore : 5ACDC

Gold Ore : 5ACDE

Malachite Ore : 5ACE1

Moonstone Ore : 5ACE0

Orichalcum Ore : 5ACDD

Quicksilver Ore : 5ACE2

Silver Ore : 5ACDF

Iron Ore : 71CF3


Steel Ingot : 5ACE5

Iron Ingot : 5ACE4

Corundum Ingot : 5AD93

Silver Ingot : 5ACE3

Orichalcum Ingot : 5AD99

Ebony Ingot : 5AD9D

Gold Ingot : 5AD9E

Quicksilver Ingot : 5ADA0

Dwarven Metal Ingot : DB8A2

Refined Malachite : 5ADA1

Refined Moonstone : 5AD9F


Dragon Scales : 3ADA3

Dragon Bones : 3ADA4


player.additem #### qty (to get 3 moonstone you would put "player.additem 5ace0 3" --- no quotes)

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  • 3 months later...
Just kurious, though this is sort of an old post.. is there no mod to adjust or just slightly speed up the Ore respawn rate as well as make some animals more kommon? Just kurious.. I think I seen one for animals but it was before I had the game(looking at stuff online about the game b4 I got it) so I dont really kno where I saw it. Thanks in advance if anyone knows anything -Later
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The respawn is 10 game days. However, it is 10 game days outside the cell. I have come to the conclusion that if you enter the cell withing that time period, the 10 days counter restart once you leave the region again.
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