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Elder Scrolls Online officially announced


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ESO will be just like WOW, filled with gold-farming max skill and uber equipment idiots that complain when someone doesn't have uber gear or a lot of gold or max skills. I hate it when when a great game series is ruined when some other company has to make it into an MMO online.
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Dunno, I think this is going to be an uber fail. I'd hope it would be something original from other MMOs, but it's not going to be. It's probably gonna be a WoW clone or some other clone of a known MMO. Probably going to be subscription based too, that rules out me getting it all together. I just refuse to pay monthly for a game, despite what they say the money is for, I still think it's a rip-off lol.


I would refuse to play the game if there if there WASN'T a monthly fee. Having your MMO F2P is the surest way of degrading the quality of the entire community, as well as opening the sluice gates to goldsellers.



Depends on who is running the game. Battlestar Galactica Online is F2P and you have the choice of "micropayments" to get in-game money, exp boosters, and a few other things. It's not totally necessary to get the in game money (you can make it off of quests anyways), but at least they give you the option. BGO is pretty active, there's quite a few servers that have a lot of people on it. I'll play ESO if it goes with the F2P and micropayment system. $30/month (bf and I would both want to play) is too much money to play a game :P We did it with Anarchy Online for a few months and got pretty pissed off with it. It felt like your money was going towards absolutely nothing in that game. Servers were laggy, slow, and they never added anything new. They were supposed to do an entire upgrade of the graphics...4 years later and still nothing.


But yeah the screenshots...WoW :P I understand the graphics cant be all crazy because MMOs are resource hogs, but still...I was expecting something a little different.

Edited by Illiad86
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I expect a lot more from ZeniMax than Blizzard and other similar MMO developers.

This may be the first MMO they're developing, but if I'm not mistaken, so was WoW when Blizzard did so.


I imagine a The Elder Scrolls Online with features not seen in the average MMO.

I also hope they add possibilities for RP.



I feel the same way about RP man. if its going to be MP Online, you need RP and good small group adventures to go on. The SW;tor model failed hard in this regard making it too easy to solo everything and thus everyone Plvld to 50 and then was like - "ok so now whuts to do? lolz." I want to have fun from level 1 exploring with a group, RPing it out and stuff.


But Im obviously not in the norm.

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So today whilst looking at my youtube subs I found a video that covers what is known about TES Online. Link


After listening to that, I do have some major concerns about this MMO.


The graphics are not the best i've seen from an MMO and the engine they are using isn't the best either.


Whilst the graphics are a small concern, the later concerns revolves around the combat, and with that I have 2 major concerns.


My first major concern is the fact this game will be following the same formula that most traditional MMOs use for combat. It is going to be based on a locked on targetting system (where you select the enemy) and then press a number of keybound action buttons and use stats and calculations to resolve combat.


That is a huge issue because the most current crop of MMOs - Tera and Guild Wars 2 - are moving away from traditional combat models of MMOs to a more active targetting action based combat.


With the new MMOs to dodge an attack you don't stack a dodge stat, you have to actually dodge the attack, aiming also requires you to actively alter your aim, and if you accidentally pull another monster by accident, you don't need to tab target them and stun them, you just point and fire.


Having used both systems, I find the new system a lot more fun, its more interactive and better paced.



Take for example my hunter (WoW) and archer (Tera). To aim with my hunter, I just ensure I have the target selected and then mash my ability bar. Even if the monster moves to the left or right my arrow acts like a homing missile and alters course to hit the monster. The size of the monster also makes no difference, it can be the size of a bus and if my attack roll misses, I miss. In Tera if I have to deal with a fast moving monster, then I have a problem because I have to alter my aim to account for the movement, and the size of that particular monster.


Tera also allows me to dodge an attack properly. In WoW you can against player characters run behind them, but with NPCs they turn to follow you normally and whilst it does mean you can avoid an attack or two you mostly rely on your dodge stat. In Tera, to avoid a melee swing, I just back off or side step.


My second major concern is the fact according to the video (and the man in it is usually pretty accurate with his info) there are not going to be the multitude of abilties like there is in WoW. Classes in WoW that do not have to juggle abilites get boring very quickly. In Tera and Guild Wars 2 the smaller ability set isn't a problem since its action based, you do not want 20 keybindings.


I feel that the traditional combat style with smaller ability set is going to make the combat rather boring with Tes Online, and to be honest TES Online should really be using the new combat model.



Now, what I like.


Well first off all there is the questing. From what I understand there will be no quest log, at all. Which as "TB" explains in his video is nothing more than a shopping list. Instead you will happen across quests by over hearing guards talking, finding a dead body with foot prints leading off into a mine, you might loot a book that talks about an ancient artifact that leads onto you completing quests just trying to find the artifact. This sounds much MUCH more natural than the big yellow ! you get in current MMOs. It also means no more quest hubs which will be a good thing as well.


The second thing I like is the fact due to the lack of the traditional quest giver, all the NPCs will be voice acted, SWTOR took the lead with that, and it worked very well - even if they did use quest givers. Going back to reading text in other MMOs was rather painful since the added voice acting adds to the immersion and over all feel of the MMO, it gives the NPC emotion.

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You will have a very long shopping list if every guard you hear talking gives you a quest. Staying true to the Bethesda practice, they will force you into questing rather than RP-ing.



BTW. what happened to Fallout MMO?

Edited by robanybody2000
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You will have a very long shopping list if every guard you hear talking gives you a quest. Staying true to the Bethesda practice, they will force you into questing rather than RP-ing.



BTW. what happened to Fallout MMO?

Bethesda Softworks played the dck card and sued Interplay for it. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Interplay-Bethesda-Fallout-MMO-ZeniMax,14457.html So expect an MMO from another part of Bethesda Online Studios sometime in the future. Edited by eltucu
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When I saw the trailer I was OK when I saw the screen I was apalled. TOOO DAMN SOON people, I haven't yet got accustomed to Skyrim and now we got new stuff coming up, probably this year. This game looks like a cheap remake of LOTR online. They simply got WAY too confident after the success of Skyrim, I tell ya WoD online is gonna make this game look like a saturday morning cartoon in comparison.
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Well that settles it, unless FO4 is amazing, which I hope it is, I'm done buying Bethesda games.


So, if Bethesda releases a brilliant TES VI, you're not gonna buy it because Zenimax is releasing an online ES game (which admittedly looks pretty crappy)? Not sure I understand that logic, but whatever floats your boat.


Edit: To clarify, it seems to me like you're saying, "General Motors released a lemon of a new Luxury Car, so I'm done with those Chevy trucks I've bought in the past."

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