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What's the point of Vortex ? It serves absolutely no purpose, or I'm really missing something...


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The only thing I need to add is that instead a mod browser as Dogeek suggested, is that it would be nice that Vortex add the list of mods you have previously downloaded ( My Download History ) so it would not be necessary to go to Nexus to download/install those mods again and I do not think there is a user that have downloaded thousands of mods in his/her lifetime as a Nexus member … but perhaps I may be wrong !!

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For those of you who are complaining about Vortex, take a second to realize just how fast they worked on this new mod manager. While NMM and MO were good mod managers they were far from perfect and yet they both had advantages of using them. Now here is were Vortex is shining, it is far easier to implement Loot and Wyre bash than MO was and well NMM was not so good at it. It took me about 20 minutes to install both Loot an Wrye bash and figure out how to access them without ever leaving Vortex and mind you using Loot and Wyre bash allow you to modify load order easily. Now here gain Vortex uses Loot as a way to modify load order as well as a tool to set correction itself of how a mod should load. I allways think it is funny how people hate change even if the change does make there life easier, do not make that mistake and you will see that Vortex is going to be a lot easier in the long run. Give Vortex a chance and take the time to mess around with it. Vortex is still in developement and will eventually have some of the things that will make it even easier to use. I honestly was not expecting much out of Vortex since it was in such a early stage, yes there are some things I wish were there that NMM and MO made available, then again Vortex is a lot more powerful than I expected. Try working with 256 mods on a fresh install and then using a save game from a earlier install. After using Vortex for a day and you should be able play that save easily. Seriously my game ran far longer than it had from a NMM set up that took me tons of effort to figure out and ran for over a week with not one crash in less effort ( 3 hours ) on a new mod manager that I downloaded on the same day. If you do not like Vortex then you must have hated NMM or MO. Oh and one other thing for thought ESL files are supported with Vortex, neither NMM or MO were without some really weired issues. Take a little time to learn what Vortex does and you will begin to like it. Vortex is damn good for a new mod manager and eventually will far surpass NMM and MO give it a chance.

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I allways think it is funny how people hate change even if the change does make there life easier, do not make that mistake and you will see that Vortex is going to be a lot easier in the long run.


i respectfully disagree. for me, it has not been easier - actually quite the contrary. the new fancy approach to load order is objectively superior, no doubts here, but it's cumbersome and comes with a trade-off in usability i'm not ready to pay.


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I was reluctant to install Fallout 4 in Vortex because it was running very smooth in NMM after I made 3 patches and fixed some conflict issues between mods.


Finally, on this past Memorial Day weekend, I decided to delete Fallout 4 from NMM and install it in Vortex. Yes, I did not import it because simply, I wanted to do manually.


To make the story short, I just setup about 4 rules in the MODS tab as I was installing/enabling mods and I left my PLUGINS to be auto-sorted by Vortex. I did not use any Manage Dependencies or Groups at all, I just simply trusted Vortex.


I do not have any Merged patch, no conflict resolution winner patch at all and I the only thing I did with xEdit was to clean the master files before installing my mods. On the top of that, I created 4 custom mods for my own use.


I have played my game during almost 25 hours so far and is running like a charm. Only one CTD and it was related to the mod War of the Commonwealth ( WOTC ) which I had it setup to spawn a lot of enemies and obviously, the game engine cannot sustain that amount of stress.


Back in NMM, I never were able to run Fallout 4 during 25 hours with only 1 CTD. Games are not perfect and they will crash sometimes but for me just installing my mods, setup the rules, let Vortex to auto-sort my Plugins and play my game without any patch at all, it is a big plus, a very relaxed experience and this is what I was looking for from Vortex.


I remember when Nexus announced it and Tannin created the first thread, that I asked the question if we would be able to have something kind of automatic and here I am confirming my wish to have a mod manager capable to give me peace when I am going to play. Even though I know how to create conflict winner patches in xEdit, it is a pain in my butt to do that anytime I am playing a game to avoid CTD's, etc. As I said, now I just need to worry about setting up my rules and forget about everything else and start playing.


And if for any reason I have problems while playing my game, then I have the necessary functions to fix whatever problem I may encounter by using the Manage Dependencies tool or Groups. So far, I have not had the need to use any of those, neither for Fallout 4 nor for my SkyrimSE game.


Back with NMM, I've never had the peace of mind I do have now to play my games via Vortex. Well done Tannin and thank you so much for this great tool !!

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The transition from NMM to Vortex felt like Win7->Win10, but now I feel much more comfy with Vortex. In addition, NMM does not like multiple actions at once. Vortex is way sturdier.

Though I have one problem. How do I manage changes done by FNIS? Vortex does not recognize that until a mod gets (de-)installed.

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The transition from NMM to Vortex felt like Win7->Win10, but now I feel much more comfy with Vortex. In addition, NMM does not like multiple actions at once. Vortex is way sturdier.

Though I have one problem. How do I manage changes done by FNIS? Vortex does not recognize that until a mod gets (de-)installed.

try hitting the `deploy` button after a file gets added/changed

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