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The stories of War- Shayne's Room

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Fragment- the rest is in a full story written by me



Once again, I found myself in the throne room of the gods, armed and ready. But the room was less than what I saw before. All the thrones were collapsed, and only one god remained, Akatosh. He had just killed an Ayleid, and turned to me as he sheathed his greatswords.


“Akatosh? What’s happened?” I asked.


“Talos happened, he came into the room and killed Arkay. All the other gods went mad, attacking him, and leaving to the realms of Oblivion. I stayed, and waited for you,” the god replied.


“How did the Ayleids get here?” I asked, unsheathing my bow as more rushed into the burning room.


“They were summoned. Help me escape for Dagon’s realm, we’re forcing Talos into Nirn,” Akatosh replied. I never thought I’d ever be involved in a war with the gods.


Akatosh unsheathed his greatswords and charged after the Ayleid elves. I shot a volley of arrows, hitting at least 4 of them down. Akatosh swung his blades and sliced two in half. He rushed into the hallway outside, and I followed. Several more of them waited for us, and came around corners. A normal person would be trapped, but neither us were normal. I grabbed an elf with my bowstring and threw him into a steel wall, unsheathing my dagger and swinging it at a fireball. It reflected the magic ball back to the caster, burning him alive. I then pulled the Rose of Sithis out, firing it at one as it tore through the elves body and hit the wall, deflecting off of that and hitting yet another elf. I caught it in the air, putting it back into my quiver. Akatosh had cut through a whole line of the Ayleids, and he sheathed his swords. I sheathed my bow and looked at him.


“What now?” I asked. He prepared a spell, and cast it on the wall. Stone rose from the ground into an arch, and a portal opened in the middle. I recognized it from the paintings during the Oblivion Crisis; it was a gate to Oblivion.


“Is that what I think is?” I asked.


“Indeed it is. A portal to Mehrunes Dagon’s realm of Oblivion. Follow me as I enter,” Akatosh said, and he walked through the portal. I did the same, and the whole world seemed to change. I had entered a place filled with lava, and bodies sat upon spears. The walls were made of human flesh, and I just had to sotp myself from getting sick.


“See that tower? That leads to the throne of the God of Change. You want to knw the reason behind the Oblivion Crisis? Talos wanted Dagon to kill all that remained of the Old Ways, but failed because of me. Let us continue on, we have to get to the tower,” Akatosh explained. He approached a gate on a stone bridge, and the bridge looked like it was ready to collapse.


“The gate is locked; we need to find the mechanism to unlock it. Dagon had the Dwemer build these gates for him centuries ago, when I told him it was aloud,” Akatosh said. I smiled and jumped onto a small ledge on the gate. I climbed my way to the top and looked down at the chief divine.


“I’ll unlock it in a second, just wait there,” I said.


“Right, forgot, the Infinium,” I heard him mumble. Was that jealousy from a god I just sensed? NOW I was in a good mood. I jumped down and my metal boots clanked against the stone, and I looked around.


“No sign of a lever,” I said to myself. I was about to check the Infinium for a way to open it when several daedra approached me, each holding a daedric fashioned blade and armor. I unsheathed my bow, ready to take them on. There were three; the one in the center was the only one without a helmet. He had horns, and his face was a bluish color on the top and a red on the bottom. His mouth was curved, and his nose and eyes looked like a human’s.


“Dagon will not let a Dwemer blooded pass, turn around or die!” the daedra shouted. I shot it with an arrow and grinned as it fell over and died. The remaining two sprinted after me, one with a greatsword and the other was duel wielding daggers. I deflected the first attack from the greatsword with my bow, and pummeled the daedra, and turned to deflect 7 attacks from the daggers. I grabbed my dagger and jumped behind the creature, slitting its throat. I then shot an arrow at the daedra that just got back up, killing that on too. The area was clear, so I opened the Infinium and looked through it. I found the Dwemer locks page and read through it.


Many Dwemer locks were highly advanced, consisting of over 250 tumblers. It was practically a requirement to have a key, or you’d never be able to open the lock. Most locks had a lever attached, but there was a way to pick most locks.


I skipped that part, because this gate didn’t have very many tumblers.


There was also a special version of gates invented for Dagon’s realm in Oblivion. They were always attached to a lever; however, you didn’t always have to find it. The tumblers were hidden by the human flesh on the gates. You had to find them, usually located on the bottom left, and jam the locks.


Sounded easy, so I went down to the bottom left and used my dagger to clear away the flesh. I found a lock and put my dagger inside, twisting it around a bit and jamming the lock. The gate began to open, so I stood up and sheathed my dagger. Akatosh walked through, sheathing his swords. Several hundred scamps and dremora were dead on the ground.


“Well, that took long enough,” he said.


“Right,” I followed him as we approached the door to the tower.


“Dwemer blooded, stop there now,” I turned and unsheathed my bow to see a dremora walking up to me. He had an arrow pointing right at me. He shot it and I ducked, letting it fly over me. I quickly shot an arrow at him, and it hit him in the shin. He fell over, and I finished him off with an arrow to the face. I sheathed my bow and Akatosh opened the door. Inside the tower looked even worse than outside, a giant sprawl of fire shooting up the middle. Two fountains stood by the entrance, but instead of water, they spewed blood.


“Touch the fire,” Akatosh said.


“Excuse me?” I didn’t want to try, for fear I’d DIE. But Akatosh touched the fire and was lifted up, so I touched the fire. I immediately felt like I was on fire, but it soothed and I was lifted. I passed at least 90 floors, before stopping on the top. I was pushed out into a throne room, where a giant throne sat. Around me was a circle made of walls, blood stains lining them. On the throne, a giant, snake headed creature stared at me like a predator. Weird, Dagon looked like a Cyclops on history.


“Dwemer blooded and Akatosh both arrive at last. I’ve been waiting,” the god said. Next to him, an armored man sat on the ground. I recognized him, it was Talos.


“I’m here to destroy what I should never have made,” Akatosh said, unsheathing his swords. I unsheathed my bow.


“Akatosh, you need to learn. Nirn must change, and I will make it change,” Talos stood up and said. He unsheathed a giant warhammer, and sprinted after the chief god. I guess it was a mistake, because Akatosh caught the hammer in between his swords, twisted them both, and took the warhammer out of Talos’ hands. Dagon stood up, summoning a greatsword and going after me. I shot an arrow at Dagon, and it hit with enough power to stagger him backwards. I then pulled out the Rose and shot him with it, as it tore through Dagon’s armor and body. It hit the wall and stuck in it. I looked to see if Akatosh was winning, and it was clear he was. Akatosh had slammed Talos against the wall, and was punching him several times across the face. I turned to see Dagon as he hit me in the head with the hilt of his sword. I fell down, but didn’t black out, because I had grabbed the blade. My hand bled as I gripped it, but I was channeling magic not just though the blade, but through Dagon himself. I didn’t even feel any pain. I used the blade to get on my feet, and tore it from Dagon’s hands. I threw it toward the wall as it faded into nothing, and slammed the god with my bow. I grabbed Falcon from my quiver, and slammed it into Dagon’s chest, and the god fell to the ground.


“A god can only die in his realm. And here we are; your side of Oblivion. You might’ve survived 200 years ago, but I’ll succeed,” I took Falcon out of Dagon’s body, and pulled out my dagger.


End Fragment

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The sounds of spinning blades shot through my ears. I loaded a mag into my rifle, pulling the bolt, and adjusting the scope. I looked to my squad, smiling as the Black Hawk landed.


"Let's show these guys what happens when you mess with the marines," I said, jumping out of the helicopter. My squad followed me through the rough desert terain of Afghan, heairng gunshots and seeing bullets land and hit the ground. I looked in the air to see three jets pass overhead, firing J-DAM rockets that exploded in the distance. I stopped behind a sand dune, ducking in cover.


"Kilo 73, Sector Main Charlie is cut from contact, you're the closest, get your *censored* over there and see what's going on," I heard command say through my radio. Wasn't my squad, so I ignored it. I looked through my scope, scanning the area ahead. Members of my squad shot in the direction the enemies were shooting from, keeping them supressed as I found and shot then. I got a perfect shot against someone, and pulled the triger. I had no regrets as I realized I had just killed him.


"Move up!" I shouted, and so my squad did. I stayed back.


"Continue main goal, keep going closer as we say you do. Several Apaches are coming in to assist, so hang tight everyone," command informed us through the radio.


"Copy that," I said. I jumped over the sand dune and crouched in front of another, where my squad was. A rocket from an RPG flew overhead, just passing by a Black Hawk that just dropped some units down. I located the person who shot it, and pulled the trigger. He fell to the ground, but I hit him in the leg, as intended.


"Move up!" I shouted again. My squad jumped the dune, but I stayed back. I always felt good being in control of my men, which is why I wanted this promotion to SSergeant. After a minute, I jumped over the dune, sprinting for the one ahead. I heard a bullet buzz past me, but I didn't flinch. I crouched down by the dune, pushing my body as far into the dune as possible.

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Very good and interesting. I would like to know how the story goes from here. Realms of Oblivion and American soldiers? :thumbsup:
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Fragment: Betrayal


I woke to the sounds of gunfire outside my barrack. The alarms were sounding, but I would've woken up to them before. That wasn't a dream. So, the video game I played at home was something that really happened in the past? I reflected on it, thinking about how odd it all sounded when I went over it in my own head. Who's life was I living when I slept? Who was this Burns person? As I was thinking about it, I was grabbing my vest and putting it on, loading my rifle and filling my bandolier, and when I turned for the door, it flew open. Several soldiers ran in, but they weren't Taliban. But they were about to shoot me, so they were hostile, and using my abilities, I quickly shot the 7 in my barrack. They all flew to the ground, probably not realizing they were dead until they hit the floor.


"Sarge!" I heard someone shout. I ran outside to see a something no man would EVER think they'd see. Frost was pinned to the ground by a troll, like from my dreams. I raised my rifle and looked through the scope, getting a perfect shot on the head. I pulled the trigger and the creature fell to the floor. I helped Frost up.


"What the *censored* is going on here?" he asked me.


"I don't know, I just woke up. Where's the rest of the squad?" I asked.


"I have no idea, we were all split when the-" we were interrupted by a roar that came from above us. A dragon, yes literally, a dragon flew above us, spitting fire into the air.


"Inside, let's go!" I shouted, dragging Frost inside the barrack. We shut the door, and I kneeled by one of the bodies of the men I had killed.


"Look at these tattoos," Frost said. They were like paint, but didn't come off. They had strange symbols, no language I knew of.


"Is this the apocalypse?" Frost asked, curios. Truthfully, that's exactly what it seemed like.


"Maybe, but even if it is, we can still fight it. Grab some ammo and let's find the General, we're getting to DC," I said, standing up. I reloaded my rifle, and Frost grabbed a filled bandolier. While he was readying, I grabbed a rifle that one of the soldiers had. Just a simple AK-47S.


"Alright, let's move," I said. Frost nodded, and we walked out the door.





We sprinted through the firebase at full speed, but eventually we were stopped by a small squad of men being attacked by a group of soldiers. The soldiers that were unknown origin, might I add. We helped them out by gunning down the soldiers, a total of 19 of them. I slid to the sandbags the squad was hiding behind, pushing my body against it.


"Have you seen the General of Colonel Marshall?" a man asked me. The SSergeant of the team.


"No, we're looking for the General right now. And the rest of my squad," I replied. That's when we looked up to see the dragon flying above us, and it landed right in front of us.


"There the thing is again! Fall back now! We need to get to the panic room, it has the tunnel escape leading out of the base. Chances are, everyone else has taken it," the SSergeant said to me. I nodded and turned to Frost.


"You run for the panic room, I'll cover you. Once you're far enough away from me, I'll run. Got that?" I asked. He nodded and sprinted forward. The dragon breathed fire right toward him, but I shot the dragon right in the mouth. I turned to me as I ducked in cover.


"You dare attack? You'll pay for that!" I heard a voice yell. The dragon spoke English, apparently. It crawled toward my cover and tore it apart. I climbed on top of the beast and grabbed my combat knife, stabbing the dragon in the neck. It roared as I retracted the knife and jumped off. I sprinted for the panic room, feeling just a scorch of fire. The breath must've not reached me. I ran into a building and shut the door behind me, catching my breath. Frost was in front of a wall, as was the squad we had saved.


"Glad to see you could make it," Frost said.


"You worry about yourself, now get that door open!" I ordered. The men in front of me pushed against the wall, and it moved open to reveal a medium sized room. We all stepped inside it, closing the wall behind us and opening a cellar.


"This is it, our escape," I said.




End Fragment

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The Hidden Story





Welcome to Mzulft, a great Dwarven city built long ago, stretching into both Skyrim and Morrowind. This is the time of the Dwemer, ages before they were gone. The story follows three Dwemer who find themselves in a situation of lies, and they must crawl out of the web to prevent war with the newly intruding humans.





"Ugh...." a Dwemer wearing dark-yellow, torn clothing sat up on his stone bed. He rubbed his head, just waking up. By him was a table with a Dwarven steel greatsword, but the Dwarven steel was hand crafted by the best smith in all of the kingdom. Mzulft was one of the oldest stone kingdoms, but still a fine place to live.


"Kagrac, wake up! Those new smiths from Blackreach are coming in today!" a voice said from outside the metallic door leading out of the stone bedroom. Kagrac sighed.


"Alright, I'll be out in a moment!" he stumbled to his feet and opened a chest. Inside were pieces to a set of Dwarven armor, golden and shiny, powerful too. The smiths of the Dwemer were amazing, crafting armor at top quality. No wonder the Dwarven armies were so tough. He put the armor on and sheathed his greatsword on his back, opening the door and walking through stone hallways. Kagrac had a huge scar going down his left eye, and his face was pretty roughed up. He was a soldier who fought with the automatons, but that didn't mean he could help show the toughness of the Dwemer to his enemies. He was bald with a light stubble going around his upper and lower lips, stretching across his chin and throughout his cheeks. Like all dwarves, he was short, but unlike most, he saw the surface often, so he wasn't completely pale.



Kagrac found his way to the soldier's entrance to Blackreach, which was also used for traders and arriving dwarves. He looked at the two people by him, one a man, in a full suit of damaged dwarven armor, tan skin, a warhawk, and no facial hair. Other than the armor and skin color, you could probably never tell he was a soldier. He had a bow at his back, with a quiver of dwarven steel arrows. On the other side was a woman, wearing robes like a mage, with long black hair and pale skin, probably a court mage to welcome the traders.


"So who are these guys?" Kagrac asked. The women looked at him.


"Traders here to sell a new type of ore to the courts. It's apparently popular throughout Blackreach," she said.


"Don't kid yourself Maven, Dwarven steel is better than any other type of ore they'll find in that hole they call "Blackreach." The political structure down there is lost, they prefer the automatons over our brutal strength, when we should be the ones on the frontlines," the man said.


"Mzulft will be forced to change soon Grogan, you can't deny that," Maven said.


"Not without a fight first," Kagrac said. The three looked over to the exit to see seven dwarves in normal clothes walk inside, the grand doorway closing behind them. They looked like normal merchants, nothing too major, but then again, always be ready for the unexpected.


"We're here to lead you to the courts. Follow us, and DO NOT wander off,' Grogan said.


"We know. Shut up and lead on. No soldier should be aloud in the courts, they're too low in ranks," the leader of the merchant band said.


"See? They've lost all sense of honor. Next thing you know, we'll have a surface trade!" Kagrac exclaimed.


"There are still some cities who cling on to the old ways. Ralbthar hasn't turned yet, and they're our closest. We'll preserve the Dwemer ways, one way or another," Grogan said.


"Shut up you two. I'd say the Dwemer ways should change. There's a whole world up there teeming with life, we need to explore it," Maven said.


"What do you care? You've never been on the surface, Kagrac and I have. It's chaos up there, humans sneaking in, the Ayleids wielding magic mindlessly, heh, I'd say we just wipe the surface out completely, or never open the doors up to the surface again," Grogan explained. The three got silent after that line, as they walked inside the courts of Mzulft. The noblemen of the kingdom were lined up in thrones, each one of them wearing a different crown to resemble they're role in the court. The merchants scattered into a single-file line, and the court leader looked at the three dwarves behind the merchants.


"Soldiers, leave now," he said.


"Yes milord," Grogan said. They walked outside, the great steel gates crashing shut behind them. They lined up on the wall, relaxing for a bit.


"What if the humans discover us and want our land?" Kagrac asked.


"Ha! Like they'd stand a chance! They shouldn't of even come here in the first place! they gave the place a name, 'Skyrim' or however you say it, and all they can talk about is honor and pride. They shun magic, the gods' gift to us, and will fall to they're own ways!" Grogan said.


"But we've lived underground forever. I'd like to see the surface. I hear of it, but I never see it. What is it like? People say it's madness and ugly, blood spilling in every corner," Maven asked.


"It's not THAT bad. You see that life that grows down here right? Well up there, it's amazing, a wonderful sight. Trees, grass, wooden buildings, nothing like down here where all you see and smell is stone," Kagrac explained.


"We have small outposts up there made of wood, they live off of the old ways, no automatons, just magic and the strength the gods gave us," Grogan said. "Maybe you could come on one of our next patrols?"


"I'd like that," Maven replied.

Edited by SubjectProphet
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The streets I was driving on were dark and gloomy, the area looking like it was filled with blue mist. I was the only one on this street. The buildings around me were all stil standing.


"Chris, come in," I heard over my phone. I forgot it was set to speaker.


"Hello?" I asked, turning the volume on my phone up.


"Where are you?" the voice asked.


"Almost at the intersection," I replied. I looked in the back of my car. The back seats were removed, and in their places was a large, tank like figure. Mini though. A combat drone, the needed dron for this mission.


"Alright," the voice said. I was excited for this mission, it would really turn this revolution around.

Edited by SubjectProphet
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World War 3



The helicopter made a slight tun with the rest. Through the windows, I could see the White House in flames, the Washington Monument overrun by those who shouldn't be here. I looked at my M4 Carbine rifle, modded 02, with a holo sight and on top of it was a red dot. I slid a mag in and pulled the bolt, ready to rush into my own capital. No American would imagine fighting a war here. A jet plane flew past us, dropping three JDAMs onto a passing hostile convoy, blowing it to pieces. I sighed and closed my eyes, praying that my family had made it to the evac site in time. The Black Hawk landed, opening the hatch and leaving it open as several other marines rushed out. I jumped out and the hatch slammed shut behind me. The Black Hawk flew away, and I rushed for sandbags.


"Our goal is the skyscapper over there! We'll have a perfect sniper view over this whole sector of the city!" the General shouted. I popped my head up to see squads rushing up, gunning down the hostiles in the field ahead. I looked through my holo sight and found an enemy squad, and I pulled the trigger. I saw two of them fall to the ground, and I reloaded my rife.


"Clear!" my ears went silent for a few seconds after a SMAW rocket launcher had fired, and I looked up to see the rocket slamming into the center of the field and exploding.


"We're moving up!" the Colonal shouted. I hopped over the sandbags and followed my General to a small outlet shop. The windows were borken in and the three buildings beside it were collapsed. In the parking lot was a helicopter frame, couldn't tell what kind though, to badly beaten up. I kicked the door open and we rushed inside. The back windows were wide open, and there was a hole in the wall in the back of the building. Smoke and fire made the night sky orange, like a fire, and that lit the ground up, revealing a clear view of the battlefield. In front of us was a firefight, SEALs gunning down some hostiles. We helped by firing on the enemies.


"The target building is straight ahead, let's move before it collapses," the General said. I heard a bullet hit the wall I was taking cover by. I dove back into the building, looking through my holo scope to see several enemies. I pulled the trigger, taking down 4 of them. I reloaded and got back onto my feet.


"Move up, now!" the Colonol shouted. I ran through the field into the crossfire, jumping into a trenchline and sprinting as fast as I could after my General. We left the trench and rushed into a plaza. In the northern end a large structure towered above every building you saw for miles. We lined up for a breach and clear. I was third in line. The line moved and I entered the building lobby, but no one was there. Void of that, it looked like a battle was here, because everything was torn up.



"This was an evac site," a private said.


"*censored*! Hope they all got out alive!" I said.


"Cut the chatter, we need to get the the roof," a sergeant said. We jogged throught the building and up some stairs, entering an elevator.


"We aren't using this, are we?" I asked.


"No, we're climbing," the General replied. Literally too. He took out a blowtorch and cut open the top of the elevator and we all climbed into the shaft. I grabbed a metal bar and planted my feet on the wall. I scooted my way up, grabbing a pipe that was going up and down.


"Hands hurt yet?" someone shouted. A lot of people said yes. I ignored it and continued climbing until I was at a long brick edge. I caught my balance and walked along it to a ladder. I climbed the ladder to a stairway. I walked up the stairs, following another marine. The stairwell reached the end of the shaft, at the top. I grabbed a brick ledge and scooted my way across it, to an elevator door. I remained on the ledge while the person in front of me used a blowtorch to open the door, and jumped inside. I followed, swinging a few times to the side and jumping. I grabbed the bottom of the door and climbed my way up. You want assassin's creed in real life? Well, there you go.


"To the roof, now," the General said. We rushed through the hallways to a small stairwell leading to a door. We opened the door to the roof, and the first thing I saw was a fleet of helicopters. An apache in the fleet was hit by a rocket, and slammed into the ground.


"Set up, now!" the General shouted. I kneeled down by an edge, and dropped my rifle. I grabbed a sniper from my back, and adjusted the scope.


"Let's show these guys that they're not welcome in DC," a sergeant said.

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A rough day



"You have 3 miles to go!" I snapped back form thinking to the real world. I had forgot I was running. I thought being a sergeant meant I got to lead, but I still have several ranks above me. It was no different than being a corporal unless I was ACTUALLY on a mission. Training be *censored*!


Another 3 miles was torture to my legs, this was the farthest I'd ever ran in my whole life. 31 miles. Usual was 25 miles in the morning and before sleep. I was now at the firing range, ready to run through. My best time was my squad's best time, 15.1 seconds. Time wasn't a neccesity, but I still kept track. Two pistols at my sides, P99 iron sight modded, light enough for easy grabbing. Standard issue snipers were my favorite guns, but I always got a SCAR or M4 for the training courses.


When it was my turn, I stepped foward to the line.


"Once you pass, the clock starts, and you know the drill," my SSergeant said. I hated that guy, always in a crappy mood. I loaded a mag into my M4 carbine mod 3 (holo sight and a rifle scope on the top, grenade launcher on the underbarrel, strapped onto my vest for dropping and grabbing pistol/knife) and ran over the line, sprinting as fast as i could. The first target popped, and I only shot two bullets for the hit. Three more popped up, and I knelt down for aim. In a matter of 2 seconds, I brought the three down and ran for the next field. Before I jumped off a small edge, 2 more targets appeared. Two shots for two kills, and I reloaded as I jumped down. 13 targets, and I only brought 11 down before having to reload. I dropped my rifle and grabbed my pistols, one in each hand. I shot down the last 2 and sprinting for the exit. The gate shut behind me as I collapsed to my knees, catching my breath.


"Dang bro, 16.8 seconds. Amazing," a member of my squad said. Thank god the work just paid off.

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A stormcloak rebel


"March! We must breach the gates!" I looked up from the ground I was sprinting on to see Ulfric leading us into Solitude. I'd always dreamed of this moment, and hoped that it all went well here. My battleaxe was being held to my side, tiring my hands and arms out, but I was used to it. A fireball shot past me, a ball from a catipult, and slammed into a brick wall, shattering some rocks off of it. The Solitude gates closed and several barricades and Imperials met us. The first one in my way was slashed in the legs by my axe, forcing him to the ground.


"NO!" he shouted as I cut his head off. No Imperial was to survive here. I turned to block an attack just in time and push forward, staggering the Imperial who was attacking me back. I swung my axe at him and snapped his longsword in half. He dropped to his knees, and I shoved my axe into his chest. I retracted it and swung at the legs of another Imperial. He fell to the ground, and I put the end of my axe into his back. I heard his spine snap. I ran for the gates. This was going well.

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I stood there, watching, waiting

The darkness approaching

as I held my weapon close

and prayed to God for protection.


I would fight this threat

with all my will

with all my courage

with all my might.


I would show mercy

to all those innocents

I would smile upon my friends

the ones who would be by me

as I would fight the darkness

that would soon rip this world apart.


My skin is crawling

my emotions are mixing

but my spirit would remain

to push my courage far to the edge.


I would stand over this darkness

telling the story of how I defeated it

as my friends and family sat around me

cheering over my reign

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