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An attack on DC- Do you believe it's coming?


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The movement on Wall Street is actually an organized movement. Heavily organized.

Kinda the point I'm making. People know the movement, but not much about who is managing the organization aspect and who's ideals those organizers are working to protect or further. Just because it's part of a movement doesn't mean that there aren't separate factions whose ideals are really being funded by a company or political organization as a way of steering public opinion for or against some aspect of the movement. We saw this sort of thing repeatedly with the Tea Party thing. One part was grassroots. The other was heavily supported by political groups and lobbyist groups who were trying steer the movement to support their own interests (insurance companies with a monopoly).

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^Russia could always nuke DC but I seriously doubt that would happen, if they value all of their cities...



North Korea is more likely to do that. We are still technically at war with them, not to mention they are still authorized to construct weapons of mass destruction (including but not limited to nuclear weapons) seeing as to how they never signed a treaty stating otherwise.

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The United States Of America, is the Equivilent of a Modern Roman "Government". We are not in the "expansion" buisness so much so as the romans were, but we are the worlds only "superpower".

With that i dare say, yes, it is only an inevitable occurance, it will eventually happen, whether tomorrow, or 1000 years from now. By her own people, or by a foreign power.



Agreed. All governments fall, and every one of them since has fallen. Some of the greatest and well know of all empires- Spain, China, the Ottomans, even mighty Rome herself- have eventually come to an end, and most of their ends were not very pleasant. America will fall one day, there is no doubt about it. The only question is how?

Edited by Keanumoreira
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At first, it will be random acts of violence, with special forces being sent in (this is after police join in). After several months, people will organize and will form an Free America organization that will be labelled as a terrorist cell, the 'Enemy Within'. Forced conscription will soon follow as it slowly turns into a civil war, with politicians trying to hold onto their damn high chairs. More and more desertions will take place and soon the Free America front will take over. After that....anarchy.


It will be violent and harsh, resembling something out of an old West film where you had to protect your own, or small communities banded together to survive until an actual government could be put in place. When that happens and how that happens, I don't know. All I know is I have a little one on the way and I will do anything to make sure that my family isn't harmed.

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At first, it will be random acts of violence, with special forces being sent in (this is after police join in). After several months, people will organize and will form an Free America organization that will be labelled as a terrorist cell, the 'Enemy Within'. Forced conscription will soon follow as it slowly turns into a civil war, with politicians trying to hold onto their damn high chairs. More and more desertions will take place and soon the Free America front will take over. After that....anarchy.


It will be violent and harsh, resembling something out of an old West film where you had to protect your own, or small communities banded together to survive until an actual government could be put in place. When that happens and how that happens, I don't know. All I know is I have a little one on the way and I will do anything to make sure that my family isn't harmed.



HAHA I remember hearing they were already labeling certian people. (Not fact just a hear say).... I think an attack is going to happen. when not known. by whom not known. How not known. why is also not known. BUT I will 100% guarantee that america will fall. I do not like the idea that it will but it will. It's how nations are. And superpowers tend to die of a LOT quicker ha-ha.


And as for a revolution that already happened and failed. The civil war was a revolution of sorts where one side beleived in certian things while the other did not. (JUST like how america was founded. it was the same exact thing) The one which did not beleive certian things were "right" won! But did you ever think that because that side won that the government became stronger? I agree that there were wrong policies at said time. I'm saying that because that side won the government figured out that because they were big that whatever they said would not be able to be fought against. Some americans realise this and others also are just damned lazy. So the idea of another revolution? VERY HIGHLY unlikely but a possibility.


Only government I can see having a good chance at attacking the US is China. They are becoming very high-tech quickly which gives them an upperhand. America on the other hand? starting to even out.... getting stagnat

Edited by DarthBane214
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The civil war was a revolution of sorts where one side beleived in certian things while the other did not.

May want to check your history better. In the beginning of the American Civil War, most of the north didn't care very much about the issue of slavery, and still maintained prejudices against African Americans for a fairly long time after that. The war, for the most part, was about Succession. A portion of the country deciding to break off and govern itself. While the ideals related to slavery were part of it, it was primarily more about economic concerns as part of industrialization and an unpopular president (or rather political backers) who was initially trying to slowly ween the South from human power towards industrialization as a means of staying ahead of Great Britain in hopes of establishing itself as a global power. Given that, having a substantial portion break off, form its own government, and launch a surprise attack on your capitol while meeting with rival nations tends to be reason enough to change your plans for awhile.


The Emancipation Proclamation actually didn't accomplish much when it was made since it had no effect on things in the Confederacy because they were their own governing body at the time. Northern slave owners were able to continue as normal. About the most it did do was secure the route to freedom for any slaves in reclaimed lands, should the Union win, dramatically limiting the likelihood that the South could use them for willing soldiers or support (more than half the population). It was mostly a strategic move, than a political one or one based in humanitarian purposes. The humanitarian purposes were just a side-effect.


The stuff they don't tell you in school because it's easier to explain "Slavery is bad".


Additionally, we weren't all that interested in fighting in WWII either, even with knowing about the genocide. We were even doing our own share locally as part of the Eugenics movement... A movement which arguably allowed for the great deal of intellectual advancement, reduction of disease, and being more physically attractive/fitness in the 50 years following. They don't talk about that part either.

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If we are talking full on land invasion of the US






An army attacking US would face a huge logistical nightmare with a gun pointed at them from any attic you can possibly see. But if that does happen, I am sure they will enjoy eating 7.62x54R.

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We have the un remember? No one exept for the government would dare to attack Washington and it would be pretty stupid to attack your own Capitol, there is no country in Europe that would have a reason to, since 9/11 it's a lot harder for terrorists to plan such a big attack, and china sell all it's manufactured goods to the us and would surely not want to have war with theme. There are only 2 countries in the world that could have reason to do so. N-Korea and Iran. Of course they wouldn't do so because they might be very strong countries, but by attacking the us they would get the entire west + possibly Japan against them.

But of course, seen that I'm a thirteen year old Dutch kid, I probably have not much understanding on this issue.

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We have the un remember? No one exept for the government would dare to attack Washington and it would be pretty stupid to attack your own Capitol, there is no country in Europe that would have a reason to, since 9/11 it's a lot harder for terrorists to plan such a big attack, and china sell all it's manufactured goods to the us and would surely not want to have war with theme. There are only 2 countries in the world that could have reason to do so. N-Korea and Iran. Of course they wouldn't do so because they might be very strong countries, but by attacking the us they would get the entire west + possibly Japan against them.

But of course, seen that I'm a thirteen year old Dutch kid, I probably have not much understanding on this issue.

Japan... not so much a concern. But that's mostly right.


The fact of the matter is that the economies of the world are so tightly connected at this point that even if a substantial attack were launched, it would only ruin the supply of aid and economic health that these countries are able to live on. This aspect becomes abundantly clear when you look at the last 10+ years of economic decline that started just before 9/11. About the only major country who has prospered in that time is China, and they have only managed to do so by dealing heavily with the outside world and becoming a creditor. If there is a major war in our future. It won't be about fanatical idealisms, it won't be about political strife. It might however be about a country "being taken to collections"... Which, like several wars before, was actually started by the company who didn't want to pay.

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