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Slocum Joe something or other?


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I think I saw an advertisement for new building options in something related to Slocum Joe. Maybe this was during a launch of the game, or somewhere online—I can't remember. I thought it was some new DLC, but I don't see anything. It's something out of the "Creation Club," right?


I would have to create a Bethesda.net account in order to get this thing, correct? Not sure I want to support any attempt to monetize mods that would otherwise be free, but this thing sounded interesting.



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Yes Slocum Joe’s is CC content. You would need a Beth.net account and to purchase credits from steam. If your into settlement building it’s probably the best offering of the CC. It dose cost $6, though it adds to the game word also with more food and drinks, several new donut shop locations.
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When I tried to find that content, I could not—or, at least, I don't think I did. Not sure it's actually called "Slocum's Joe," or if that's what the community calls it. I found a fix for it, but not what I had read about.


This morning, I saw a combo deal with four items priced at 1,000 "credits." It's Warframe all over again....


I want to support the game. I want to support the developers (my kid just graduated as an animation major, so I'm a true believer). But modders have been so important to gaming that few BIG titles would have mattered without them. I am afraid I am seeing the beginning of the end of community modding, that Bethesda may move to fence off their products to monetize community work for themselves. Maybe that's their legal right, but . . . wow.


This is something of a moral dilemma for me. Mayhap I'm overdramatic.


Stuff looks nice—like many community mods, but with more polish. I really wanted to build something other than ruined barns and warehouses, so I may jump in. I don't care about making doughnuts, even if they are pretty.

Edited by SirGalahad
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Right now Creation Club is absolutely no threat at all to the free modding community. Their CC offerings have barely expanded at all in the year or so it has been out, so you're still pretty much forced to go to the free modding community if you want to find the mods you want. Furthermore the quality of these mods is, while not bad, also no better than the work of any halfway competent modder. Some of the dlc items, like the pip boy and power armor reskins, can be made by nearly anybody in about fifteen minutes. But you'll notice Bethesda has made no effort to remove or hide other, say, enclave armor or nuke girl mods, even though the paid official product and the free unofficial product are very similar.

I think it's very likely that Bethesda is using its current iteration of CC to sort of test the waters, iron out distribution methods and see what sort of things sell, etc. So I think at this point the best way to 'help' Bethesda is just to be a regular selfish customer. If they offer something you really like, buy it so they know it's good dlc. If it's something you're not really interested in, or if you can find something as good/better for free, don't buy it. That way Bethesda gets good data out of their CC experiment.

Also, if you're tired of ruined barns and warehouses but not interested in building doughnut shops or arcades, I recommend:

Snappy Buildkit (Latest Verison, plus Snappy DLC.)
Settlement Objects Expansion Pack

Between those three you can build just about any type of building found in the base game and then some.

Edit: Shoutout to "Cabin in the Woods," "Thematic and Practical" and "Pre- and Post-War Sanctuary Build Set." They're more specific but they do add complete buildkits for architecture styles not found in some of the bigger mods. The Sanctuary Build Set mod in particular is really complete, with a lot of options, and produces some very satisfying results.

Edited by TheSpaceShuttleChallenger
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