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Skooma: What do you want in Skooma mod?


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I'm not asking for mods. I'm asking what you want in a skooma mod.


I want to be able to buy and sell to NPCs but not all NPCs.

I want NPCs driven to steal to get their skooma fix.

I want special effects when taking skooma.

I want a random chance not to get a effect, get a greater effect, get addicted, get a good effect, or bad effect all based on how addicted you are to skooma.

I want a drunken master like perk but for skooma. Drunken Master is a Jackie Chan movie you babies, ask your parents about it.

Rival dealers willing to kill you or work with you.

Ability to get caught If a guard catches you buying or selling.

Ability to payoff some guards with skooma. Maybe get more time if you try it on a good guard.

Many different forms of skooma.

Lite on visual effects. Some of the mods have effects that hurt my eyes.

Balance of rewards and negatives.

Be able to make skooma.

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a hidden chance to passout and find yourself in a daedroc realm of Elswhyr (the size of soulcairn) where you find yourself polymorphed into miaq the liar//or a mudcrab. where the npcs are all either nonhostile talking mudcrabs / mini-giants / horker / giant-chickens / mini-netches / mammoth sized frost spiders. the hostile npcs are yarl clones using strictly archery, moving yarl chairs with guard npc dialogue talking about arrow to the knees. the only way to escape is to die at which point you wake up from your skooma trip.


summary: pretty much what you'd expect from a psychedelic trip.

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There is one existing mod I kind of like, where it focuses more on downsides.. I think it puts a magicka and health regen penalty after use.. except for a week! I'd rather edit it to 1 day. Skooma in vanilla is useful enough. I suppose it could use some flashy tricks (speed boost or something), but what it really lacked is the downsides.

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