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Well well...


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I was going to post a comment on a mod (can't remember its name) made by Phyber to raise awareness of the direction in which Bethe$da and the rest of the gaming industry is pointing with MMOs... and when I press the submit button, *poof*, the mod and its thread are completely gone, zilch, nada.

There was no abusive language or fighting words, so that's clearly not the reason. Looks like you're not allowed to have an opinion over here unless it conforms to everyone else. NexusMods is not different from Beth's forums after all.

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um, if the mod and thread was simply gone "when you pressed the submit button" it was likely due to some other reason than whatever you were trying to post.
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That couldn't be further from the truth friend.


Nexus does not allow trolling or flaming. If you are able to state your opinion on a mod that constructively criticizes the mod in one facet or another you have absolutely nothing to fear. However, if you decide to take it into your own hands to start personal attacks on the mod (i.e. trolling or flaming) then you can expect a reprimand. You are very much allowed to have an opinion here if you are well mannered and polite about it, but I think the phrase "Correlation does not imply causation" strongly applies in this situation.


Not to mention, there are multiple possible reasons for the mod no longer being there (tying back to correlation is not necessarily causation).

Edited by kingtitan
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I second what kingtitan said,the nexus staff removes posts that have the potentional to turn into a flame/troll war and considering the way you speak about "Bethe$da" as it would be a sin to want to make money, no wonder it was removed.
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I second what kingtitan said,the nexus staff removes posts that have the potentional to turn into a flame/troll war and considering the way you speak about "Bethe$da" as it would be a sin to want to make money, no wonder it was removed.


Except for the little fact that as I said I didn't post any comment...


Did any of you read what I said? The mod was made "by Phyber", to "raise awareness", I wanted to post a comment but I couldn't. There was "no abusive language or fighting words". Hope it's clearer now.

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I second what kingtitan said,the nexus staff removes posts that have the potentional to turn into a flame/troll war and considering the way you speak about "Bethe$da" as it would be a sin to want to make money, no wonder it was removed.


Except for the little fact that as I said I didn't post any comment...


Did any of you read what I said? The mod was made "by Phyber", to "raise awareness", I wanted to post a comment but I couldn't. There was "no abusive language or fighting words". Hope it's clearer now.

Well then you should have atleast quoted him or put his post into the " "...hard to tell what is your post and what was his, you know.

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However, the ultimate bottom line remains: Just because you couldn't post a comment doesn't necessarily mean you are personally being censured.

Exactly. Its one thing if you make a post, and then 5 min later when you check back it has been removed. But if the whole topic was gone just as you tried to press the "submit" button, then that is obviously because of something else that happened earlier.


Also, even if they did have a problem with what you wanted to write, there would no reason to remove the whole mod or thread. Not to mention that the comment section is a no-strike zone, so if you did do something that a moderator thought was wrong, you would already have been banned.


On a side note, I have badmothed both Bethesda, Bioware and steam on different occasions on these forums, and my messages have never been changed or censore or the like.

Edited by amycus
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So this is a pure troll thread about unfounded, loose speculation and accusations? First, did anyone get banned? If so, you can find a post about it in the Forum Rules and Strikes section which states why the person was banned. In this case, the user Phyber is not banned, so why are you even talking about that?


Second, if a mod disappears, it is either because the author takes it down, or because it breaks the site's rules. Do you know for a fact that it wasn't the mod's author who removed it? If you don't know, maybe you should find out before you start hurling accusations around.


Third, not having seen the mod in question or in any way accusing Phyber of anything, the way you describe the mod it sounds as if it wasn't meant to add to or improve the game for anyone, but instead it was simply a vehicle to express personal opinions on some topic. That is clearly not what the Nexus is for. If everyone made "mods" to, as you term it, "raise awareness" on subjects they object to, the site would very soon degenerate into something very different from what it is now. There are several sections of the forums where one can express such opinions.


Furthermore, as amycus states, the site does not censor threads or users who express negative opinions on Bethesda's actions or the company as such. In fact, you can find thousands of posts around here doing just that--some of which are more level-headed and substantiated than others.

Edited by No_Aardvarks_Allowed
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I don't even know what a mod to "raise awareness" is or how it would work. Sounds to me like someone posted this "mod" which really wasn't a mod so it got removed. Mods aren't for raising awareness or discussing issues, that's what the forums are for.
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