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Companion recommendation?


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I come to the realization that most companions are the same. The barrage of companion mods to download, the ability for AFT to recruit companions, Immersive Wench to have more companions ... The good companions I am using are Recorder and Sofia, each give quite a different personality that make them come alive (and immersive). It makes other companion mods feel quite lifeless and pale.

I wonder if anyone know any other decent companion worth having? Maybe a voiced male companion?

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Kaiden is pretty much the only companion I've found worth having. Admittedly, I've never tried Inigo, so I don't have any opinion of that one, but many have claimed he's a good in-depth companion. I know there are a number of custom-voiced male followers available in LE, but sadly the vast majority haven't been ported.


Can't say anything about the few billion female followers, as I would never bother with them.

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Thank you for the recommendation and sorry for the late reply.


I downloaded Kaiden but still unable to find him. Need to read the fine print. Also it doesn’t help I recently restarted my game, due to mod conflict, corrupt save, etc...


Inigo, when I made myself to read the fine print and go find him, he is aosbolute fabulous. And for most male players out there, you do want him. Don’t presume he is not a sexy female companion and you don’t bother with him. He is going to be your cool buddy. I really like the dialogue to adjust aggression in combat and also a choice between melee or bow. Although no magic. My limited experience with him, to put in comparison with Sofia and Recorder, he is the least annoying. Recorder (not counting her personality) is quite annoying with repetitive commentary. Sofia is more “intelligent” but she HAS to respond to every comment the guards make without fail. “Sweet roll”, “arrow to the knees” comments. Maybe it is intended by author that Sofia just have to vocalize and force feed her companions every opinion she has. In that regard, Inigo seems very smart and supportive, role playing wise.


I will check out Aurora and Ambriel. It’s a bit harder because there are so many female companions, all with pretty screenshots. It’s really not easy to weed through the large selection to find gold.


I tried this Japanese voiced follower too. But aside from the novelty of Japanese voice, she feels very unrefined comparing to my top 2 female followers.

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