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Skyrim - Deliverance (Story)


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The Beginning of the End


My icebound shackles clung against the metal cage that has imprisoned me for the past year. My end is near, the last feelings of regret and remorse swelled within me. Nord blood is the only thing that is running through my veins, keeping me from freezing to my core. The dragging of the executioner’s keen axe rung throughout the vast and snowy mountainside alarming everyone of my fellow prisoners. All of the captives around me made their final wishes and prayers to Sovngarde. The scrawny prison guard pulled out his keys with a shaken grasp, slowly unlocking all the cells until they all were open.


“Everyone out!” the executioner spoke with a harrowing boom.


The group of people gradually crawled out of the lined up cages, with their last trace of energy. Taking only their prayer books with them.


“Move Nord!” the prison guard bellowed.


With only my shackles and tattered cloth I advanced through the shallow cage door. The only sound to be heard was the grotesque sound of heads being hacked off. I was lost in a combination of guilt and remorse, I had drown myself in these feelings only to lose time while my fellow prisoners met their demise.


“Don’t make me call you again….Nord” the executioner growled with contempt.


At that, a heavy shaft collided with my back giving enough force to propel me onto the blood soaked stump. With my final prayers to Sovngarde I accepted my death. With my face down on the stump, I heard the sound of the executioner heave.





Thanks for reading guys, I started writing this the other day and felt like I should share it, if people like it ill keep writing. Here's the link to my blog that the writing will be up on first. http://skyrimdeliverance.tumblr.com/

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Excellent! Am looking forward to reading more! :thumbsup:


Kudos! :thumbsup:

Edited by Maharg67
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