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Game crashes when I enable any extra esp.


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I'd guess that means I have too many mods - but I still have 20 or so I still need to enable, and I have done this on this computer before and It worked, I even saved the mods that worked just to prevent things like this. Do I need to make a new Merged Path, and if so.. How? I forgot.



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First thing first check for any know mod compatibility issues and load order problems, then try to disable all of your plugins and see if it crashes, one of the mods you are trying to enable probably isn't compatible with a current mod you have. Tell us your result and we'll try to help.
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The Vanilla game works fine, and whichever extra mod (doesnt matter which of the 20) it always crashes when I enable an extra one, I think the load order is fine as I used BOSS, but after using BOSS I had to fool around abit as it kept tossing the Merged Patch around, The mods all worked together before I backuped my entire game folder, I'm not sure why it wouldn't anymore.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Don't use Enhanced Children and Killable Children at the same time.


Don't use FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced.esp if you're using the FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (Broken Steel).esp version, which you should be using since you have Broken Steel.


Don't use MMM - Zones Respawn since you're already using FWE, which has this option enabled already by default.


Looking at this:

[X] EnclaveCommander-Steel.esm

[X] EnclaveCommander-OA-Steel.esm

[X] EnclaveCommander-OA-Pitt-Steel.esm

If I'm not mistaken, you only need the OA-Pitt-Steel version of Enclave Commander among the three of them. I don't think this would cause a crash, but it's a bit redundant and adds more things for the game to resolve.


It's strange that some esm files are loaded below the esp files that need them. You really need to use BOSS on this list again.


Also, don't just use BOSS and ignore the produced log file. The BOSS log will tell you about some other incompatible mods we may have missed.


Lastly, are you running the game via fose_loader? You have a whole mess of mods that require FOSE, and running without FOSE is very likely to cause a crash at this rate.

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Unless you have done a master update with FO3Master Update, you have .esm mixed with your .esp. You need to move them to the upper part of your load order with the other .esm, keeping the Fallout 3 .esm at the very top. Also, in order for your Merged Patch.esp to do anything, it must be activated.
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