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First, you hit that little white button next to the 'A'. Then, you get welcomed to the forums and told not to spam. After that, you spill the blood of a dozen men as your mad lord Cmac commands. Oh, and, uh, hi. I'm only a minion.


EDIT: I didn't think you diserved a generic greeting from me, you used all caps and double posted :P

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Hi there - welcome to the forums, have fun and don't spam... seems a little late for that though ;)


Follow the others tips and you'll do fine here... always a good policy to read the rules on a forum before starting to post.

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We'll excuse the unfortunate start as ignorance. We all begin ignorant. Most (though sadly not all) progress and grow in wisdom. Chill, have fun, join role plays, add your 2 cents to debates and keep a low profile if the mods are in a bad mood! (Not me, I'm NEVER in a bad mood.)
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