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What is it with Obama's face during speeches?


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And tell me what you really think?

What I really think? OP basically said "Obama's face looks weird, ITT Obama bitchfest."


But the political reality is that this year we're going to vote on who will represent America to the world – who best represents our national ideals. On the one hand we have Obama, who rocketed from political obscurity to be the first goddamn black president. Took positive steps toward health care reform, allowed federal funding for stem cell research, made the first official statement in support of gay marriage, passed the Matthew Shepard Act after eight years in limbo, passed the Lilly Ledbetter Act, suggested and passed the Dodd–Frank Act, ended the Bush torture program, got us out of Iraq. On the other we have Mitt Romney, someone who

, looked him in the eye, and told him that he doesn't deserve basic human rights because he's gay. The whitest of white breads, who was born a millionaire and rode that cloud of privilege straight to the GOP nomination.


So people are saying that Obama doesn't match our national ideals, and Romney does perfectly. And they just may be right.




Sure, sure, Obummer has done some good things, but compare that to the crap he's ruined and made worse and you'll get a president who either gets out of the White House or the American population will begin to heavily decrease.


Look over Obama's negatives and tell me, does his positives make up for them? NO.

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Yes, Obama has imperfections. If he were running against the Perfect Man I'd vote against him in a heartbeat. But he's not, and I won't. Obama has encouraged good progress in a lot of areas, which is more than I can say for a lot of presidents, let alone candidates. That's good enough for me.


Really, if your biggest complaint about Obama is that he has a weird face, then he must be doing quite well.

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President Obama was a man who was hyped by the media into being some sort of a super being. He is a man, who happens to be black, who happens to be liberal. He stated what he was going to try, when he was running and the country had their chance to pick him or walk away then.


He is an idealist who's ideals were not suited for the times we are in and his agenda bears that out. i would ask you guys one thing though. Would he be the health care bill be in the Supreme Court right now, if the stimulus had worked and we would be looking at 5% unemployment instead of 8%.


He is a man that tried what he tried, because he was devoted to an ideal and now he is reduced to grasping at what he can and that isn't much. He isn't a saint. He isn't a demon. He's a man with a dream and tried to make it come true. Whatever your political leanings you can't fault him for not being consistent. I can't say that for very many other politicians, these days.

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Yes, Obama has imperfections. If he were running against the Perfect Man I'd vote against him in a heartbeat. But he's not, and I won't. Obama has encouraged good progress in a lot of areas, which is more than I can say for a lot of presidents, let alone candidates. That's good enough for me.


Really, if your biggest complaint about Obama is that he has a weird face, then he must be doing quite well.



I can't stop laughing right now.


The thread was originally devoted to discussing why he makes such odd faces. It wasn't at all a complaint. It's clear to me you read the OP and moved to the last page. Obama's "encouragment" was raising our spending limit, launching un-needed attacks against Iran, making it illegal not to have health care and fining those who can't afford it, increasing unemployment rate the highest I've seen it since the Great Depression, trying to focus more on the oil prices than gas prices (which is one of the most stupidist things he's done), refuse to raise the taxes on the rich even when they DEMAND that they want higher taxes (that would benifit more people than a communist resource plan would), lower military discounts (I deserve more for my service), help countless banks file bankruptcy, support a cop who attacked innocent people on Wall Street, and because his disapproval rating has gone up so much he took insane measures to decrease it (eg, support gay marriage) even though all the promises he'll make will all fade like they did in 2008.


I voted for Obama, not realizing at the time he was a liar and would only make the country worse. He says it's all Bush's fault when he continues to add fire to that flame and make everything worse. If we could go back in time, I know for a fact that Obama would never have been elected. I'd rather have McCain in office even though he was as bad as Obama, but at least we wouldn't have a liar in office.


Must I go on?

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And you would rather vote for someone who would do all of those things and more?



I've already voted for RP, but other than that, I don't HAVE to vote. If I don't want to support either Romney or Obama, I don't have too, and I won't.

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I think you have some of your information wrong..... it was the repubbies that refused to raise any taxes at all, and they still won't, even if it is repealing a tax break, that most economists agree, is bad for the american economy.


McCain isn't liar? Really?? He's a politician, I think it goes with the territory. Politicians lie. They ALL do. ESPECIALLY on the campaign trail. They tell us what they think we want to hear, so they can get elected, and then all of that goes out the window. I haven't seen an honest politician in decades.

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I am curious as to when we attatcked Iran?


Also, one thing that should be understood, you dont vote, you should not complain about who winds up in office or what happens during that term, it is your DUTY to exercise your rights.


That isnt aimed at anybody, that is aimed at us all.

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Also, one thing that should be understood, you dont vote, you should not complain about who winds up in office or what happens during that term, it is your DUTY to exercise your rights.

Though I am loathe to be on the the same side, I must concur with the Khan's statement....it's duty and a privilege that has been dearly paid for. If you don't vote then you should sit tight and shut up for four years.

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Also, one thing that should be understood, you dont vote, you should not complain about who winds up in office or what happens during that term, it is your DUTY to exercise your rights.

Though I am loathe to be on the the same side, I must concur with the Khan's statement....it's duty and a privilege that has been dearly paid for. If you don't vote then you should sit tight and shut up for four years.



If I don't vote, I still can express my opinion. It's called the "third party," something I am apart of. If an American doesnt vote, it means he doesn't support anyone who is running, and thus will express why he doesn't like any of the racers.


Think of it as the Super Bowl. Someone doesn't want either team to win, but he still says why they both suck. So, if I don't vote, I have to shut up and hold my opinion? Last time I checked, EVERYONE was entitled to his opinion.


I say I don't want to vote, and apperantly I loose my rights to say why I don't want to vote. I voted for RP, who never won, and thus I really don't want to vote because if I do, a terrible person will recieve my support, even though I don't support him. Where's the reasoning in voting for someone I don't like and don't want in the office? Why support someone I don't support? Just because I am an American, I HAVE to support someone running for president? If so, then I'll be ashamed to consider myself an American when everyone around me doesn't care for what this country was forged around.


If I say I won't vote for Obama, I have my reasons and will NOT support him or vote for him. If I say I won't vote for Romney, I have my reasons and will NOT support him or vote for him.


Give me a valid reason why I have to vote for one of two people I do not support and don't want in the office.

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