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Restricting debate content is cowardly and pointless


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At this time I will take a moment to point-out that no one has addressed anything I have said or offered a counter argument of any kind. Every response thus far can be reduced to a variation on "You can't fight in here, this is the war room!"

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At this time I will take a moment to point-out that no one has addressed anything I have said or offered a counter argument of any kind. Every response thus far can be reduced to a variation on "You can't fight in here, this is the war room!"

You are missing the point entirely. Its Robins house, you abide by Robins rules, or, you don't get to visit.

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At this time I will take a moment to point-out that no one has addressed anything I have said or offered a counter argument of any kind. Every response thus far can be reduced to a variation on "You can't fight in here, this is the war room!"

You are missing the point entirely. Its Robins house, you abide by Robins rules, or, you don't get to visit.


I don't miss that point at all. I am simply not talking about that.

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At this time I will take a moment to point-out that no one has addressed anything I have said or offered a counter argument of any kind. Every response thus far can be reduced to a variation on "You can't fight in here, this is the war room!"

You are missing the point entirely. Its Robins house, you abide by Robins rules, or, you don't get to visit.


I don't miss that point at all. I am simply not talking about that.


But 'that' IS the point. The rules are in place for good reason. Don't expect them to change because you don't think they are 'right'.

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At this time I will take a moment to point-out that no one has addressed anything I have said or offered a counter argument of any kind. Every response thus far can be reduced to a variation on "You can't fight in here, this is the war room!"

You are missing the point entirely. Its Robins house, you abide by Robins rules, or, you don't get to visit.


I don't miss that point at all. I am simply not talking about that.


But 'that' IS the point. The rules are in place for good reason. Don't expect them to change because you don't think they are 'right'.


It may be YOUR "point" but it is not mine. Your entire argument, judging by the absence of counter-argument and the contemptuous ‘how dare you’ attitude you are expressing, seems to be that questioning the way something is done (assuming it’s to your liking I suspect) is inherently illegitimate and that anyone who would do so is acting from a place of malevolence. THIS is my problem with these kinds of formats and why I have broached the subject to start with.

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At this time I will take a moment to point-out that no one has addressed anything I have said or offered a counter argument of any kind. Every response thus far can be reduced to a variation on "You can't fight in here, this is the war room!"

You are missing the point entirely. Its Robins house, you abide by Robins rules, or, you don't get to visit.


I don't miss that point at all. I am simply not talking about that.


But 'that' IS the point. The rules are in place for good reason. Don't expect them to change because you don't think they are 'right'.


It may be YOUR "point" but it is not mine. Your entire argument, judging by the absence of counter-argument and the contemptuous ‘how dare you’ attitude you are expressing, seems to be that questioning the way something is done (assuming it’s to your liking I suspect) is inherently illegitimate and that anyone who would do so is acting from a place of malevolence. THIS is my problem with these kinds of formats and why I have broached the subject to start with.


Creative interpretation at its best.


So, you are advocating for open discussion on any topic with no moderation? You state that folks with trollish intent will simply be ignored? That folks will pretty much 'self-police' themselves here? That is laughably inaccurate. The reason this section is moderated, albeit, very lightly, and that certain topics are banned, is BECAUSE folks will get into 'heated arguments' (putting it politely), and it just turns into a circular argument, and insults. There is no 'debate', nothing is accomplished, aside from providing some interesting reading material for the internet voyeurs. It happens damn near EVERY time, with hot-button topics. Religion, abortion, (as religion plays a heavy role there) gun control, etc.


If you want open, unmoderated discussions on such topics, don't expect to find it on a GAMING forum. There are places out there for just such discussions, but, you will find that they also have their own set of even more arbitrary rules..... If you don't subscribe to the 'majority' opinion there, you don't last long.


In all reality, we are LUCKY that there is a 'debate' forum here in ANY capacity. The powers-that-be here frequently considered just shutting it down, because discussions of the nature you are proposing, are simply too much bother for the moderation staff. (and this forum DOES need to be moderated..... I have no doubt about that at all.)

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At this time I will take a moment to point-out that no one has addressed anything I have said or offered a counter argument of any kind. Every response thus far can be reduced to a variation on "You can't fight in here, this is the war room!"


No one has offered a "counter" argument because there is no argument to be had. There are rules, Robin makes then, he instructs us (the moderators) on what he expects, how he expects it and when he expects it. If you want to argue with Dark0ne about how he runs his site feel free to contact him directly. But if you expect anything to change about how we handle the debates section moderation I'd say your are barking up the wrong tree. The only change I think we would ever be likely to see is Dark0ne finally deciding to rid himself of this section all together.


So, no, no one has address anything "specific" you said because either it is completely not applicable to this private website located in the UK or that Robin has decided how to run this, well, since before I came here over ten years ago. Go ahead and talk to him directly if you don't like it or have ideas you think are better. Good luck!

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I'm always amused at the 'freedom at any price' advocates who incorrectly assume that some form of natural civility will prevail once the shackles of debate restrictions are gone. ......... :ohmy: :laugh: Needed a moment to stop laughing.

What actually occurs is more akin to Lord of the Flies than Peter Pan debating earnestly with his opponent Capt. Hook. I consider myself a restrained debater but that has not stopped me from diving off the deep end when faced with what I perceived as prolonged neural incapacity of other debaters. Defined limits are useful tools when there is no gavel to silence the mob with it's blood-lust up mid debate. Last but by no means least, Nexus is Robin's house..so he gets to make the rules. The rest of us are just along for the ride much like the two mosquitoes debating how to 'alter the course' of the elephant that they are sitting on.

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I'm always amused at the 'freedom at any price' advocates who incorrectly assume that some form of natural civility will prevail once the shackles of debate restrictions are gone. ......... :ohmy: :laugh: Needed a moment to stop laughing.

What actually occurs is more akin to Lord of the Flies than Peter Pan debating earnestly with his opponent Capt. Hook. I consider myself a restrained debater but that has not stopped me from diving off the deep end when faced with what I perceived as prolonged neural incapacity of other debaters. Defined limits are useful tools when there is no gavel to silence the mob with it's blood-lust up mid debate. Last but by no means least, Nexus is Robin's house..so he gets to make the rules. The rest of us are just along for the ride much like the two mosquitoes debating how to 'alter the course' of the elephant that they are sitting on.

Yeah, the folks that think their 'freedom of speech' applies EVERYWHERE....... Even in foreign countries. (which Nexus qualifies as..... oddly enough.) Of course, I have been seeing that argument as long as I have been participating on forums too. :)

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I don't see the point in creating a thread that introduces an argument about the rules of a forum with those who are only members here and as such are powerless to change either the forum or the rules, even if those same members have issues with said rules.


No one needs to defend policies made and implemented by those who have taken up the responsibility to provide a place in which people can come and discuss ideas and those who assume otherwise are free to create their own website where they can test their own theories at their leisure.

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