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TES Future Debate.


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Always stay ambitious my friends :)

But anyway, tes games come out five years after eachother so Tes VIII will be released in 2026, and who knows what science is capable of doing then. Didn't they made some kind of computer chip the size of a atom recently? If that's. true, who knows...


Elder Scrolls: VR. :happy:


Who knows? Only time will tell. The one thing I don't want is for the ES series to turn into a fantasy action game (a la Mass Effect 2). Please keep my ES games in the RPG format, thank you very much.


I've been getting a vibe ever since Skyrim came out; when does something have too many sequels? Some of the worlds most memorable games are memorable because of just that: there were very few of them. If you have multiple products that are so similar, they start to lose their uniqueness (a la Call of Duty/ Every multiplayer FPS game within the last 10 years; regenerating health, chest-high walls, etc.).


Oh, and it's 7 atoms across, not one. That would be impossible to create. :thumbsup:




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Always stay ambitious my friends :)

But anyway, tes games come out five years after eachother so Tes VIII will be released in 2026, and who knows what science is capable of doing then. Didn't they made some kind of computer chip the size of a atom recently? If that's. true, who knows...


Elder Scrolls: VR. :happy:


Who knows? Only time will tell. The one thing I don't want is for the ES series to turn into a fantasy action game (a la Mass Effect 2). Please keep my ES games in the RPG format, thank you very much.


I've been getting a vibe ever since Skyrim came out; when does something have too many sequels? Some of the worlds most memorable games are memorable because of just that: there were very few of them. If you have multiple products that are so similar, they start to lose their uniqueness (a la Call of Duty/ Every multiplayer FPS game within the last 10 years; regenerating health, chest-high walls, etc.).


Oh, and it's 7 atoms across, not one. That would be impossible to create. :thumbsup:





Skyrim IS a fantasy action game with some RPG elements. That's about it.

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Personally I didn't really like Skyrim all that much. I do acknowledge that Bethesda did an incredible job with the graphics and whatnot, but I don't know, it just felt lacking to me.


It just looks like to me as if they just completely ruined all their current lore making it. I mean, to have the empire basically already in pieces and whatnot, and then adding the Thalmor into the picture, I don't know, I just didn't like it. Not to mention the faction quests, which I completely hated, though I guess I'm not alone in that department.


I also didn't like Oblivion very much for that matter either, but that could be because the province itself was NOT the way it was described. Cyrodiil was supposed be a vast jungle and whatnot, not look like a medieval version of Europe. I thought the character models they used looked horrible, and overall I just didn't like the general feel of it.


That all being said, if I had to guess where TES VI would take place, my money is on Hammerfell. They seem to have a lot of lore already for that place, and it's been talked about quite a lot. Personally I would like to see the Summerset Isles, it's the province I've always wanted to visit the most, but that'll never happen. (my luck)


Oh well, I suppose the Province Cyrodiil mod and Skyrim Home of the Nords mod both look promising enough. I guess I'll just wait for those to be done and help out however I can in the meantime. Well, thats my $.02 on the matter.

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Skyrim IS a fantasy action game with some RPG elements. That's about it.


I'm not talking about Skyrim specifically, just the ES series overall. As TES has branched out it's audience base, radical changes have been made to it.


My point is not that Skyrim is not an RPG; my point is that after something is re-hashed to death, it loses it's uniqueness, and it just becomes another one of those, "which one in the franchise is this?"


All good things must come to an end.

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What a great way to start a morning. A bottle of beer, a cigar, and posting on a forum involving TES. And I call myself a marine?





TES will die sometime, but not anytime soon. I was heavily satisfied with Skyrim, loved it like I loved Morrowind (without mods). Bugs? Fixable in the console. Sure, wastes time, but hey, who gives a crap?


I think Bethesda should give another company the chane to assist in making TES, but play a small part (that way if it sucks, Bethesda can come in and replace it) so we get to knw some new companies. Sledgehammer helped with MW3, and what did the COD community learn? It was a horrible company and we shouldn't trust them.


I can see TES going to the Summerset Isles to face the AD, but nothing else until we get more lore.

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In order for PC gaming to advance.... we have to wait for the next-gen consoles to come out....... I don't think there is a single "PC exclusive" title out there any more.

Which is a very unfortunate situation to be in for everyone.


I was having a look through the released mods and found Unlimited Tamriel.


in the description it mentions that "Bethesda has integrated some parts of Morrowind's and Cyrodiil's landscape in Skyrim", so maybe they will expand the playable area in DLC.


here's hoping :D

It was only LOD data. The actual landscape doesn't exist.


LOD data is low poly models and low res textures.

my point is that with that already in the game Beth wouldn't have so much to add to open up the TESV world a bit.

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It being in the game doesn't make much sense to me.


The white gold tower being in makes no sense at all.


Even if it was just a land mass for a DLC, why would they have a low res texture of the white gold tower?


Kinda wondering why that happened.

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I personally think the white-gold tower and the morrowind heightmap are just jokes of bethesda, or easter eggs, or the man who is behind this just had time left.

That is probably what makes the most sense.


Another idea is that part of the land was done for the 3d map. The white gold tower could of just been a easter egg, but if it was a easter egg why didn't they at least make it look a bit nicer?

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