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Help me upgrade my computer


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If you are trying to upgrade your computer, go with the 1080ti ( it is expensive ) or wait for the next Nvidia video cards. Your rig is not just about the video card but a combination of a lot of things ( hardware ) that must match all together to get the best out of your video card. With a 60Hz monitor and the Nvidia 1080ti, IMHO, it is not worth it. There are other games that run very nice and smooth above 60 Hz and the next generation of games will run above 60 fps so I think it is necessary for you to think about buying a new monitor and if you wait while saving, we will have soon in the market new monitors that are a dream.

This game and Skyrim are the best out there but as JimmyRJump said, their engine is crap and not matter how good your rig is, you will never get a constant fps above 60 and you will never avoid sometimes, to have some kind of stuttering and CTD's. Their engine really sucks because I have been playing for example The Witcher 3 and Dark Souls III for months and I have never had any CTD playing in Ultra settings. Save money as much as you can and jump directly to either the 1080 or the next video card generation. Happy gaming !

Since he wanna stick to 1080p, the 1080 ti is a bit over the top..

Your rig is not just about the video card but a combination of a lot of things ( hardware ) that must match all together to get the best out of your video card.

Depends not only on the hardware..
It's not like u have for exmaple to buy an i7 if u wanna run a 1080 or 1080 ti, but again, depends.
Higher res is up to the gpu anyway.

There are other games that run very nice and smooth above 60 Hz and the next generation of games will run above 60 fps so I think it is necessary for you to think about buying a new monitor and if you wait while saving, we will have soon in the market new monitors that are a dream.

Next generation games will run above 60 fps.. Uh.. yea..
You can even run last- und current-gen with more than 60 fps.. And well, no It's not rly necessary.. maybe worth to think about it, but not necessary.
It also depends on so much other stuff like the playstyle, genre and so on, also buying the matching one, not just some random or cheap 144hz screen.

We alrdy have some nice screens with a dream quality (so far), just expensive.

Anyway, op should upgrade other things first, I doubt the oem pre-built is a great base for future upgrades.

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Some folk seem to confuse frames-per-second with the monitor's refresh rate. A 60Hz TV or monitor refreshes its picture 60 times per second, regardless of the frames-per-second rate at which the GPU renders the game. Even when you unplug the GPU and the monitor stays black, the monitor will keep on refreshing its picture at the same 60Hz rate.


Problems can arise however when that fps is way higher than the monitor's refresh rate and you can get so-called screen tearing. That's why V-Sync was invented: to set the fps to the same amount as the refresh rate to prevent screen tearing.


But there's loads of games out there that can give much higher fps than 60 on a 60Hz TV/monitor without any screen tearing at all.

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Some folk seem to confuse frames-per-second with the monitor's refresh rate. A 60Hz TV or monitor refreshes its picture 60 times per second, regardless of the frames-per-second rate at which the GPU renders the game. Even when you unplug the GPU and the monitor stays black, the monitor will keep on refreshing its picture at the same 60Hz rate.


Problems can arise however when that fps is way higher than the monitor's refresh rate and you can get so-called screen tearing. That's why V-Sync was invented: to set the fps to the same amount as the refresh rate to prevent screen tearing.


But there's loads of games out there that can give much higher fps than 60 on a 60Hz TV/monitor without any screen tearing at all.


Hi JimmyRJump, I saw in your previous post that you recommended to install ENBboost. I've never used this mod but it does look necessary to avoid stuttering and keep the game running as smooth as possible. I do have some questions if you do not mind to help please :


- I use Vsync with my Nvidia card and monitor ( up to 165 Hz ) and I setup my monitor to be at 144Hz, so I am getting between 35 and 144 fps depending where I am in the game. I saw the ENBboost install video in YouTube and I see that you need to set your fps in the .ini file after installing the mod, so my question is, base on my video card ( Nvidia 1070 8gb ) and RAM ( 16gb ), what would be the number to choose so I can choose the correct VideoMemory usage for my game ? He said to keep VideoMemorySizeMb = 4096 below this number …. how do I calculate how much I need based on what I have in my rig please ?


Thanks so much … :cool:

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Dont know if someone mentioned it but, go to the location where you have low FPS, open the console and type:




It should say previs disabled. Then type it again and maybe it says:


Enabled. But disabled for this cell.


This means you have a mod or ini setting that disabled precombined meshes.

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Rule of thumb for setting the amount of RAM to be used in the enblocal.ini is amount of RAM plus amount of V-RAM minus the amount of RAM the operating system needs to fully function. Win7 needs about 2.7GB; Win10 some 3GB.


In your case that would be 16GB (RAM) + 8GB (GPU) - 3GB (OS) = 21GB that can be allocated to the game. I myself (with the same amounts of RAM and V-RAM) have 12288MB filled out in the enblocal.ini.


As far as fps goes, for games like Skyrim, Skyrim SE and FO4, I'd set the fps to 60 to avoid large differences between max and min fps.


Don't tinker with precombined settings when using mods like Scrap Everything, Spring Cleaning, No More Disappearing Act, etc. or those mods won't work any longer.

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