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I cannot install any mods using OMOD


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I load up OMOD, I create the omod files (or use the ones already omod-compatible), they appear in the list as installed, no error message popus up, I make sure they are activated, everything seems fine and dandy.


But in-game, nothing changes. The mods simply don't appear.


All the omo-related searches I made turned out people compainign about error messages or something, but I don't get even those.

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Anticipating an answer of Windows 7 or Vista, here's a link to Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure. Don't miss the link near the top about moving your Steam install location and don't skip the registry cleaning step ... it's important.
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Well yes, it happens to be Windows 7. But I'm reading that reinstall procedure, and I'd like to point out the game works just fine, except for the lack of mods.


Unless you're saying that reinstalling the game will allow mod manager to work, since I admit I haven't tried that yet.

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Well yes, it happens to be Windows 7. But I'm reading that reinstall procedure, and I'd like to point out the game works just fine, except for the lack of mods.


Unless you're saying that reinstalling the game will allow mod manager to work, since I admit I haven't tried that yet.

The Windows 7 UAC prevents "unauthorized" alterations to anything installed withing the Program Files directory. Unfortunately, mods fall into the "unauthorized" category and the UAC prevents them from working. Installing Oblivion to a directory outside of Program Files (such as C:\Games) will bypass the UAC issue and allow mods to work.

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