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Vault 76 NEW thoughts


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OK. Here goes... What if Vault 76 is a MMOG where all mods are either banned or bought. What if it is a Massively Multiplayer Online Game where Beth makes money from micro transactions. What if that's why it's named "Vault 76." It's not named FO5. It's a wholly different game.


If you think about it, it wasn't named by accident. It wasn't even named as Fallout.


Maybe we're all over reacting to what to us is an insignificant release of a Fallout MMOG that has no impact whatsoever on either TES or FO.


They've got Elder Scrolls Online. Kinda makes sense they've have a Fallout online, when you think about it.


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What if that's why it's named "Vault 76." It's not named FO5. It's a wholly different game.


If you think about it, it wasn't named by accident. It wasn't even named as Fallout.


It's not called Vault 76, it's called Fallout 76. I highly doubt it's going to support more than 8 players or so. I can't see the creation engine being able to handle the larger numbers in something like Rust or Ark, those worlds are incredibly simple compared to what we see from Bethesda's engine. If there is multiplayer at all expect it to be coop, or at least small scale.


What I could imagine is something like what No Man's Sky attempted, where people can upload their settlement designs and they'll be chosen from randomly to appear in your game, so every settlement is pre-built and different for every character you play. That might be a reason to block at least some mods.

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players will always find ways to build penises. it's therefore always a bad idea to upload user content without review/moderation. That would be another reason for me to never buy it, I don't want to see a wasteland full of penis settlements.
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players will always find ways to build penises. it's therefore always a bad idea to upload user content without review/moderation. That would be another reason for me to never buy it, I don't want to see a wasteland full of penis settlements.

Lol, very true, though I would assume the upload would be an option, not automatic, and they would be evaluated by someone. I mean, they try to moderate the mods at beth.net, but I guess that's been a bit hit or miss.


They would also have to have some sort of vanilla layout, or a few of them, already made when the game launches, so they could probably have an option for "Bethesda only" settlements.

Edited by jkruse05
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OK. Here goes... What if Vault 76 is a MMOG where all mods are either banned or bought. What if it is a Massively Multiplayer Online Game where Beth makes money from micro transactions. What if that's why it's named "Vault 76." It's not named FO5. It's a wholly different game.


If you think about it, it wasn't named by accident. It wasn't even named as Fallout.


Maybe we're all over reacting to what to us is an insignificant release of a Fallout MMOG that has no impact whatsoever on either TES or FO.


They've got Elder Scrolls Online. Kinda makes sense they've have a Fallout online, when you think about it.



Wonder if it will be a smaller clone of GTAO. Where you have to wait ages to login to a server. And when you finally do, be the lone PvE gamer who gets thrown into a lobby instance with a bunch of feral, psychotic, juvenile, immature PvP randoms with the emotional maturity of a 5 year old.

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OK. My bad. "Fallout 76." Still the idea that it's outside of the single-player franchise is, I think still valid. Why kill what's already making them money, if they can simply branch off and make new money?


I think it makes perfect sense.

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OK. My bad. "Fallout 76." Still the idea that it's outside of the single-player franchise is, I think still valid. Why kill what's already making them money, if they can simply branch off and make new money?


I think it makes perfect sense.


Lets hope they are smart enough to do that. Have games designed for those twitchy multiplayer console types with access to mommies credit card. Fleece those idiots and leave the traditional RPG-ish style titles for their other customers who made them what they are today.


But Bleh-tesda hasn't shown themselves to be very smart (or honest) in the past so my expectations are low.

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Wit the name Fallout 76 and all of the leaks saying that this is some sort of multiplayer game, I don't expect this to be the next game in the Fallout series. I fully expect this to be some sort of multiplayer branch.


This doesn't mean that anything they do on this branch won't affect the main Fallout series.


Online multiplayer games don't work very well when different players have different mods installed, so you can make an argument that Fallout 76 (if it is an online multiplayer game like the leaks are saying) needs to have mods restricted to a controlled single source like Creation Club. However, if they are successful with getting all of Fallout 76's mods restricted to CC only, that might encourage them to do the same with Fallout 5 and the next Elder Scrolls game as well. This is more than a little worrisome to those of us who really despise CC.


As for their customers who made them what they are today, they already turned their back on a good number of us by making Fallout 4 a shooter instead of an RPG. Right now a lot of us are feeling like Bethesda doesn't give two hoots about all of the old-school Fallout fans and they are tossing us aside so that they can make more money in the casual gamer console market. There are a lot of old Fallout fans like me who will be very reluctant to purchase Fallout 5 unless we see proof that it has gone back to the Fallout RPG roots first. Instead of doing something to assure us that they actually do have some loyalty to their old fan base, Bethesda seems to be instead branching off in other directions, leaving us to wonder if we'll ever see a proper Fallout RPG from Bethesda ever again.


I personally don't like online games, so if the leaks are true, I probably won't have anything to do with Fallout 76. I didn't play the Elder Scrolls Online either. These games do affect people like me though. Bethesda doesn't have an infinite number of developers. If Bethesda is devoting resources to Fallout 76, they aren't devoting as many resources to Fallout 5. Not only will it take longer for these games to come out, but when they do finally get around to making Fallout 5 and TES VI, I fully expect those games to suffer from a lack of resources, so they'll be buggy as all heck and side quests will be severely underdeveloped. And if FO4 is any indication, they'll slap together some crappy DLC which was also rushed out the door, and they'll charge an arm and a leg for it, just to add insult to injury.

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The thing I keep coming back to with the Creation Club and free mods in the context of a multiplayer game is that if you think about it, they both actually share some of the same hurdles to overcome. For example, what happens if a player that doesn't own Creation Club mod X plays with a player that does own X? On PC, the first player wouldn't have the files for that mod. Consoles, yeah, they have to download everything, but after the crapstorm that ensued when the CC was downloading everything to everyone's games, they changed it so that you only get the files if you buy the content. So is player 2 going to be firing a silent, invisible gun on player 1's screen? Are they going to be wearing invisible clothing and interacting with their completely invisible settlement?


What's the solution here? Go back to forcing PC players to download everything and risk repeating said crapstorm? Not to mention that if you're going to give players everything they need except the key to unlock it, they'll find a way to pick the lock (example: Payday 2's infamous DLC unlocker). Make it so that you can only play with people that have identical Creation Club purchase histories? What's the difference from free mods at that point besides the money in Bethesda's pocket (which I'm aware is a big difference, but I'm speaking purely in the context of logistics right now)?


I'm really interested in seeing Bethesda's plan here, because it seems like a logistic nightmare to me.

Edited by Tukster
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