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Vault 76 NEW thoughts


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Maybe we're all over reacting to what to us is an insignificant release of a Fallout MMOG that has no impact whatsoever on either TES or FO.


They've got Elder Scrolls Online. Kinda makes sense they've have a Fallout online, when you think about it.



It makes sense in that it follows the same strategy pattern as Skyrim. Yes.


But, I don't think it's an over-reaction for users to express disappointment. It was our dollars that turned Bethesda into a wealthy company. So, when they turn around and hand the keys over to marketers who want to milk their titles instead of focusing on what users want (more releases faster) it should be called out.


My feeling is that its really just too late with Bethesda. I'm looking for other companies/titles to fill the space of moddable open-world games. Hopefully someone like ProjectRed does that.

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Oooo, a modded cyberpunk ) yes please. If the game is anything near as good as witcher 3 that would be amazing


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I'm not watching it myself, but I've heard supposedly Todd just mentioned in a live interview that Fallout 76 will offer a "private world with mods" type of deal at some point post-launch, so at least they were smart enough to not entirely abandon mod support. I'm sure some will argue that it's still a step in that direction, albeit a smaller one, and I wouldn't necessarily disagree. It is more than I was already expecting, however (which was no mod support at all), which helps restore some of my interest. Edited by Tukster
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Maybe we're all over reacting to what to us is an insignificant release of a Fallout MMOG that has no impact whatsoever on either TES or FO.


They've got Elder Scrolls Online. Kinda makes sense they've have a Fallout online, when you think about it.



It makes sense in that it follows the same strategy pattern as Skyrim. Yes.


But, I don't think it's an over-reaction for users to express disappointment. It was our dollars that turned Bethesda into a wealthy company. So, when they turn around and hand the keys over to marketers who want to milk their titles instead of focusing on what users want (more releases faster) it should be called out.


My feeling is that its really just too late with Bethesda. I'm looking for other companies/titles to fill the space of moddable open-world games. Hopefully someone like ProjectRed does that.


"marketers who want to milk their titles instead of focusing on what users want (more releases faster) it should be called out."


Well... "more releases faster" is not the solution either, in fact it's just another chunk on the pile of problems.


For starters I would be totally satisfied with a BGS single player title with RPG elements that doesn't have bugs in every single quest stage.

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I am very happy to be proven wrong. Private servers and mods will be available for FO76 sometime after launch. :smile:

"Sometime" includes that figure eight on its side = infinity = NEVER. At least in the sense you hope for.


For Todd to allow 'private' servers, Fallout 76 would have to allow play WITHOUT the master server which records player progress and map instance state. Clearly this could not happen unless Fallout 76 bombs, and Beth essentially gives up on it. This is possible, and not without precedent at a tiny number of other companies, but it is vanishingly unlikely at current Beth, even with a 'Solo' level bomb.


No, Todd is just telling the safe disingeneous not-lie that fans are foolish enough to want to hear.


The TRUTHES Todd has stated today matter infinitely more- namely even now Beth has no idea how the game should work and are still "dialling" (there word not mine) it.


It's a new engine (which everyone here seems to have missed, but was explicitly stated at the E3 conference)- a modern 'land-first' engine (which in many respects is dumbed down over the Fallout 4 one). There seems to be mesh compatibility (or conversion)- so those 'mods' Todd mentioned are just furniture etc for the very simplified settlements.


Fallout 76 was designed from the ground up as a RUST-clone intended to be "game as a service" (for which Rust is VERY badly matched). 100% of initial fan concern seems to be about 'griefing', for whch Todd today had literally no answer. For Todd admitted no griefing = "no drama" (his words) and thus literally no point to the 'game'. But the average Fallout fan is a "cry-baby" gamer, so would never tolerate 'griefing' for fun.


Rust (and similar) appealed to hard-core, bring-on-the-griefing gamers.


Anyway you don't seem to understand Fallout 76. You CAN have a private server from Day one. Say a game instance has 24 slots. Then you INVITE 23 friends to fill the other slots, and while each of you 24 players keep the same characters, the ONLY people on 'your' game are your friends. This is how all 'clan' type games can work.


What you cannot do is run a instance with less slots than Beth's min limit, which will be "in the dozens" (Beth's words). If you cannot invite friends they'll always be randos. I think while you keep the same character, you keep on the same instance- but no-one even knows enough to ask Todd this question, so clueless are most people about the actual implications of Fallout Rust.


If mods come, they will be Creation Club (and paid) only. I guess it is possible Beth will allow you to PAY to play on an instance with fewer player slots too. For a game 4/5ths finished, Beth showed a LOT of concept art only for Fallout 76 dungeons. Paid-for post-release dungeons may well be called 'mods' not DLC.


The game the naive still try to image here could only happen if Fallout 76 fails, Beth writes the title off, releases the APIs and master server state/save formats and data streams, provides the new editor and documentation, and tells the community to go wild. But honestly, THIS Bethesda will never do this.


Fallout fans should go on Youtube, call up Beth's E3 conference, and listen to ALL of it very carefully. When Todd talks about the total number of players of that mobile Fallout Shelter nonsense, and states that it had more 'players' than every proper Beth game combined, he literally gets 'excited' in a way more normally associated with the bedroom. Beth now despises the old-school single player games - we are the PAST- sad old 'losers' that current Beth 'heroes' must be very careful to tune out.


That 12-year-old griefer in Fallout 76 screaming down his mike at you, and placing his character in your way whenever you try to move is Beth's new target audience, not you or I- for he represents the future.


PS you may, with good reason, say "that 12 year old already has COD and a raft of other game IP too. Why does Beth have to take MY beloved Fallout IP and give it to him as well?". Beth is a mega-rich company. With ZERO risk it could have found a third-party dev and had another traditional Fallout 4 game made on the same engine (like NV to Fallout 3). Only pure spite and a conceptual loathing of the core audience of Fallout 4 explains why Todd refused to do this.

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Yeah I am seriously skeptical on it. Even if they do allow private servers, how much of a pain in the butt is it going to be to manage? I suppose its possible, I understand there are some great RP neverwinter nights servers using custom mods..


I just have a hard time seeing a fallout game, lacking any npcs generating that sort of interest. Christ, its like they read my mind about Skyrim and Fallout 4's quests sucking and decided to just get rid of it all. Before anyone jumps down my throat about quests still being available in 76, I ask you to name *one* quest that lacked npc interaction that was memorable. Frankly, the only quests that come to my mind are radiant quests in skyrim, memorable only for their tedium.

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I am very happy to be proven wrong. Private servers and mods will be available for FO76 sometime after launch. :smile:

"Sometime" includes that figure eight on its side = infinity = NEVER. At least in the sense you hope for.


For Todd to allow 'private' servers, Fallout 76 would have to allow play WITHOUT the master server which records player progress and map instance state. Clearly this could not happen unless Fallout 76 bombs, and Beth essentially gives up on it. This is possible, and not without precedent at a tiny number of other companies, but it is vanishingly unlikely at current Beth, even with a 'Solo' level bomb.


So they release a server tool, like hundreds of games in the past, and have the character and instance data stored on the host computer when a server is tagged as private. Something like Minecraft? Ark? s***, for being called a Rust-like Ark is the perfect example of the same type of game, with both mods and private server support. Log back into a public server? That's fine, now you use your none-modded character from the master server. Again, just like Ark (although yes, your character is technically stored on each server individually, still not a big difference).


Why would it be unlikely at the current Bethesda? The Bethesda that knew better than to brand an experiment as the next primary title in a franchise (it's not Fallout 5). The Bethesda that also announced that two traditional single player games were in the works at their studio. The Bethesda that makes self-deprecating jokes about their games at their own E3 show and interviews. Why can't we wait a year or so and see if something good can come of the whole fiasco instead of jumping on the hate train before anyone's even touched the beta? The same people said New Vegas, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 weren't going to get mods because they weren't available right at release, or were on a new engine, or whatever, but they did. This is a standard model for Beth at this point. They aren't stupid, they know that mods push the longevity of their games, and support for them is only going to increase sales. Calm down, give them some time, and if they truly don't deliver, then you can blow your top.

Edited by jkruse05
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