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Can I run Fallout 4 with this PC specs


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(Hi,im really new this in forum so if i open this thread in false location please warn me)


Hi,i'm want to play Fallout 4 but i'm not sure about my pc(laptop) specs.Someone can help me ?


If i can run this game how much fps can i get ? (w/some low spec mods)


My pc specs ;


Windows 10


Intel®Core i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40GHz


8.00 GB RAM


AMD Radeon 7600m Series

VRAM :2028 MB

Shared Memory : 3840 MB






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Processor should be good, but if you get into 3GHz territory, that will be great (I'm running an AMD FX Black Edition 8150). As to the videocard, I've got an MSI Lightning 2 (Radeon 6970, 3Gb of VRAM) and I'm running on low settings. I do have 32Gb of RAM which helps. In your case, if you can get the memory to 16Gb that would be better.


As to mods, I am not using any that do too much to the graphics, though I dod get the high resolution texture pack from Bethesda and some of the mods are using 2k textures. As for my framerate, I'm running at 1920 by 1080 (not near the full resolution of my monitor) and things seem to be running at a good speed. Switching to workshop mode does need a long press on the v key, but that's how Bethesda set it up.


Hopefully that helps you.

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You'll be able to run the game, sure, but it's a laptop with a 7600M GPU. So, don't expect too much.


That 7600M is less powerfull than its desktop counterpart and that in itself is a weaker GPU. A lot depends on the last two digits of a GPU, but you don't mention that. In 7600, the first digit indicates the family (release type), the second digit indicates the class within that family (top tier cards start with 79XX, mid range with 78XX and lower tier with 77XX. anything below that isn't really considered a gaming GPU). The last two digits indicate the power of the card within their class. 7970 being top tier, 7870 being mid-range and 7770 being low tier. Again, anything lower than that shouldn't be considered for gaming purposes. Desktop GPUs always have a zero at the end of their numbering. Some laptops have a five at the end to indicate they're in-between two types of card.


On the other hand, it depends what resolution your screen has. It probably doesn't have 1920x1080, so, that's an advantage. When using graphics mods, stick to 1K and 2K ones. Certainly never use the HD DLC for the game. Badly optimised and a laugh compared to what you can get in the form of mods that are way lower resolution and look way better than vanilla AND the HD texture pack.


Have a look at Hein84's Vivid series for starters. Way better looking than vanilla and the HD Texture pack.


Be aware that FO4 has RAM spikes of 10-plus GB. So if possible, add some RAM to that laptop. As is, you might want to check ENBoost. It's a tool that fools the game into thinking that System RAM is V-RAM (video RAM; the amount the GPU has).


To know how high you can go, add RAM plus V-RAM and subtract amount of memory the operating system needs. WIn7 uses 2.7GB, Win10 3GB. In your case, that would be 8GB + 2GB - 3GB = 7GB. So, when using ENBoost, you can fill-out 6144 to 7168MB in the enblocal.ini...

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I had the HD 6750 1gb back in 2013 and it could barely run ultra modded Fallout New Vegas...

and that pos is about 90% faster than the 6700m

It's a 7600M, not a 6700M. Besides, we don't know what kind of 7600M we're dealing with. Could be anything from a 7610 to a 7670...

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I had the HD 6750 1gb back in 2013 and it could barely run ultra modded Fallout New Vegas...

and that pos is about 90% faster than the 6700m

It's a 7600M, not a 6700M. Besides, we don't know what kind of 7600M we're dealing with. Could be anything from a 7610 to a 7670...


sry typo... the link i provided is a comparison between 7600M and HD6750 1gb

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I had the HD 6750 1gb back in 2013 and it could barely run ultra modded Fallout New Vegas...

and that pos is about 90% faster than the 6700m

It's a 7600M, not a 6700M. Besides, we don't know what kind of 7600M we're dealing with. Could be anything from a 7610 to a 7670...


sry typo... the link i provided is a comparison between 7600M and HD6750 1gb


Again, the moniker 7600M isn't a specific GPU but a series. In that series you have a whole bunch of GPUs, from the very weak 7610 to the strong 7670. That comparison you link to makes no sense as such because it isn't specified what type of 7600 has been used. Plus, that comparison pits a laptop GPU (M-series) against a desktop GPU. Normally, anything from the 7650 up will be equal or faster than the 6750 since the 7000 series is an upgrade from the 6000 series.


To my knowledge, only the 7670M has 2GB of V-RAM and it should be on par with the 6750, even the desktop version of the latter.

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You can but stay at low shadows. Sliders must be all to the left. Lower most settings. FO4 has fps problems not even a TITAN Volta can overcome (and that's for vanilla). TLDR runnable at mostly low. Watch out for the resolution as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry guys i downloaded game but i forgot to share results with you are here is there ;


- in fact i have more photos but the site can handle only this photos -

I'm using lights remover and Insignificant Object Remover(gr off)

The game fps changing 20-50-60 but the game fully playable for me.

Lights remover mod is very usable for indoors before that mod the game in indoors really laggy

and so so so thanks for your helps guys.

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