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Consequences of Manually Changing Form IDs in FNVEdit?


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Hey, all! So, let's say hypothetically that I'm super-OCD and it bothers me that the Form IDs in the plugin I just made aren't in sequential order. Are there any negative consequences to manually changing them in FNVEdit? For example, if I have entries with the Form IDs xx000ADD, xx000ADF, xx000AE0 and xx000AE4, will it screw anything up if I manually change them to xx000000, xx000001, xx000002 and xx000003 respectively?

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It's the gaps in the numerical order that bother me - like for instance if I build a cell and then decide the room's too big and so I delete some walls, the Form IDs of the walls that I deleted are gone forever and I'm left with a jump in numbers between the ones that I kept. Oftentimes, when I finish making a mod, I'll start over with a blank plugin and re-create everything, but this time dragging things into the render window in the order that I want, and if I screw up, I have to scrap it and start over. It's very time-consuming and I was hoping that I could cheat by doing whatever I want at first and then re-numbering everything later in FNVEdit so that it looks neat and tidy.

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I'd say the solution is dealing with your OCD itself. I never had it really bad, but bad enough when I was younger. It absolutely gets worse the more you give into it. You probably already know that, but that's really the best solution to this. Just leave the Form IDs as the editor makes them, even if it feels horrible to do that. Just try to forget about it.

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Yeah, that's what I'm doing now anyway - I try to ignore the messiness and tell myself that nobody is going to look at the Form IDs, as long as the mod works. I was just hoping that changing the Form IDs in FNVEdit was a viable solution. Since it's not, I'll have to let it be.

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